Questionable game play for USA!

this inconsistency in gameplay is one of the major problems in Warthunder. my first shot hits the strv 121 in the side of its hull at point-blank range, Rather than getting killed he points his gun and kills me through the front of my tank.This should never happen .Every time i shout that tank in the side of its hull it should be dead . wheater its the first battle of the day or the 100th . shouldn’t make any difference ! Why the let these crazy resultes in the game is beond me . One spends all that effert to get in position to ket a kill then be reworded with getting killed by a tank that should already be dead . WHY warthunder , why do this .The only thing that is worse are these nutty uptiers .Separating tank and planes by capabilites and then jusrt mix them back altoghter . Makes no sence

the first two are where my shot hits his tank [ kill shot] .the third is the results ,me getting killed . what do you think? grammarly syop workilg ,sorry for the spelling


Here’s what I don’t understand…

… why do people keep bloody aiming for the mid-point of these MBTs? (including Russian ones even with the autoloading mechanism there). You’ll more often than not have a better time aiming more forward:


You shot at a horrible place….

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Your was perfectly aimed if you wanted to take out his loader and engine.

same reason that people aim for center mass at a gun range, its a big easy to hit target that does a lot of damage

Did it? Anyway, in OP’s case - it took him more effort to aim for the middle than if he had have just shot closer to him.

often times yes it does but then again sometimes the tracks just absorb things they shouldnt