this inconsistency in gameplay is one of the major problems in Warthunder. my first shot hits the strv 121 in the side of its hull at point-blank range, Rather than getting killed he points his gun and kills me through the front of my tank.This should never happen .Every time i shout that tank in the side of its hull it should be dead . wheater its the first battle of the day or the 100th . shouldn’t make any difference ! Why the let these crazy resultes in the game is beond me . One spends all that effert to get in position to ket a kill then be reworded with getting killed by a tank that should already be dead . WHY warthunder , why do this .The only thing that is worse are these nutty uptiers .Separating tank and planes by capabilites and then jusrt mix them back altoghter . Makes no sence
the first two are where my shot hits his tank [ kill shot] .the third is the results ,me getting killed . what do you think? grammarly syop workilg ,sorry for the spelling