PZH2000/HU is a bit op for 7.7

Laser range finder, pretty fast reload rate and its an artillery, it basically shred every tank at its BR. Id propose for it to move to 8.0, lmk what u think


Some times you need a strong vehicle to keep the environment healthy. What I mean the balance shouldn’t be always balanced. At long time ago, Ikv 91 used to be one of the two earliest vehicles with laser range finder at 7.7, it got moved up to 8.0 and before the addition of the PzH2000, only the ZTS 63 held this position. Now the earliest APFSDS shell if I’m not wrong at 7.7;

I don’t think PzH2000 should be any higher at its current situation, reported by the majority of the community which wants improvement to the PzH2000, it seems to be missing ammo and spall liners, if it at some point gets its ammo and specially accurate spall liners, it’s a good idea moving it to 8.0.


PZH isn’t OP, but when it gets it’s deserved L15A2 and SAP shells with proper spall liners I’d say it should move up to 8.0 as a direct competitor to VIDAR. Until then, 7.7 is fine.


ZTS63 had a LRF, but it also has 85mm apfsds that might aswell be a pine needle and heatfs that has the spall of a 37mm ap shot.

On the other hand, PZH 2000 has a 155mm HE shell that is capable of one shottiny every tank at its br, similar to the Type 99, PLZ05, and Vidar.

All these vehicles should probably move up .3 in br.

Just because a vehicle isnt modeled correctly does not mean it needs to be babied.


Fixed it :)

Since the Update dropped i play pretty much PzH, and its a fun as hell and I agree fully that it should be 8.0 (i had never so many Nukes in such an short time)

Why? What constitutes a “strong vehicle”?


Because it’s a repeating cycle and you’re never reaching the full “balance”. It’s like the food chain thing, at some point the vehicle can’t go any further because it can’t fully perform at that BR by the majority of the players or go down because it will outperform majority of the players.

But honestly, I’m saying this for the sake of the people who struggles to play the PzH2000, in my opinion, few people could easily use it at 8.7.

Nobody is asking for it to be 8.7 though. I also don’t see how what you said means we MUST strive to have these outlier vehicles

I may be talking goober…

Once it gets L15A1/A2 and the spall liners its missing sure, definitely shouldnt be at 7.7.
In its current state its still bit undercooked. When it gets its accurate capabilities tho 8.0 or 8.3 should be fine. (Imo VIDAR is still kinda low for the fact it gets thermals and LRF)

Its still a paper thin kinda unwieldy arty with slower target acquisition than VIDAR on account of the thermal, so you can still kill it pretty quickly (especially if you are able to get close with anything with an autocannon, even the M163 completely shreds it) and the turret is a giant weakspot cuz if you hit the right side of turret youll fully disable it since thats where the gigantic FCS is and on the left side its very easy to explode it since the powder charges arent protected by the door so any damage will most often than not result in an explosion.

OP. Lmao.

  • Size of a Maus with armour of a light tank
  • -2 Depression. Extremely limited locations / map areas suitable for it
  • Giant forehead. when coming over hills, people can shoot you long before you can shoot them.
  • Gigantic FCS module covering the entire side of the tank. 1 hit and it cant move turret or fire.
  • Gigantic ammo rack. 1 hit and it goes supernova.
  • Get’s absolutely hard countered by autocannon / recoiless gremlins.
  • One of the few SPH’s to not have a fiddy cal to deal with those gremlins.
  • No fiddy cal means it cant destroy many walls / objects obstructing the target.
  • Missing spall liners that PLZ has at the same BR.
  • Missing L15A2 that Type-99 has at a lower BR
  • Holes in its armour model means any artillery landing nearby will damage crew / overpressure.
  • Is 1 shot anywhere by MBT/Heavies, which you can only destroy by pixel sniping cupolas in return.
  • HE Overpressure is an extremely inconsistent mechanic. Often shells do nothing.

When i play this thing. I would honestly say 95% of the time i would be better off just playing a normal 7.7 MBT / Heavy / Light. The gimmick of having High RoF HE is just so insanely situationally niche when it comes with all these weaknesses.


I haven’t fought this thing yet but if it’s anything like bkan/m109/etc the problem is that what actually ends up happening an unfuriating amount of the time is you fire at these lightly armored SPGs, your shell doesn’t fuse, and exits the other side only killing a few of the large crew.

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Nah. This thing is alot easier to destroy / cripple.

Things like Vidar / M109 / Bkan don’t have the ‘additional modules’ modeled. PzH does. Any hit on the right side (Left as you look at him from the front) will break the FCS. He won’t be able to turn his turret, elevate or fire.

It’s also got one the biggest ammo racks in the game. The shells are all in the middle of the hull, and the charges take up the entire back side of the turret.


oh then yeah it has zero survivability. Anything that has that new “feature” is useless at taking shots. It’s extremely annoying to have such a giant gap in durability in game with these vehicles.

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PZH is one of the worst vehicles I ever played. Its like a derp gun vehicle at very low br, but this one is dead serious at 7.7 with nothing than 155mm HE (a low BR shell type). All these heavy tanks are immune when you hit their main or side armor, you have to precisely aim for spots where overpressure might work.

While you have the size of the bus without armor. Even rifle cal MGs might penetrate you. Its meh, except for one of these truly big maps where your laser range finder matters.

Edit: Jesus, another close combat factory map. Its so lost.

Lemme guess, you are stock?

I like Artys :)


it is pretty damn busted man, the vidar is also still under BR’d where it is. all of these SPAAG should get all their kit and sit at a more respectable BR not dogging on ww2 tanks cause gaijin wants to arbitrarily nerf em

yeah most of medium tank at around >7.3 BR can easily get rekt by artillery, the laser range finder is also pretty much R+click the giant ammo rack can also be solve by just bring <28 shells

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Not needed. It’s no where near OP.


It is absolutely sharting on 7.7, it got its reload buffed (so it should have)
Hell even seen a few of then in top tier doing gods work.

Realistically it should go up to maybe 8.0.
No doubt it go up due to the amount of good players using it as well.

Edit: im not saying its OP which is quite a strong term in gaming balance thats thrown around a lot, but i do believe it is benefiting from 7.7 more so than comparitive spaa.