PZH2000/HU is a bit op for 7.7

PzH is fair and Balanced

Frankly, if we’re happy with this at 7.7 we should send the Vidar back down.


then move a lot of other stuff back down to 7.3 as well causing extreme compression again.

lol dude, if you know how HE in the game fuctions, these artillery pieces are deathstars. Oneshot machines.


arties are not that funny anymore if they lack the rangefinder ;)

It should go to 8.0, considering the VIDAR is at 8.0. Trading thermals for a faster reload is basically what the Pzh is, so it should be moved up.

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VIDAR has thermals, and that fire rate is not the major improvement you think it is.


idk, i just got a 7 kill, 0 death match with the pzh2000 and the firerate is extremely important. It allowed me to get multiple targets before they notice me and take down enemies that haven’t been disabled or killed yet.


Your skill in one match is not evidence of a vehicle being OP.

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The only issue is because German or China has such kind of SPG at 7.7, once France or British get a similar thing, they will move to 8.0 as quickly as possible XD, PZH2000 has become the best Heavy tanks killer in the game now, 5s reload time is faster than most of tanks at this BR


fire rate is a major improvement


1 second advantage is brought up alot at top tier when it comes to the type 10 with its 4 second, compared to 5 seconds on others.

If the PZH reloads in what is it 7.5 seconds? then its 5 seconds faster than the T29 at 7.0

same fire rate as an aced Tiger 2 SLA which is not shabby at all.


Not only that, Japanese tanks are autoloaded meaning that 4s is constant no matter what, while most others (not including Leclercs) will have 1s longer reload in perfect conditions (full Aced crew, ready-rack available, loader alive).

The same thing applies to PZH, it’s reload is 5/7.5s constantly, while VIDAR can reload in 6s in best case scenario (ready-rack available + loader alive).
Having 5s reload at that tier is massive.

I think it’s just Alvis’ usual contrarian post at play.


Reload Rates for Artys as of
Type 75 HSP:

  • 10 sec for 18 shells
  • 20 sec afterwards


  • 7.5 sec for every shell


  • 13.33 sec for 15 shells
  • 17.77 sec afterwards


  • 13.33 sec for 16 shells
  • 26.66 sec afterwards

Type 99:

  • 7.5 sec for every shell


  • 7.5 sec for 2 shells
  • 11.89 sec for the next 58 shells
  • 23.78 sec afterwards

PzH 2000:

  • 5 sec for 2 shells
  • 7.5 sec afterwards


  • 6 sec for 2 shells
  • 9.89 sec afterwards

Bkan 1C

  • 3.2 sec for every shell

Apart from some French tanks and the Strv 103, I don’t think anything else that’s common has a reload that quick.

Combine that with the best one shot potential out of anything at that BR, and you get a tank with very good firepower.

It isn’t fair that something with an extremely fast reload, with a very capable gun, can face 6.7/7.0 tanks. It’s also a pain to face at higher BRs because it will almost always out reload you.


Object 906 will outreload it consistently, but apart from that I don’t know about anything else.

LRF gives those HE slingers a lot of lethality as your every shot will be perfectly ranged so misses on stationary targets will be very rare.

It could go to 8.0 at the moment if you ask me, and with more decompression it should be at 8.3.


Yeah and laser range finder and quite anti air capable too
Overpressure is very op


gets a stab as well does it not ?

The fact it can chap off two rounds before most people can fire and reload at those BRs is pretty nuts.

Its also got a faster sustained fire rate than an expert crewed chieftain a full BR bracket higher than it.

It will inevitably go up in BR when the next bR changes come around and people ill as usual inevitably cry about it.


It’s only for the MG I think.

Same old WT.

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The PzH? Yes and no, because the Stab is ONLY for the Commander sight

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