Pz.Sp.Wg.P204(f) PaK: No, Give It Back!

Can we please please please please do something about these vehicles in Sim. Im all for these kind of vehicles, but ever since the m44 was added to ALL axis nations and Usa and England, late ww2 sim has been annoying. The m44 is not even a ww2 vehicle it is cold war based on the m41 bulldog chasis.

Im really tired of vehicles being added to the same tech tree but left that way in sim, WW2 sim was my last haven when i could really enjoy it, even with the chaffee and m18 being on both sides, i learnt he camos but please, i dont want to have to keep dealing with this.

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Holy copypaste…

And when i finally thought that we are on the way to make tech trees at least even slightly more unique and different from each other

Best solution imo would be to implement domestic alternatives ASAP for example Hummel for Germany and while adding them, remove the M44 and preferably M109 as well from the said nation that had the domestic counterpart implemented. Those M109s/M44s would become hidden like R2Y2s or Panther 2 and never seen again.

Sooo, do I understand that a DF105 equivalent was never actually planned ?
And it took us three years to finally get it ?
That’s… interesting

Great news, for both trees to make everyone happy, and a versatile addition to both of the trees I enjoy.

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Can we confirm this though? I know CaID’s suggestion claims it to be a Vichy French modification, but one of his sources (which is usually pretty reliable) only states that it was found on a road in previously liberated French territory with prior history being unknown.

This is incorrect. Domestic French vehicles with this turret are still within our plans.


@vizender the reason the devs are taking years to slap together an (already in game) AMX-13 chassis and an (already in game) FL15 turret is because they are surely working on a 16K texture resolution!!

(Pls Smin, its a joke)

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May I ask why the systematic asterisk in “french” in your posts?

Unrelated to that, I just hope the french one will have an “escadron Besnier” skin.
I’m happy to have this smol car in both the trees, it fits the two phases of its history.

Sources are telling that this - one of a kind (?) - modification was found abandoned near the city of Nantes. Educated guess is it was left there by german units retreating to an Atlantic pocket (Saint-Nazaire most probably). However the french used it around this particular pocket.
Do we know which unit used it before in german service? A modification by Vichy doesn’t seem likely. Could be a local modification for an Aufklärungsabteilung or a Pz.Jg one ?

Praise where Praise is due

Skink firstly added to GB and now it copy pasted to US which is not bad to fill gaps… from this i suspect to add the longer gun version to germany but this not right now happend sadly…

I intrested in for some minor details if it public :
Which BR is selected for this tank?
Based on short barrel version and sd kfz 234/2 experience at least the BR 4.0 in AB and 4.7 in RB will be the balanced.

What kind of ammunition it will use? It will have a same set as the 50mm kwk L/60 or add some new france ammos also?

All of them were Panhard factory conversions from the 34 MG-only Panhards seized when Germany seized Vichy France. It wasn’t a Vichy modification, the Vichy French were only allowed MG’s… but they tried to get around that with a secret 47mm program (represented in game by a different Panhard). The few that were done for the Germans in time given to Jesser’s force in central France in 1944, and some were seized and reused by The Free French. None were in German service for more than a couple months of fighting the Maquis risings that started around D-Day. Finding one abandoned on the road in that area should be seen in that context.

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All the re-gunned 5 cm Panhards appear to have been given to Sicherungs-Brigade 74 (Aufklärungs-Abteilung 1000) in 1944 and used in central France until German defences there collapsed after D-Day and Anvil.


Can we maybe not have every tree get diluted by each other?


Far from Saint-Nazaire then, but Sicherungstruppen were employed on large areas, it’s a mess to track them precisely.

May I ask the source for your info?

Very useful information, appreciate it.

So the modification was conducted by French factories, but intended for German use, and so regardless of how short a period of time they saw service in the German military, I do still believe that Germany should have first dibs in-game.

DF105 was a joint Franco-German project and should have been in both trees or none from introduction, similarly to a certain large armoured car.



Lmao, this thing will be 2.7 tops in RB. Not even close to 4,7

Just kinda tiring how almost every vehicle is in multiple trees now