We had some discussions about this one as well that have just concluded. France will get the DF105 in this major update as well.
Joint project should always come to the two nations or 3 nations that participated in the project you are doing the right thing and this path should be followed in the future. Like this you’ll avoid any controversy and make everyone happy. A clear win win situation
Why does it have a german name then? I don’t think the french called it that.
see above: * France’s one will have a name change to AMD.35 (PaK 38)
This is great news !
Better late than never I guess. I really hope this awkward situation won’t happen again in the future …
To be fair now, the P204(f) PaK is a German-made modification, that just so happened to be recaptured by France.
In reality, any of these other frankentanks that could be added have no obligation to be added to the French tree had they been recaptured, as the base vehicle was supplied completely involuntarily and is not at all comparable to a joint project such as the DF105.
That’s incredibly good. Thanks to the German community fighting back for a recaptured light tank, we’re finally going to ou DF105 equivalent !
You can thank us Later :)))))))
We tried whining when the DF105 came, but were made fun of by German mains. Thankfully, when the reverse happens, the German whining being far superior helps make things straight :)
Tbf, we didnt cried about the vehicle…
We were when it first dropped a bit bitching about the German name for an vehicle which was planned for france… thats it
And somehow you ended up with it, which I don’t care for, since you have a pretty good claim on it.
welp, everything’s good. Kinda sad we lost 3 years of DF105/105 fl12 turret equivalent, just for it to be added that way tho
At least the AMD 35 won’t go up to an egregious BR since the Germans will be also be using it. Win-win to be honest xD
Fair… still wondering what happend which thw france vehicle which was planned as the france counter to it…
BIG FAT W MOVE GUYS great news for the French tech tree, it certainly needs more fleshing out especially in AA, but damn… that that 10.7 line is probably the saddest sight in game.
Gaijin… are you feeling OK? Doing a good thing?!
Seriously though, this is a great change to the original plan. This update is looking really good!
No clue. They probably completely forgot about it/did not want to deal with it, and when this vehicle came up, went into panic mode and just decided to CP the DF105 because they had actually not planned its equivalent
It’s actually due to the French communities feedback on the DF105 too. We had it planned initially for the next major update. But after further discussions and after the feedback from the AMD too, it was decided to bring both forward.
“German-made” in this case being “100% French-designed by a French company and built in a French factory, but a German WAS holding a gun to their heads while they did it”, but sure.
Still seems a shame to be coming out the same time as the Strasbourg comes to game, commemorating one of the most heroic stories of passive resistance to the Nazi occupation of Vichy there is, but whatever.
EDIT: hidden by flags. Look, I’m only repeating the truth. The 34 vehicles were seized from the Vichy government in 1942. Because the Germans had said Vichy tanks could only have MGs, they brought them back to the Panhard factory in early 1944 and said to the French designers, make a turret for a German 5 cm for these things we took from your government that we’ve just shut down. Or else. The few that were cranked out in time were immediately given to Jesser’s force suppressing the Maquis in central France and all lost or otherwise left there in the summer of 1944.
To call that a “collaboration between two countries” or a “joint venture” as some here have said, is really stretching the word “collaboration.” Yes, it’s a German gun and a radio, granted. But calling it a "“German turret”… Yeah ok.
And if people think any of that’s offensive or political, well, sorry. It’s just the facts of this vehicle’s history.
Whats up with you? You didnt go the “All germany bad” history card befor, this is a game, why are you even bringing such up? It were dark times back then, nor do the fr*nch have had clean hands, many countrys had collonys in africa. What would they say to you?
by french workers with german barrels to the backs of their heads sure