Pz.Sp.Wg.P204(f) PaK: No, Give It Back!

Since it seems like few to none of the 50mms ever made it out of the French factory where, starting in early 1944 they were being upgunned, before D-Day, even the German 50 mm premium we had was always a little sus. We know none ever left France in German hands.

Germans used Panhards in Barbarossa but those had their original French 25 mm armaments mostly. So in this case the Free French Panhard in the tech tree and the existing German premium to represent the possibility of one or two 50 mms that could have got into German hands before the factory was liberated seems entirely appropriate. (Nice of Germany to upgun the fleet just in time for de Gaulle to use them though.)

It was problematic that what was basically a Free French exclusive combo of gun and vehicle was only in the German tree (as a premium) before now. Nice to see it will get fixed up.

If people wanted to make a case for another German Panhard with a 25mm to represent the Barbarossa use, that would seem more plausible. Should probably also be a premium though, given Gaijins current policy that captured equipment can’t be in regular tech trees.

EDIT: just because no one’s mentioned it, ALL the Panhards to be fitted with 50mm were captured from the French when the Germans seized Vichy. So we know the total number that could have possibly been converted (34). And the reason they were being converted to 50 mm was because the Vichy government had been only allowed by the Germans to keep their Panhards if they had their main armament removed, and after seizing Vichy the Germans wanted to put a real gun back on them and use them for crowd control. (We actually have another Panhard in game to represent how the French tried to secretly get around this restriction, which is cool.) And yes, I agree with a previous poster this should be named to some form of “Panhard 178” if it’s going to be in the French tree.

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Yes. France should never get the DF 105

BuWell there are a couple of photos of them in german hands and on a train, so not only in factory.

But either way, german made, so i want it also for germany. :)

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Oh please, dont pull the “germans bad” card.
I dont care, by germany for germany, that its captured material doesnt matter. This is a game.


All those pics are short 5 cm though… which justifies the current “captured use” exception vehicle we have.

The case for a German long 5 cm would be, well, we know for sure the Free French got a few from the liberated factory in 1944, but since those were being rebuilt from captured Vichy stock in France for Germany to steal, therefore Germany could have got a couple of those too, even though there’s zero evidence they did. Got it. Not a very strong case, but you’ve made it. I’ll be surprised if Gaijin bends their game around such a weird hypothetical though.

I think it is quite strange why German mains also want this armored car.

  • German has superior Puma for that role
  • and also has the same captured Pahnard 35 with a 50mm gun but shorter one. ‘which French in this game can’t access and don’t have at all’

Well, in the meantime, I am a bit surprised that Gaijin decided to give this one to French.
I thought this one would also become a German exclusive one, according to the KwK variant with the L/42 gun. :/

If Germany wants this armored car, making a deal with France, (just like Ram II - Skink share trade between US-UK) will be plausible maybe?

  • Giving one of the captured german vehicles to french.
  • And gets P204(f) PaK too.

You didnt specify in the OP.

That sits at Rank II Br 3.7 (deserving Rank III)
This would be 2.7 tops.



How about sharing both KwK and PaK?

C&P will be lame, but KwK AMD35 will be better than AMD35 with 47mm for french, I guess.
And Germans will have 50 L/60 light on lower BR

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Dont know why you quoted that part, of course i mean the Puma.
Yeah, why not i dont care, they used it.
But i also wanna KwK 39/1 for Germany.

Well, Sorry mate,
ATM, I thought you were saying both P204 KwK and Puma as 3.7BR.
I misread and completely mistaken. :|

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Since we getting so many low br light tanks i wish this goober would also come


How though? It was a bunch of French made armored cars, captured by an invading force, given really only German gun, and then retaken by France when the Germans were pushed out. The title of the post is literally has “No, give it back” in it, meaning its French.

New turret, ammo storage and iirc radio, is more than just the gun.

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i wanna see funny german b1
Deux chars français B1-bis surmontés d'une tourelle allemande armée d ...


Tbh that looks like perfect event vehicle. Total trash, but fun and unique

Hey! So we had some more discussions since Smin’s comment (Smin’s information at the time was correct, until we had more discussions about it) and the following will now happen:

  • Germany will get it too, it will be called the Pz.Sp.Wg.P204(f) PaK
  • France’s one will have a name change to AMD.35 (PaK 38)

Thanks for your feedback!


But France still doesn’t get the Deutsch-Franco 105 (DF 105)… ?


You guys could have made it this easy to add the DF-105 to France too @Smin1080p_WT It was this simple…

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