Pz.Sp.Wg. M8 (a)

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I would like to suggest this Standard M8 Greyhound (Pz.Sp.Wg. M8(a) armed with a 37mm gun and .50 Cal M2HB AA Mg, together with the modified MG 151 Drilling one which would create a good Duo in game as mobile small AT/AA Vehicles.

The German army never really had enough vehicles to fill its gaps, as such many captured vehicles, tanks, trucks and other equipment were used as is and/or modified to be better and/or fit a new roll.

While often the more modern/better vehicles were kept as is (usually with own ammo) the M8 is one of those, as light armored reconnaissance vehicles armed with a 37mm gun were well seen, as the standard German vehicles were the Sd.Kfz.222 and 231, which however were only armed with a 20mm gun, which is only better for different rolls and low flying planes, but overall penetration wise weaker and the 3,7 cm Pak only found itself also on the Sd.Kfz.251/10 and unlike the M8 not in a 360° rotating turret.

While for reconnaissaince vehicles 37 and 50mm guns were intended (see Sd.Kfz.234/2) these were often overtaken again by vehicles armed with 20mm guns, as these offered the posibility to shoot at air targets, such as reconnaissance planes, as well as could be used more effectively against infantry, the M6 gun with its Saphe round was perhaps less effective against open targets, tho for that the .50 Cal could still be used.

Overall the M8 LAC/Greyhound was the most significant US Armored Car of WW2 with 8523 build by ford, but also the most mass produced of all time.

The M8 was a development started in July 1941 to replaced the lightly armed and armored M6 GMC, which was not the most ideal in the roll, as it was basically a Jeep with a 37mm AT Gun put on the back with a shield.

Needed was a off road capable, 6 wheel armored vehicle with the Main armarment in a fully rotating open top turret (for good visibility) to be also used as a Tank hunter like the M10 (tho by the time the 37mm gun was inadequat). And a secondary armarment of .30 or .50 cal MG for devence against air and infantry. Overall 3 companies submitted designs, the Studebaker T21, Ford T22 and Chryslers T23 of which after extencive testing until March 1942 the development of the T22 over to the T22E2 won and went into production as the M8 Greyhound, with later also the M20 Armored Utility Car, which replaced the Turret with a fixed superstructure and .50 cal.

While in service it showed less off road capabilitys that expected, its general speed and servicable made it a essential part of the allied arsenal until the end of the war.

Pictures:(Click to show)


The Gun:
3,7 cm M6 gun As found already in game and a AA/GP 12,7 mm M2HB
-10° to + 20° Elevation, 360° Traverse.

The Vehicle:

Armour Front (Slope angle) Sides Rear Roof
Hull 12.7 mm (59°) Upper Glacis
15.9 mm (29°) Lower Glacis
19.1 mm (44°) Upper Plate 9.5 mm 5 - 9.5 mm 6.35 mm
Turret 19.1 mm Turret front
25.4 mm Gun mantlet
19 mm (Additional to mantlet) Gun Aperture 19.1 mm 19.1 mm 6.35

Speed: 91 / 13 km/h
Engine: 110 Hp
Weight: 7,9 ton
Crew: 4

War Thunder Wiki M8 LAC
Private gallery/Auction
WW2 Photos
M8 Greyhound Manual

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I respectfully disagree.

Like you yourself have stated, there are equivalents already in game or that could be added instead.

It could come as a event/premium, but I wouldn’t like it.


Neutral, lots of indigenous german wheeled vehicles to be added first.


Gonna have to be a -1. Captured vehicles should only be reserved for when there’s no domestic ones, and Germany has vehicles which fill the exact same role.

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I voted no because I would prefer to see one of the plenty of wheeled vehicles Germany had in WW2 and join with the existing ones. There’s lots of variants still waiting to be added with 20mm, 37mm and even 50mm and 75mm guns.

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Could the 37mm M6 use German-made APHE ammunition? If so, I think the playstyle would be different enough to warrant adding.

Idk, i have seen posts as yes (for Pzgr. (t) umg.), but otherwise no specific documentation. So i left it out all together.

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soon every nation will have a TT M8, except for the country that made it.

Technically, germany can have like 3-5 of them even.

  1. Captured WW2
  2. Capured WW2 with Mg 151
  3. Normal Bundeswehr
  4. Bundeswehr with 20mm Gun
  5. Iirc, one with a Anti Tank missle.

(Also i do have the USA M8)

Anti-tank missile you say?

why not suggest these. Would be much more accepted

Some are allready, tho i dont really care for cold war and modernish stuff.

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ah ok. Many picture links dont work anymore. But I would prefer these because the us doesnt even have the m8 as a tech tree vehicle and only premium.

At the start of this year Discord stopped allowing external image linking. So a lot of suggestions that used images uploaded in Discord now are full of broken links. The “missing” Discord images are still there, you just have to go into Discord and use the image links in a post.

As for a German M8, I find the MG 151 drilling version much more interesting because it’s uniquely German.

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