PUMA's BR is so high


Whether is it an aspect is not important in the context of my argument. Thanks though, you’ve proven me right.

Then again, you also claimed that the 42% difference in horizontal aiming speeds between CV90 & 2S38 is “barely noticeable”, so I’m not surprised. You had also addressed only the points you could strawman, followed by arguing that cities aren’t for “brawling” (when they are), and then well of course, insult me & others.

Ah - you’re back to writing “stories” about what you believe happened instead of quotes because you seem to not want to accept that holding the most weight/being the most important doesn’t make it the only thing.

It is literally a function of the word itself. It would be meaningless if it implied only one thing.

I said it myself that the horizontal speed of the 2S38 is one small advantage, and explained why, in multiple ways and multiple posts. Again - fully welcome to quote all of them.

But, since you wrote all this:

Which is quite literally just you making up stories and writing outside of context - I don’t think you’re here to actually argue. (Mainly because you have nothing to argue with).

The difference between the CV90s 33deg/s and 2S38s 56deg/s horizontal drive is indeed barely noticeable. You’re welcome to quote my plethora of reasons why.

And, while I was writing - you also edited more strawmen into your argument:

For Jesus’s sake - I LITERALLY tell you it’s gonna be obvious:

And you still do it.

I said “cities aren’t for brawling”? Yeah? I did. But you didn’t quote the whole post. CITIES AREN’T FOR BRAWLING… FOR LIGHT TANKS. It was literally a thread and a post talking about light tanks. If you’re brawling in them, you’re doing something wrong. In fact - I think that’s exactly what I said in that post itself.

You talk about me being a douchebag, but you don’t understand that you literally act far worse when you argue in bad faith. Quote the post in its entirety instead of IRONICALLY making up a strawman of me yourself.

Next post where I have to address your strawman instead of actual points, and I’m blocking you.

Right, so pointing out your hypocrisy in how you approach people’s arguments is writing “stories”.

I said it myself that the horizontal speed of the 2S38 is one small advantage, and explained why, in multiple ways and multiple posts. Again - fully welcome to quote all of them.

Yet at the same time you put gun depression on the pedestal, relegating horizontal & vertical aiming speeds to spots of lesser importance based solely on your own opinion.

Gun handling is primarily gun depression , then horizontal and vertical traverse speeds.

Which was what people got a problem with, you arbitrarily decided to elevate one characteristic above others because, as I said, it fit the narrative you were pushing for.

The difference between the CV90s 33deg/s and 2S38s 56deg/s horizontal drive is indeed barely noticeable. You’re welcome to quote my plethora of reasons why.

This here is the reason why so many people had given up on arguing with you about this. You are given an objective statistic showing 2S38s obvious superiority over CV90 in terms of horizontal guidence, yet, you make up reasons as to why it somehow isn’t an obvious advantage. Lower gun handling speeds a lot of time limit the player’s options when it comes to enganging their target, just as much as having worse depression limits, you have to play much more methodically (something I’ve learned while playing the Type 90s & the pre-buff Leclerc). This was why I even attempted to have a conversation with you, because unlike you, I consider each & every aspect of gun handling to be equally important.

I’ve had baited people before using Leclerc’s new horizontal speeds by rotating my turret back & forth - something I wouldn’t have been capable of pre-buff, so as I see it, ther really isn’t one aspect that’s more important than others, but all of them being more or less useful in different scenarios, ultimately joining together to create what we call “gun handling”.

It is also very noticeable when reacting to flanking targets, or when you’re being pincered by >1 enemy vehicles, or when you’re in a CQC scenario. There is a reason why sometimes people describe horizontal aiming speeds as reacting speeds.

You were simply disingenous in your arguments about this.

It was literally a thread and a post talking about light tanks. If you’re brawling in them, you’re doing something wrong. In fact - I think that’s exactly what I said in that post itself.

Oh really? Whre did you do that exactly, because I can’t find you saying anything even remotely resembling that sentence.

You talk about me being a douchebag, but you don’t understand that you literally ASK to be insulted when you argue in bad faith. Quote the post in its entirety instead of IRONICALLY making up a strawman of me yourself.

So you admit that you’ve willing to break the rules when somebody’s idea about the topic at hand is different, aight. You don’t understand what “argue in bad faith” means either, in fact I could say your drivel about gun depression being the primary characteristic is an excellent example of a bad faith argument.

Next post where I have to address your drivel instead of something actually worth addressing, and I’m blocking you.

Oh no, whatever will I do.


Yep - and they tell me I’m the douchebag…

Only thing I’ll address is this “main” point that you’ve made:

You do realize that I’ve explained why it’s “ARBITRARILY” elevated roughly ~3-4 times. You conveniently thought to write up a bunch of strawman fallacies instead of quoting the multiple paragraphs written on EXACTLY why it is ISN’T arbitrary.

(And most of it is just you screaming at me, with this one thing I’m quoting being enough to encompass your whole post).

Blocked. Clearly no point continuing.

You haven’t called anybody out on anything so far, you’ve however made yourself out to be the type of person I accused you of being, so thanks for that. Now others can see that it’s an actual waste of their day time to argue with you about basically anything.

You do realize that I’ve explained why it’s “”“”“”“”“”““ARBITRARILY””“”“”“”“”“”“”“” elevated roughly ~3-4 times. You conveniently thought to write up a bunch of useless crap instead of quoting the multiple paragraphs written on EXACTLY why it is ISN’T arbitrary.

You’ve explained it in a way that fit YOUR NARRATIVE & SCENARIOS while making up absurd arguments as to why nobody should even consider them to be important in other scenarions via X (“you should be proactive instead of reactive” ← which I and Dinfire addressed as being too idealistic and not grounded in reality of this game), Y (“city maps aren’t for brawling” ← where you didn’t actually mention light vehicles whatsoever, you just subjectively stated they aren’t because otherwise your narrative falls apart) and Z (“they’re for taking advantage of mobility & corners” ← and guess where fast azimuth aiming speed comes in handy?, you’re simply ignorant of what others have to say) reasons.

(And most of it is just you screaming into the void, with this one thing I’m quoting being enough to encompass your whole post).

“I don’t like being called out, so I’ll trivialize all of it”.

Blocked. Clearly no point ever giving you the time of day.

Whew lad, that’s mighty rich when coming from you.

(Especially considering it was you saying that people “shouldn’t believe Western propaganda” and that ZTZ-99 has a faster reload rate than the Type 10, you’re just a mudslinger).


Everyone please ignore that 2S38 fool. He don’t even know what he said

2S38 is a multi-purpose SPAAG, it’s leagues ahead of things like the VCC-60 series, the Bradley, and so on, while being a modern Bagel and 9040.

I’d compare it to something like the EBRC Jag

Until you realize that VCC-80/60 has a 2 second reload with a superior round going the same or faster speed as a 2S38.

Granted, I’m beginning to think that IFVs and auto-lights have major disparity in general.

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God I hate Italian IFVs… I thought we were talking VCC-80/[25/30], not the 80/60.

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I plan on playing my VCC-80/60 within the week.
I want to see how much damage I can do after learning how to use auto-lights effectively.

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I plan on getting the VCC-60 series in its entirety in… 1.3 years?

Italian ground has become a stalemate of 8.0 matches and 6-8k rp per match

PUMA’s turret is nothing but a Chinese new year celebration.


the issue with the vcc is the abysmal reload rate for the ready rack

this is also.the issue of the CV9040s

NO. the vcc takes almost 10 time longer to reload a single round, it is not even close.

You’re funny.


No you can’t post that /s

same goes for driver viewport iirc

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wrong, it cant even take out tracks or barrels efficiently due to bad netcoding in 1 or 2 shots, it takes 3 to 4 to 5 shots

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the puma’s pmc287 is actually missing 0.075 kgs (75 grams) of its actual mass


the velocity is the same, but the resulting penetration is actually 141mm at 0 degrees firing at <10m at 160mms of RHA… not 121mms

this video also reinforces that penetration with a simulation:

in-game, the PUMA is actually really weak

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Its not, the mass ingame is correct, we have a primary source for that and the mass you have there is not the mass of just the penetrator, and thats the only thing gaijin cares about.