Proudest skill of your

Don’t know how I did it and I wished now I had taken it and submitted it to Thunder Show but I was shelling someone with the highly inaccurate guns of IJN Kako…and it took down a plane.

I don’t have any footage of it but my favorite thing to happen in this game is when someone is diving on you and you out turn it so much that the person trying to kill you stalls and flat spins (after the first turn).

My best was almost getting a nuke in the PBV 501 (Swedish no missile BMP), but unfortunately I fumbled that bag with only 200sp to go.
2nd best was 10 kills in the T14 in one spawn. It was a full downtier tho so idk how much that counts.
Most recent and 3rd best was 3 head on kills on F4U’s in the (not premium) Swedish Bf 109, did have the extra 20mm guns mounted so that helped.

i DID get a nuke with the Pbv, unfortunately the game ended right as i dropped the bomb

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Noice, is certainly most unfortunate you didn’t get to drop it.

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Does this also apply here

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I almost got a nuke with the m41 just yesterday but the match was basically over and the enemy team was slowly leaving.

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Has to be my coolest maneuver kill of the year. I’m way too proud of pulling this off without stalling my spitfire.

Shot down a La-5 from about 2-3 miles with a direct hit using an M109. I’ll edit and post the clip later.

Nuke in the completely stock strv 122b+, nuke with the tiger uht and killing the same ka50 twice in one sortie with the alouette back in heli pvp

Gonna put my recent dunks in here to bump the thread. Lots of killing CAS in unconventional ways, its becoming my go-to thing to do:
Shooting a plane with Black Prince
Shooting an SU34 with Black Night
Killing a moving heli with a guided bomb
Killing a fighter with the Barn
and killing a ZTZ96 three times in a row with a TOG
I also got my second-ever nuke in the Tortoise of all tanks

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Gun killing an enemy that was about to strafe me on the runway while I was on the ground. Another 2 or 3 planes came to repeat that and died to rolands/AAA. Clutched the match in a final 1v2 with a final epic and very long dogfight against the old J.35A FM that was incredibly strong while he started on my six

F-16 ADF
Landing on the enemy airfield for the memes and killing an enemy that was about to land before realizing I was sitting on his runway, I managed to take off with a risky horizontal pull to avoid his strafe at the last second and then win the dogfight. Clutched the rest of the game in a 1v3

8 kills in a stock-ish F-16A MLU, nothing weird in that match but I never expected that with an almost stock jet