I never noticed a substantial difference. At least not enough to account for the reload disadvantage. 105mm APFSDS already oneshots very consistently with good aim.
Most 7.3s can kill it fairly easily due to how incredibly weak the turret is to HEAT. It’s actually stronger at a higher tier, since more people tend to load APDS which the turret is much stronger against.
Comparing armor to armor, it’s not even the best protected MBT at the tier, the T-55AM-1 is far more consistetly armored, and gets superior mobility and an LRF, at the cost of gun depression and a slightly weaker round.
It’s also a highly situational vehicle. If you cannot take it hulldown (Something which a wide variety of maps don’t allow), you basically have no reliable armor due to how incredibly weak the hull is.
It doesn’t nessesarily need to move down, but if it doesn’t then the stronger 8.7s need to move up.
They actually promised that it would have a faster reload than the 120mm variant since it was going to be at the same BR, but then that never happened. I’d prefer to buff it rather than moving it down since 9.0 isn’t a lineup, so it’s still going to be used at 9.3/9.7 anyways.
The pronounced drop out of the barrel and sluggish leading after it’s fired makes it far harder to aim than a high velocity HEAT shell like the AMX-30 gets. It’s a struggle to use it while hulldown due to the missile’s desire to slam into the ground if it’s anywhere near the barrel when you fire. It also has some decent recoil, which causes the sight to jump upwards, making hitting targets at closer range rather difficult.
The missiles aren’t particularly agile either, making correcting the aim once you’ve fired difficult compared to more agile ones like the MILANs.
It’s much easier to just lead properly, fire and forget, than poke way out of cover and sit there, waiting for a 500 m/s missile to hit. Especially when you can do that twice for every time the ACRA can fire a missile.
You also say 7.7 is ridiculous for that missile, when it’s already available at 7.3 on the AMX-10M. The only real advantage the ACRA has over that box is a turret and autocannon resistant armor. The 10M is marginally faster, and has a 20mm for defense against lightly armored targets pushing you on reload. 7.7 is entirely concievable.