Proposed ground RB battle rating changes

I mean the M426 round isnt exactly miles ahead of it the DM33 equivelant is still a potent round on the TT merkavas.
So realistically it could do with the m426 then.

Much like the chieftain mK5 could do with teh L15A5 and its actual penetration values. not a Copy and paste L15A3 on the shir 2 with the name L15A5

M426 isn’t better because of the pen but because it has much better spalling.

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I see, I must admit for the isreali rounds im not well versed in them.
i do have up to 9.3 and heading for 9.7 sabra mk1 first.
However i do notice the megach 6C did get more one hit kills, the higher spalling certainly explains that.

Genuinely i though the MK2D had the better of the two.
cant see why it couldnt get that at 9.7.

Or just move it down to 9.3 where it has an actual lineup. I mean the triangles don’t do much for protection and the Merkava Mk.3D is the same thing the 2D is to the 2B yet the 3D is the same BR as the 3B

I get the Sabra is 9.7 and it’s a small lineup but the Sabra shouldn’t be 9.7 anyway and the 2D should obviously not be 10.0

I think they do the Hydra dirty as I got SPAA snipe in 1km away by Gepards and one time by ZSU-23-4 and it was so stupid, they hit one of my rocket pods and goes BOOM, there is no way to hide those thing even when you peek with binoculars lol

the sabra should be 10.0 realistically no ?

Suppose they could do that too. but hten what about the ayit.

I havent touched the hydras man they just get detonated miles away, tis a meme vehicles

Yes, it’s too good for 9.7 in my opinion.

There’s a lot of Israeli vehicles without lineups at high tier (both Namers, Chapparal, the Sabra if you don’t own the 2D), I’d rather the ground lineups BRs be prioritized and then the CAS to go with them.

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I’ve played a little bit of it and the only issue I have with it is it doesn’t carry smoke shells, unlike the 9.3 ones they all carry them, allowing me to get to the power position after I mask the area with smoke, due to lack of mobility there are a lot of places I couldn’t get to with the Sabra but I can with the Gal Batash or even the Chieftain MK10 due to having smoke shells.

I dont see why its 9.7 and the 120S is 10.3, the sabras more mobile, worse reload and turret armour but its still got an 11.3 round and a 6 second aced reload.

agreed, im rocking the 9.3 lineup rn and im unsure what im gonna do with the sabra to be quite honest. like an amx40 situation.

Move the 120S to 10.7 you say? I like lol

not quite but move the sabra up to with the 120s .

the 120s is a slab its super slow and immobile but its firepower at its BR is unmatched for tanks.


Its turret armor and firepower are unmatched.

It gets everything turret wise the M1a1s do, including the reload

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The only dart it outperforms is 3BM25, which is not exactly impressive. It pretty closely matches the ahistorically nerfed M735 performance, which is widely considered the 2nd worst dart at the tier. The German, Swedish and French darts at the tier all substantially outperform it, and they’re generally on better platforms.

The armor is also completely unimpressive. Darts and high pen APDS can easily punch through most of the gunner’s side of the turret at any range, while even 90mm HEAT (Which is very common at 7.3) can pen the majority of the turret. Even APHE can get through the driver’s port/turret ring, or cupola. That’s not even touching the hull, which is complete butter.

They just need to give it the reload buff they promised.

The ACRA is just a worse AMX-30. The ATGM pens more, but it substantially harder to use than a simple HEAT shell, which basically won’t fail to pen anything that the ATGM can also deal with. You also get half the rate of fire, and lose the 20mm. It could easily be 8.0, and arguably even 7.7.

The APDS for the chieftain is substantially heavier, and has as far as ive seen higher post pen damage.
the 8.7 French tanks are only held back by no stabiliser if they had stabs they could potentially be 9.3 vehicles.
on top of that , the chieftains themselves should not be seeing 7.3s at all the mk3 when it goes down to a 7.7 game absolutely crushes the enemy, it also does fairly well at 8.7.
ive survived a lot in it, with over 500 battles between the mk5 and mk3 id say its fine where it is.

Decompression might help it considering the AMX30 B2 and brenus sit at the same BR with a 9.3 dart, thermals, LRF, and a 10x optics compared to the 7x - 8x of the chieftain.

Sounds like half the tanks in game mate.

Not really, the atgm is 700mm of penetration, easier to aim than an amx30 with no stab and no lrf. its not harder to use it at all compared to a heat round. the HEAT shells in this are also getting worse with every single update, ive had them bounce off of stuff like Marders and BMPs which makes 0 sense.

the arca could at a push go to 8.0 but 7.7 is just ridiculous xD

I never noticed a substantial difference. At least not enough to account for the reload disadvantage. 105mm APFSDS already oneshots very consistently with good aim.

Most 7.3s can kill it fairly easily due to how incredibly weak the turret is to HEAT. It’s actually stronger at a higher tier, since more people tend to load APDS which the turret is much stronger against.

Comparing armor to armor, it’s not even the best protected MBT at the tier, the T-55AM-1 is far more consistetly armored, and gets superior mobility and an LRF, at the cost of gun depression and a slightly weaker round.

It’s also a highly situational vehicle. If you cannot take it hulldown (Something which a wide variety of maps don’t allow), you basically have no reliable armor due to how incredibly weak the hull is.

It doesn’t nessesarily need to move down, but if it doesn’t then the stronger 8.7s need to move up.

They actually promised that it would have a faster reload than the 120mm variant since it was going to be at the same BR, but then that never happened. I’d prefer to buff it rather than moving it down since 9.0 isn’t a lineup, so it’s still going to be used at 9.3/9.7 anyways.

The pronounced drop out of the barrel and sluggish leading after it’s fired makes it far harder to aim than a high velocity HEAT shell like the AMX-30 gets. It’s a struggle to use it while hulldown due to the missile’s desire to slam into the ground if it’s anywhere near the barrel when you fire. It also has some decent recoil, which causes the sight to jump upwards, making hitting targets at closer range rather difficult.

The missiles aren’t particularly agile either, making correcting the aim once you’ve fired difficult compared to more agile ones like the MILANs.

It’s much easier to just lead properly, fire and forget, than poke way out of cover and sit there, waiting for a 500 m/s missile to hit. Especially when you can do that twice for every time the ACRA can fire a missile.

You also say 7.7 is ridiculous for that missile, when it’s already available at 7.3 on the AMX-10M. The only real advantage the ACRA has over that box is a turret and autocannon resistant armor. The 10M is marginally faster, and has a 20mm for defense against lightly armored targets pushing you on reload. 7.7 is entirely concievable.


Decompression is the answer.

I use the cheiftains regularly and genuinely think one moving to 8.3 would be bad for the game health, would cause a little more compression.

Edit accidentally posted withiut responses.

Yeay the amx32 105 should reload faster as they have more space in the turret.
As well as on reload speeds the amx40s and 32s is pretty damn poor as well.

To lead properly and fire ans forget was the amx30s back when they were 7.7, most the tme now the heat rounds do absolutely nothing and its taking 2 or 3 to kill a target.
Not the vehicles issue but the way gaijin keep buggering up ammunitions.

The amx10m ive not got nor plan to as ive surpassed it but its arc of view is pretty poor from what ive seen, the 20mm isnt precisely good unlike on the leopaed 2k.
And it may have that missile at 7.3 but the platform itself is insanely situational

The amx30 acra is more maleable , and the missile isnt that sluggish in my experience, if you lead the missile right itll do more than a well aimed heat shell.

Its also incredibly fast for the atgms at the br.
Can be useful shooting down helicopters.
Its an alright 8.3 tank not great or bad.

Type 69-IIa 8.3 → 8.0

Too weak at 8.3, especially compared to the T-55A or the ZTZ59D1

It has more pen than the T-55A with its APDS, vs the T55A’s APFSDS.

The T-69II A also gets a LWS. / a light HEAT shield around the turret in the form of storage racks.

Therefore they are pretty equal.

Do the storage boxes actually help? I cant say i remember non penning them with HEATFS

Depends on the heat