Proposed ground RB battle rating changes

I just hope they’d give DM53 to leopard 2PL, which at first they planned on doing that in last br change but didnt, yet abrams got better round. As for Leopard 2A5 going to 11.7 I’d love that aswell as it would really fit into line up with Leopard 2PL, Leopard 2A4M and flarakrad.

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Genuinely if they Leo2PL gets the Dm53 it should be 12.0 !

Those same 11.7 Abrams are identical to the 12.0 Sep! they have the same reload, round, armour and mobility.
I will die on this hill that the M1A2 sits at 11.7 along with the HC and Click - bait, cause if they move the A2 up to 12.0 then the other two have to go with it. and that would mean a literal top tier premium.

Also the if the 2A5 goes down the 2a6 may go with it due to the fact its identical bar it has marginally more penetration.

nah bro… we just need maximum ±0.3 br jumps

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If not 0.3 then atleast 0.7

Because a tank that can kill all 6.7s with mass ease is a little broken no?

Is it ahistorical ? Do you have documents to support that?
Because, as I’ve prompted before, and you argued against, the T-80U reload is in correct, being 6.5 secs when it should be 6.0 secs

So that’s ahistorical. But I think the T-80s are at a good br, they just need to get their correct reloads.

You have to do baby steps when it comes to decompression. Otherwise we create more problems than we solve.

The top br should be 12.3, being the T90M (generally I don’t agree but I’ll catch flak as the T-90M really is a comical joke), the Leo2a7s, and the TKX / Type 10, and Strv 122 B+

I will never be able to agree the obj. 906 is 8.3 worthy. It’s too loud with it lawn mower engine, it gets HMG’d literally everywhere, it is very easy to over pressure.

I get it’s a good 8.0, but it would be a bad 8.3

it would do fine at 8.3 man in all honesty.

The stab combined with the mobility, and reload make it amazingly good.

I don’t, but I know that the reload rate used to be 6.7 seconds in game, but it was then changed to 4 seconds because that’s what it has irl.

I don’t remember doing that. Plus, doesn’t the extra time take into account the gun moving into position?


To be fair now with all the nato tanks getting a 5 second or there abouts reload, the 7.1 second and 6.5 second reloads are a pain in the hole.
Like its the only issue i can find with china gameplay wise is that 7.1 second reload.
IF the T80U series has a 6.0 second reload, give it, then let its BR reflect it, E.G the T80UD with a 6 second reload going to 10.7

The mobility is only good after your driving for a min. It’s got low torque.

The gun is decent I personally like 85mms I wish there were more Modern tanks with them, but in game, it often takes 1-2 shots to destroy a tank with their the APHE round, or 2-3 unless you hit ammo with the HEAT-FS

The reload is what makes it shine.

But something the size of a limo is hard to hide lol

No, the reload rate is 6.0 secs flat for the full reload. You can ask @aDSD

I’ve linked his documents at the first comment at the top ^

I know it does but unless you are in one of those horrendous tiny maps its plenty sufficient to get up to pace.

The 906 when you pen with the APHE is a one tap usually cause gaijins ridiculous idea of how APHE works…
But the heat yeah agreed , but with 4 seconds on the clock that really aint that big of a deal.

its not actually that large, i mean compared to those little rat tanks sure, but the 906 is the same size roughyl as a BMP and those are plenty easy to hide

Also I quite like 90mm guns myself! so i get that feeling well, id like to see the prototype tanks that had lights like chaffee with larger guns and such.

Idk, with 245mm pen, whatever the HE filler is, it’s better than the HEAT-Fs for sure, but neither are winning any awards.

Idk what magic your using to hide a BMP-1 but I need to find out 😂

I just know, playing the amount of matches I have in the obj.906 that’s it’s a balanced - good tank for 8.0 putting it in the 8.3 category, it would need a buff of some kind.

Also, I’m gonna shoot myself in the foot here… but what about the RU251? I love the German 7.3 lineup as it’s pure cancer but lol a mini Leo 1 at 7.3 is a bit nuts eh?

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Quite easy man! gotta use some bushes tho

NGL mate, i genuinely think it should be 7.7 at least
Its insanely fast , surprisingly stable and a good 90mm heat round. ( i got it a while ago and genuinely like it a lot, combined with the premium M47 its a great combo).

that 90mm heat FS needs fixed but it doesnt do nearly as much as it should.

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The luchs is a really bad vehicle and much worse than the wiesel 1A4. It has terrible acceleration and you get overtaken by almost all mbts like m48 (and the m48 isnt a fast mbt to begin with). The wiesel is much much better.

This thing shouldnt be only 0.3 below the xm800t (if it moves to 7.7) because it has no (laser) range finder, no stabilizer, much worse mobility and is bigger. It has zero advantages and only drawbacks. It should be even lower in my opinion because it’s simply worse than the wiesel. 7.0 would be more fitting for this piece of junk


I’m a fan of it, even the 20g of APHE filler in the PT works like absolute nukes.


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Thats what i mean its absolutely ridiculous man xD it never worked like that at all, it was far closer to APBC than that.
nice vids but


I am not really sad I missed out on this vehicle tbh

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that sounds supiciously like sarcasm xD im raging i sold it for as cheap!

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