Idk there is a lot of tanks I think are really good around this area, M48s, m47s (Any French tank).
the 122mm gets eaten a lot by volumetric on the M48 believe it or not.
I 75% agree. The m103 was definitely one of my more favorite heavies. My favorite heavy is probably the T32E1
But yes they all suffer the same.
Then quite honestly, the m51 should be a 7.3 or 7.7
It has a 7.5 sec ace reload with a 105mm and I get it has no armor. But that gun + turret combo is deadly. Also is it just me, or do 105mm guns do more damage than 120 or 122mms?
Average m36 gameplay when a 45mm HE comes flying at it:
All still get dogged on by 8.7s.
All can take out 8.7s
The soviet heavies are.not anything unique in the matter and decompression is far better than moving them down.
Because if we move them.down then idiots will want other stuff dropped even further example A. Tiger 2
And tiger 1 panther 1 would all end up going further down.
Causing more.compression.
The 90mm round heat also gets eaten by volumetric alot tbh man, a lot of russian tanks havw tracks or such strapped into it as well.
(Volumetric is horrible tbf)
Love the m103 myself, no idea why it doesnt get a sabot as the british 120mm cannon based off of them m103s does.
I like the t32 as well but it does suffer uptiered.
Like coming across it in a chieftain is just sad.
Have you used the m51? It could maybe, like struggle to ve 6.3.
The platform is absolutely useless man, genuinely all it has going for it is the gun and even then, the gun handling is beyond pathetic.
Lets look at the sabra mk1 for example, should it be 10.7? It has an 11.3 round at 9.7, with a 6 second reload. But the platform falls behind tanks of the same br
Or the 120s? Its got an abrams turret, reload anf the m829A1 round at a whopping 10.3! , should it.go up to 11.0?
No , because while they have one trump card, they suck on every other regard.
The m51 is so damn slow, tall, and lightly armoured it is incredibly easy to take at its br.
Secondly its one of the few tanks ive acrually used GE just to get past man it is horrifyingly bad
Genuinely feels like it sometimes.
Even at higher brs my most recent comparison is the TTD vs CR1 Mk2 , cr2 has the 120mm round but dm63 which is similarly pen related to L23A1 (angle pen) DM63 always shreds while l23 struggles.
M51 is very slow and unarmored, it’s pretty much an M36B2 with better armor and better gun. I don’t think 6.3 would be a terrible BR for it but no higher IMO
Apart from Object279, which has mobility, firepower, reload rate, that many of those earlier heavies lack. I enjoy the T32E1 as well, but you wouldn’t see me using it in an uptier, I’d take the T114 out instead as it’s more uptier friendly. I don’t see it as a large issue since these tanks are typically at an advantage at their own BR and in downtiers. T26E5 is particularly a good example of this. But yeah, it can make them difficult to balance. I think it’s a valid trade-off if the heavy can eat good at its own BR while being quite redundant in an uptier, that’s why we should be bringing line-ups. Situational tanks are situational. Though, I digress that this is sometimes easier said than done with some like the M103, which has many of its more uptier friendly vehicles sitting at 8.0/8.3. But Maus/IS-3 and others have some support.
Anyhow, here is a screenshot of me in a T32E1 after surviving a direct hit from a Sturmtiger:
Because the Object 906 is better and at the same BR, it just shows the Char shouldn’t have moved up Gaijin literally said it’s because French players were doing too well in it.
The 906’s reload is only .3 seconds longer it’s pretty much irrelevant except in a 1v1 with the Char. And the HEATFS, full reverse gear, and stabilizer mean a lot more than smaller profile and armor
I don’t have the obj. 279, but I have fought against it decently, and I don’t see how people have a hard time killing it at 9.0 tbh. Maybe some 8.0s / 8.3s may struggle
I say the APHE is good on the obj. 906 due to its speed. Being able go 46 mph at top speed is a very good advantage when mainly using APHE. I do carry 2 HEAT rounds but rarely ever use them.
Like I said, I don’t see why the char is 8.0, make it 7.7 but give it a 4.5 sec reload instead of 4.0, then everyone wins.
This list actually became semi-agreeable, though I must still Heckle(r and Koch) over the BR ranges. I think there would be a lot more sense made with this list if you added a BR (13.0). It’s a simple decompressive maneuver and would either be absolutely horrific and would break the game balance for years to come due to poor decisions alongside forgetting to stretch certain vehicles or the game would benefit because there’s no longer 5 different Leopard 2s at the same exact BR despite being different armor-wise. Realistically, the primary areas of the stretch would be in the 6.0-6.7 range, 7.7-8.7 range, and possibly the 5.0-6.0 ranges. Also, harder to implement but would solve so many issues: Dynamic BR
Simply, Dynamic BR would essentially be based off of the modifications of a tank, such as the early Leclercs would be at a lower BR but upon researching the better rounds it would be raised 0.3-0.7. We already see dynamic stats of the sort with turret traverse, reloading rate, etc. Simply, on the card for the vehicle it would say "Stridsvagn 121B - 10.3 (10.7 [Spade symbol]). This is not a direct example as I don’t really think the Swedish 2A4s need it, especially seeing as the 121B is the Christian, which comes spaded.
It’s not about how hard it is to kill. It’s still highly survivable. No heavy tank in this game is immune to enemy fire. It’s the combination of good survivability, good reload, good gun, good mobility, it’s a power house. The reason why I say it doesn’t suffer in uptiers is because of the combination of factors and the gameplay those allow, as it plays more like an aggressive MBT than it does a traditional heavy tank. You just have to accept that you don’t know how good it is because you’ve never used it. There is a reason why Object279 players keep using it year after year, and it’s a go-to vehicle during events
TLDR: I’m not saying it should go up in BR, but it does fine when it does get up-BR’d, more than any other heavy tank.
I dont bother with aphe once i can get rid of it i do.
Id rather a nice heat or apds round over it.
Seeing as the 100mm heat is quite nice to use its what i use.
But i didnt use the 906 much still got that and the bmp1 to go back and spade
The char 25t does not need its relaod nerfed at all.
What it needs is as we said, gaijin to balance not on player stats as its a bs metric.
(Which btw they dont always use, the moved the mk24 spitfire down in anticipation of the mig15 and saber moving to 8.0)
Another historically stupid br change by gaijin.
But thats for another time
Edit also while on the topic of the 906 it really should be 8.3