Proposal to Improve Germany's Air Tech Tree with Austrian/Swiss Subtree

This? It uses a pirahna base

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Boxer MGS is ARTEC’s product :)

All they did was buy(?) the turret from Belgium and put it on the Bixer chassis, so for all intents and purposes, it’s Vickers Mk.7 just in reverse and by Germany.

well wouldnt talk about a boxer then xD

yeah boxer would fit but probably would end up higher like 10.7. Th400 has a 105 and 120mm turret iirc which would be possible aswell at least the 120mm variant at maybe 9.3

Na nah.

Has to be this.

Looks better.

that thing is chonky

i am not completly sure about , or if gajin will take that
For all intents and purposes i think the benelux community claimed that one strongly
@mr_boo you are the benelux expert. Was it a belgium company that put the boxer together or is it in truth a german product?

even if it was a german company they probably will claim it because it’s a belgian turret and netherlands was junior partner for the boxer.

It’s weird in general that we didn’t see another boxer yet. Hope after this dissappointing update next update is similar to the wiesel update (which added ocelot, wiesel 1A2 and 1A4). 3 Boxers in one update. Skyranger, boxer with puma turret and rh155

But I stop now. It’s derailing the topic

From the article about the long-cancelled Eurosatory 2k20 where they say;

A much heavier solution was to be exhibited at the cancelled 2020 edition of Eurosatory; a Cockerill 3105 two-man turret developed by John Cockerill Defense and armed with a 105 mm gun was installed over the German 8×8 platform. Mobility trials have been performed but no firings have taken place yet. One of the known programmes for a similar solution is that from Brazil, which has been already moved to the right more than once for budgetary reasons.

Doesn’t seem like Belgium has had anything to do with it other than providing the turret to Germany. The images come from KMW as well.

well who would have guessed. Its completly german. That even before KNDS thing etc

Man some people hating on Germany hard, saw some comments Say Germany dosent need switzerland air cuz of completely unrelated stuff like 2A7V, that’s ground, or midtier is already op, this is a top tier suggestion, crazy ammount of cope

It’s also been trialed in & by Germany:

This combination has also completed some company mobility trials in Germany, and manned firing trials are planned to take place in Germany or the UK when Covid-19 restrictions are lifted, according to the two contractors. It was originally expected that this combination would be shown for the first time at the Eurosatory exhibition in Paris in June 2020, but that event was cancelled due to the pandemic.

A Belgian John Cockerill Defense C3105 two-person 105 mm turret has been integrated onto a rear mission module of the Boxer 8x8 Multi-Role Armoured Vehicle (MRAV) at Krauss-Maffei Wegmann’s (KMW’s) facilities in Munich, the company has confirmed.

so the better question is why we havent an official suggestion for that one yet @UnHolySausage you wanna make the suggestion you can copy paste your boxer part

Britain does not have an Indian subtree. France didn’t need a subtree, because they have domestic options available to fill gaps.

I feel like rank VI-VIII could be filled in better ways other than adding a subtree.

they do, a sub tree isnt only categorised as a whole line

well go ahead tell me, what could be put there to resolve germanys problem

I could make one, i’m gonna be known as the boxer guy now, all My suggestions are about boxer

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Instead of a full subtree, they could get Austrian/Swiss vehicles at high tier. Below rank VI, Germany does not need a subtree at all, so Gaijin can add a few non German planes to high tier Germany. They’ve already done that with the Swiss Hunter.

Again thats literaly already defiened as a sub tree it doesnt need more to be called one
If they put only some vehicles into the german top branch, now what happens to the rest of switzerland tell me?
They wont be added to a standalone swiss tree and the german tree. If sth like this happens normaly the swiss vehicles would get removed out of the german tree.
Just like it was the case with israely vehicles in US tree or italian vehicles in the german tree

just makes the most sense.
You can copy paste them, we would need to actualy think and redesign the damn history part