Proposal to change target acquisition in TWS mode

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I would like to propose a change in target acquisition for the TWS mode, since the current way has its problems.

How does it currently work?

Target cycling option is on:

You press the button that cycles through all the available targets on the TWS screen, the currently selected target is TWS locked, pressing the target lock button will STT the selected target.

Target cycling is off:

You slew the TDC over the desired target, the target is now TWS locked, pressing the target lock button will STT the selected target.

The biggest problem for me is that the Fox-2s will cue to the currently selected TWS target, this is especially annoying when you are in a dogfight or close fight and instead of the Fox-2 being cued to your HMD it is trying to lock the TWS target that’s 30km away. Turning of target cycling helps with that as it does not automatically TWS locks a target as soon as it appears but not everyone likes that option. The second reason for a change is the fact that with TWS you should be able to lock multiple targets at the same time, not just one, currently only the currently selected or the slewed target is TWS locked.

How would I do it?

Target cycling option is on:

You press the button that cycles through all the available targets on the TWS screen, the currently selected target is not TWS locked, pressing the target lock button will TWS lock the selected target, pressing the target cycle button will select the next target, the previous target is still TWS locked. Pressing target lock on the current target will TWS lock it as well. You now have two targets in TWS lock.

Target cycling is off:

You slew the TDC over the desired target, the target is not TWS locked, pressing the target lock button will TWS lock the selected target. You can now slew the TDC to the next target and press target lock again to TWS the second target. You have two targets in TWS lock.

What if I want to STT a target?

Pressing the target lock button a second time will STT the currently selected target, every other target that was locked in TWS will be unlocked.

How do I engage my TWS targets?

The only way I see it working is by adding a new key bind that cycles through the TWS targets. You then fire the missile like you normally would.

How do I unlock a TWS target?

In my eyes pressing and holding target lock should act as an unlock button in general. Or add an option that makes it available to bind a key for it.

How would it actually look like in game?
Disclaimer: My photo editing skills are not great

The current TWS target is marked by a triangle

Thanks for reading. I would be happy to hear opinions/ideas/concerns.



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ok, your ideia is nice but the actual game the datalink fails to mantain the lock on when you are guidance the missile to the target, it change to the enemy missile from the same enemy plane that you was shot a fox3, missing the missile shot because the tws datalink cant mantain on the enemy plane that you are engaging
pls support this problem issue report



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