Proper way to play war thunder as a new player

I could earn triple or even more of this in a normal game with rank 3-4 props. 5k per game is AWFUL, and playing passively/game stalling is also a TOS violation fyi.

Actually a good way to describe frustrated zombers.

You’re just asking to get banned for game stalling LOL

It’s not gaslighting, IT IS AGAINST TOS. You are encouraging people to get banned.

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Actually, it’s not. Passive play would be doing something like sitting on the run way, or jumping into a game and immediately going back to the hanger, just to burn a player slot and place your team at a disadvantage.

You are just salty, as your post demonstrates. I as a player don’t owe throwing away my plane and effort for you. Now if players want to come hunt me at alt, they are welcomed to, most don’t even go past 4km in alt to begin with.

You are also forgetting that for this plan to work, I have to survive long enough to get that alt, and that isn’t easy. All it takes if for another interceptor to fly to the other end of the map and climb as well, then I have to fight. However, the vast majority of players are dopamine zombies to busy diving on the first thing they see to notice that I’m flying over the top of them, begging some moron to try and climb to me.

But you go off, let the salt flow.

And this is why you don’t listen to these ‘veterans’ see how he wants to talk down to anyone ‘new’. He immediately assumes anyone who hasn’t dedicated their lives to this game somehow has ‘no experience’ or somehow doesn’t even know how to read to figure out how a game economy works.

He even admits that he wants you to lose, repeatedly , to ‘learn the game.’ His argument is fraut with strawman arguments and assumptions.

So to clear the record, I also played DCS and have for many years. So yes I know energy fighting, turn fighting, and all that fancy flying stuff. So to say I have zero experience is just plain nonsense and shows your ignorance.

Passive: never engaging enemies, with the intent of running away/stalling the game. You ARE doing what you just described: wasting a player slot and disadvantaging your allies.

No no, i’m just telling you (an inexperienced player) how things work.

You do know experience isn’t instant right? You have no clue how the human mind works? It learns by experiencing mistake and loss, then considers these to increase your odds of success.

DCS isn’t WT, so you still have no experience. Thus, your argument is irrelevant.

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A blatant free to play game that exploits player frustrations for monetary gain? Yes I do

Still salty I see, alright. If you believe I am doing something as terrible as breaking the TOS cause I want to make SL as easily and effortlessly as possible using game play that has been green light by the devs themselves, then feel free to report each and every game session I play.

And obviously you don’t know what DCS is so let me fill out in. It’s another realistic flight sim game like WT, however you have to pay for additional planes, but you get them without nerfs and all the bells and whistles.

In this game I know about energy fighting, one circle turn fights vs two circles, reversals , energy management, and so on.

There is nothing you or war thunder can teach or tell me about Ariel combat currently.

This is honestly just such counterproductive, negative advice for new players.

If you’ve had a bad experience thus far that’s jaded you, I’m sorry to hear. But this whole take is unnecessarily pessimistic and cynical about the game.

Nothing here will help anyone improve. This is like a recipe for how to never enjoy Warthunder.


Going off people’s levels make absolutely no sense.

You could probably reach 100 without even touching tier 5 in any nation.

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Right… historical immersion, it that why Germany and Britain are nearly always on the same team ? Just wondering.

Oh, your salt is showing

This games been out for more than twelve years now too.

Even a literal ape could be level 100 by now, simply by accidentally wandering into enough caps over the years lol.

I’ve been level 100 for years, yet despite that, I’m a bang average player. Level means nothing in a game this old. I still get destroyed regularly by lower level players, because thankfully these guys didn’t take OP’s pessimistic advice of bailing the match.

They stuck around, did their part, tried their best, and showed the WT boomers like me what’s up.

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Look at your own responses when you’re brilliant idea wasn’t liked.

Take your own advice.
Or just go away.


Stop projecting.

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I think the best advice for all players, not just new, is to have fun.

In the end, WT is a game, and it’s fine to take a break when it aint fun anymore. Just enjoy it how you can, and dont care about what other players think.


This guy gets it.

First, you are.
Second, it isnt endorsed by devs, there is a report for it. Clueless?

I do, but it still is not WT and your “DCS skill” doesn’t apply to WT’s air combat.

Closed mind and refuses to learn. This is why you’re spaceclimbing and running away from all the enemies. Is that your “victory strategy” here?

Any examples other than something like

user has point
point is true
point disagrees with your logic
“toxic, gaslighting, harassment”

But you don’t. Getting mad at all the experienced players giving you advice is just ridiculous. I don’t get why this thread even exists anymore.


And that’s why you fail whilst playing the game and you will fail irl.

Why? Because there is no free lunch.

  1. Being a rookie is nothing special, and revealing how f2p games were designed (in order to earn money with clueless kids) won’t get you a nomination for a Nobel prize - as nothing you have written down is either new or something worth to waste 0s and 1s in this forum.

  2. If i see how many efforts players like @RunaDacino invested in order to help and support you - your behaviour in the game and in the previous rant thread (This game is bad, here's why) is highly irritating - not only because you don’t understand certain aspects of the game, you also refuse to accept any attempts to help.

  3. Your self-reported behaviour whilst playing the game and interactions with others in this forum is similar to a spoiled brat not getting ice cream - with your attitude to insult others who tried to give you advises how to get better you lost all credibility.

  4. You don’t even realize that you are following all stereotypes of US prop pilots: No clue, big mouth, lousy performance.

  5. Don’t get me wrong: Having an opinion and trying to defend certain theories is rather a positive thing. But if your conclusions are based on limited to zero knowledge about how the game works it doesn’t matter as the old rule “shit in = shit out” applies.

A classic example of why you should acknowledge that you have no clue:

  1. WT had axis vs allies for many years. Playing with US boys required the UK boys to carry them. Every single match. Around the time SWE was introduced the burden was first transferred to JP pilots, them to all. Axis vs allies still happens in small lobbies like 6 vs 6 or 8 vs 8…
  2. Having non-US players allocated to US teams boosted their low WRs even as their average skill level was way higher than today, simply because players of minor nations are better on average.
  3. If gaijin would offer a fee for being not allocated to US teams i would be happy to pay it - doesn’t matter how much they charge.
  4. The term “mixed battle” applies when certain (or all) nations are allocated to both teams. For you: US fighting US.

In other words:

  • You complain about fighting everyone whilst having aircraft which are usually undertiered like hell thanks to players who shares your approach whilst playing wt (easily and effortless).
  • The pure fact that you are not able to make money with a Rank II aircraft at 3.0 is sad enough, but that you don’t understand that any other nation (and their players) assigned to US teams are a net win for you as they compensate the low skill level (on average) of US teams is even more sad.
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Nice Ted talk maybe I’ll bother to read it one day.

Thread locked due to going heavily off-topic.