Premium Toptier

I quit playing top tier like 3 months ago and I’ve never had more fun playing low brs max 7.7, for me the topper experience is so horrible that I can not get back top it no matter how hard I try or sweat. The teams just disappear after 2 minutes of gameplay and it’s either full yolo enemies or waiting and camping positions all game. nothing in between. + the fact that they keep adding more and more topper premiums is making the higher brs less skilled than low tier, you check the stats of the people who left after 1 death and its always a max lvl 30 or sum. Even if the player is lvl 100 in MANY cases people leave after 1 death with a whole ass lineup many times and that fact makes topper almost unplayable for me. I remember when I used to play ONLY top tier I used to get like usually 8 kills per game on average with my lineups, but idk if its the fact that I stopped playing but when I try to get back it I cannot get more than 5 kills due to campers/CAS/map design or just lack of team support, but then I check the TAB and I always see people with the same results. Almost no-one reaching more than 6 kills and the game is already ending.

conclusion :I just don’t see a point in playing top tier ground after grinding out the whole German and Russian tech tree to the last vehicle (10.3 +)

I am playing 4.0 all the way to 7.0 and Its really fun and Im enjoying the game again, sometimes I play Russian 7.7 and there starts a whole new issue about br decompression that I wrote about already : )

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Welcome to the club. I will be playing high tier to go hornet hunting on update day but I generally stick between 1.0-8.7