Premium time and golden eagles

I’m sure there are answers out there, but I thought I would hear from y’all. I play wt on my pc now but I used to play it on my ps4, therefore my account is obviously linked. And I don’t have access to the premium vehicle bundles on pc. But if I bought a premium vehicle bundle right now, and got off my ps4 right after I bought it then go log on the same account with my pc. Does the premium time and golden eagles transfer over? I know the vehicle does. But I havnt been able to get a clear answer. If someone could just give me a yes or no and explain. Ty 👍

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I don’t see why it wouldn’t. You paid for it after all. But I don’t know for certain.

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Yea that’s what I was thinking but there are so many different answers out there I’m so lost. And I don’t wanna spend the money just for the vehicle when I only play on my pc now.

Yes it does. It’s the same account as what you play on you PSN4, just on your computer. It just might take a second to populate on your computer :)

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Thank you I appreciate it! That’s a Big help ❤️

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Yep happy to help

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Oh last thing is the summer sizzle sale also for PlayStation? I tried getting it online but it would only let me buy golden eagles. I’m assuming it’s because my account is not linked.

Hang on. I’m in a match rn. I’ll help when out of it

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Alright I’m out now.

No I do not thing that specific sale is on PSN. However PSN should have a sale within a few weeks I believe. However, idk for sure because I’m basing that off of Xbox sales. I have also seen somewhere that sales for PSN generally happen before PC sales. So there’s also that to think about.

It’s because you are still a PSN account and can only buy GE through the Gaijin store.

Also you should note this. If you transfer your account to PC within the time that you still have premium time, it will not transfer over. Same with the GE. You have to spend it first or you will lose it. Also you should know that account transfer is not available rn either

But if I don’t have any premium time though and I buy the bundle on the psn store that premium will transfer over though right?


What I was talking about in that last part was a full transfer of the account to PC. Like they copy your account from PSN and paste it, so now you have a PC account. But just don’t worry about it rn