Premium Chinese Z19E Spam dominating in Sim Ground Battles

You mean the 9_2 that is now dominated by Bo 105 once again after its only counter was moved away. And the 10_ you talk about that is dominated by US CAS with A-10s and F-5s with mavs slaughtering everything nd playing red side is just loss after loss. Ah yes.

There is no BO in 9_2. they’re both in 10_2…

edit : never see the premium BO in sim any more…

and the PGZ + shturm are very effective, if you can’t spawn a plane to kill every heli in 9_2.

When I fly my (non premium) Z-19 the first thing I do is head to the enemy helipad to kill helicopters… this is not a ‘omg z19!’ problem since when I fly a NATO helicopter the first thing I do is… you guessed it, head over and kill Z-19s!

The issue is that generally the only gameplay 95% of helicopter pilots know is to take off, climb and start lobbing missiles. IF someone spawns SPAA that can reach the helipad these pilots generally die quickly… then they move on to the next game… or they get a ton of kills until someone spawns an SPAA… or I get in range with my own helicopter and kill them.

FYI there is no ‘camping’ in sim, if you don’t notice someone coming towards your helipad how is that my fault? And where else do you go to kill helicopters and planes? The enemy side.

Perhaps the general counter to heli power in sim is to only allow spawning at the far helipad IF you have ATGMs. Tanks can get under cover quicker then. Rocket/gun/AAM helicopters can spawn closer and everyone can rearm at the closer pad.

But… Gaijin dont play sim, so nothing will happen.

And yet, even loss after the loss you still win about 60% of the battles:

Maybe if you feel oppressed by CAS, you should follow the advice of your fellow @dotSHINI and spawn SPAAG? 2S6 is the best in the bracket.

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Yes,cause i have 2S6 in my chinese lineup with the ZTZ99-II… And if you wanna pull out stats from when these were all only in top tier sim where i played em,then sure. But the WR on them dont reflect the current situation.

It certainly does not appear so… or you are very bad at it (killing Z-19) or simply Z-19 are very good in this bracket.

General problem is that the Z-19 has unmatched A2A firepower in this bracket. Remind me which other helicopter has Radar, 8x20G IRCCM AAM+8x ATGM and full defensive suite ?

You mean wit this ZTZ?

Terrible terrible 72% WR.
Lets add at least Tor-M1, the WR should not be below 90% right?

This one i played when it was only in top tier sim, and there wasnt any 10_2. Also even if you add Tor,it wont solve anything as it still would get outranged by mavs.

Sure sure, anyhow truth is that REDFOR is loosing about 1/3 of the matches (I have to couple RED vehicles with the 64-69% win rate).
2/3 of the matches BLUEFOR is steamrolled by superior MBTs.

Are you sure about the mav ? Launched from A-10 it has effective range about 7.5km.

Yes, you have few games in BMP-2M and 2S38 but who knows when,could have been before 10_2 was a thing just like my ZTZ stats.

Yea make sense… I was better when fighting superior top tier vehicles then when fighting peers.
So no those are purely 10_2 stats, as some other purely 10_2 vehicles (introduced after Sep 23) which also fits in the 2:1 win ratio for the REDs.

I actually procured those two vehicles to prove how the 10_2 is dis balanced.

stormer spaa…
a10 with agm65
osa ak

Looks like another lost battle after the lost battle :D

Looking at my stats reveals something you’re not seeing… If it’s 10_2 and I want to play more than look at the queue… I play refor and get constant games.

You think those 51 YAH-64 air kills are planes? I have a gun and hellfires… I’m killing helicopters.

And yes, a Z-19E that sees me coming has an advantage… and it’s 99% Es in the game. The premium players don’t even realise they’re missing a ground radar.

Which means you launch on a Tunguska, who fires back with a 8km missile, you turn around and he dies and you don’t…

I think you’re just mad your A10 has a more effective counter :p

Lets not pretend that the YAH-64 is good at it… you are bringing knife to gunfight.

It has been a 10km missile for a long while, and 2S6 has more then 30s to figure out what to do with incoming MAV.

Actually, since you get 10km vs 6km you can quite handily kill a Z-19 with a hellfire before he has a chance of locking you with a TY-90 or atgm…

While spading my little bird I had many fun games trying to sneak up on Z-19s to kill them with gun pods…

The fact is there will always be some vehicles better than others since we have this dumb line up list… The HSTL got a huge buff and no one is complaining about that…

I’ll be exploiting the hell out of it in 10_2 when I get it in a few days :p

decide which part of the field you spawn in to die? :p