Preliminary test of the new version's leakage mechanism

In the updated version released today, I tested the HE resistance of the Amagi and Rodney. Regrettably, the Amagi’s resilience against HE shells has worsened compared to the previous patch—its hull sections are now far more prone to turning red or blackened. As for the Rodney, the three hull compartments housing its turrets are exceptionally vulnerable to blackening, triggering the flooding mechanic. Other battleships with conventional layouts, like the Barham, also suffer from easily blackened turret compartments, while their rear engineering sections remain oddly durable, avoiding the flooding mechanic altogether. It appears each ship’s hull integrity varies arbitrarily. While superficial firing tests can’t pinpoint the exact cause, the new flooding mechanics remain poorly conceived and unacceptable. This iteration is even more unbalanced and problematic than the previous version.


I know that the issue is with Amagi and Rodney as of right now, but mind if I ask, did you test it out against Sch as well?

I’ll be running some Scharnhorst HE shell resistance tests later this week (not right now). Post-update, her combat effectiveness definitely feels dialed back compared to last patch.

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Noticed some post-update bugs:

  1. AP shells causing ammo rack explosions via overpressure at unrealistic ranges (replay or actual bug? Video below)
  2. Rockets (HVAR/RP3) dealing excessive hull damage to battleships, triggering instant flooding
  3. SKR’s 76mm guns instantly drain destroyer crews - unbalanced.
  4. Aerial torpedoes and bombs still lack significant damage output against battleships this update. My tests show air-dropped torpedoes struggle to inflict substantial damage, possibly due to unchanged penetration mechanics.

Ap overpressured ammo rack
rockets damaged to BBshells
Ap overpressured ammo rack 2
Ap overpressured ammo rack 3
Aerial torpedoes lacks
Aerial torpedoes lacks
bombs lacks
skr rush DDs

Scharnhorst’s HE shell resistance underperforms this patch. In live server tests, Iron Duke’s high-explosive rounds triggered flooding mechanics after just 6 salvos - unexpected for a ship historically known for its turtleback armor.

Retests on Amagi and Mutsu’s resilience show both ships’ vulnerabilities: Mutsu triggered flooding mechanics after 6 HE volleys, while Amagi required disabling six watertight compartments before uncontrolled flooding began.

So funny man! “One report = one issue.” Gaijin how many bugs u created in new version u know? LOL

One report = one issue.

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