Pre-orders: Type 90B “Fuji” and Merkava Mk.3 Raam Segol

Do you mind helping me pointing out what exactly is new in here that i might be missing ?


I have checked the Japanese ground forces for the fourth time now, and I seem to be missing some of those “40+ vehicles.” Can you help me out here?

Since this is a thread for the Type 90 Fuji coming to Japan, I’m expressing my concerns about this specific tech tree and not the whole game in general.

Because as far as I see it, the tech tree receives no new content beside another Type 90, with a long-requested decal and camouflage locked behind a paywall that I will never have. I mean, there is no way we waited three months for a third premium tank, right?

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Like, people, including me, spent hours of their free time making suggestions, but seeing how they haven’t paid off, you’ve got to understand that it kinda hurts.


Skärmbild 2024-03-02 005425

Those are not all the vehicles, by the way, because there are also those suggestions passed for consideration and those suggested in the old forum that have not been resuggested yet.

So i hope nobody is throwing the good 'ol excuse of ‘‘Japan having nothing to add’’ argument.

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Most? Two at most. Even then one of the two has a different turret.
And the other has a camo net.

Vehicle development takes months to years.
No vehicle is done in weeks.

With the budget Gaijin has, I’m sure they could get them done within the three-month timeframe, but let’s allow for at least one more month, so let’s say maybe four months.

Why do you think they can pump out new battle pass vehicles every three months, including all the event vehicles, and then have major updates every 3 months where each of the most played nations gets a minimum of 3-4 vehicles per update? Each year we get about 6 updates in total, you do the math.

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That’s not how money nor development works…
The vehicles in battle passes all started development over half a year before the BP they’d be featured in.
Just as it takes over a year to do a Family Guy episode, staff is what creates ~42 average vehicles an update, not speed.

I fail to see the significance of the issue, as the main point remains that the Japanese tech tree is receiving no updates, whereas every other tech tree is acquiring at least 1-2 ground vehicles, excluding the latest leak.

Moreover, we have several vehicles that require only minor modifications, without the need for new models or any further development. Despite this, year after year, these additions fail to materialize. It’s not about how long it takes to produce a vehicle; rather, it’s about certain nations being significantly less prioritized.

If your explanation were accurate, we would observe Germany or the Soviet , also not receiving any new aircraft or ground vehicles every now and then. It wouldn’t solely impact Japan. However, as you can see, this is not the case.

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Mutsu is being added as well as a rank 7 premium.
There’s also a few rumors about a number of other ships.
Japan’s healthy right now, and with Thailand passed to devs I wouldn’t be surprised if that was also being developed alongside more Japan options.
Soviets only have Su-25 and SPAA this update and no new non-premium tanks thus far. So your requirement of other trees being treated equally is fulfilled.

It was literally built in Ukraine…

Just because it was part of the soviet union, doesn’t magically remove its existence from the world.

One would expect for Premium players to ODL with no kills or play super bad, but somehow I been seeing more success on the premium Type 90B Fuji spam matches than with Abrams Click Bait or Turms or other premiums. Sometimes a fail, but a lot of the times they getting kills. Probably the 4 second reload that saves them along with mobility.
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Or maybe the players don’t suck as much. I’d guess there are alot less people that start out the game and buy themselves a Type90, be it bc alot of new players just want “muh freebruhms”, or bc Japan is just a way smaller tree with few viable BRs. Maybe they haven’t even heard about the Type90 at all.

yeah, im still disappointed in gaijin for making a 11.0 premium for a minor nation though. Which really sucks because now you’re forced to deal with the teams when it inevitably goes on sale. And its still a slap in the face considering its just a type 90B with camo net slapped on it.


Not quite sure why Type 90s are 11.0 either… the auto loader is nice but beyond that it seems pretty outclassed.

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Just because it was built in what would become Ukraine doesn’t mean it was Ukrainian. It was a Soviet tank and is just as much Russian as it is Ukrainian, with several hundred models serving in both Russia and Ukraine after its split. KhPZ, at that time, couldn’t be called fully Ukrainian either. It had a lot of Russian workers and designers, among other ethnicities from across the Soviet Union, which developed the T-80UD.