Pre-order: RDF/LT and BMD-4M

People love to be contrarians, that’s really it. I’m surprised the vote did as well as it did, actually. Over 700 people is high turnout.

Also, thanks for accepting the bug report on the RDF/LT reload.
1 win bois.


pay to win

I dont understand your message…

u say people dont want “free vehicles” and at the same time you show a vote where 95% of voters want a “free to get” vehicle instead of a paid one.

I really dont get it.

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Wrong reload rate on the RDF/LT hopefully it gets fixed before live, it should be 0.85 seconds

Oh havens… whers my wallet

Absolutely everything can be obtained for free in the game thanks to the market. You can even buy an IS7 without spending a single cent

Wat lol?

Selling goods in the Marketplace.

U can also get a cruise ship without ever buying one… but its not obtainable in reasonable circumstances.

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with events, you resell the vehicles in Gaijin Coin and with it you can buy absolutely everything. You just have to manage your events and your market

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Oh gotcha, but I don’t sell anything, I use them all 🤣

That was true and is not anymore.
Nowadays u get much less for a event vehicle, especially because their either shit or not a premium.
Also prems costing now 80 dollar…

last event vehicles all sold for more or less then 30 (only that was going higher was the obj for “just” 750.000 mission points that will have resultet for the average player in easily over 150 hours of grind in less then 20 days. Even for me if i say i do 10k per hour dominating day in and out first place in 6.3, it would have been 75h minimum, and thats really not reasonable anymore for now 94 dollar) and dont rise in price as their no premiums or good, meaning u have to do 3 events to get 1 80 bucks plane. Thats not reasonable anymore at all. Doable, but thats 1 prem per year, 2 if on sale. So getting “absolutely everythink”… hell no. We talk years to get stuff, not weeks or months… years… in a videogame…

It would only be true if you wouldnt have these insane timelimits on these events.
The only halfway resonable way of getting gjn is now the battlepass, as its not an insane stupid grind, but also not as rewarding most of the times anymore, no real good stuff in it after the first few.

Even the “lootboxes” for 60k sl are more reasonalbe to get gjn now then the events. Altough most will not have dozens of prems already and the skill to get easy 100k+ per match if they want to farm it.

And dont tell me anythink else, i do all of the stuff myself since the gaijin marked came out, i know how good and easy it was and how bad it is now.

I said it elsewhere but I’m disappointed that YET AGAIN an American top tier light tank option is relegated to either a premium, an event, or a battle pass. American top tier ground has suffered under a dearth of vehicles (I am not ignoring the aircraft but these are different trees we’re discussing). There’s options to add but it seems rather then actually using real options they are just throwing things to garner cash. Instead of putting it in the tech tree then using that as an incentive to buy the already exisitng premiums (It’d be nice if the KVT didn’t get nerfed by not having the 120mm).

The BMD-4M is just as bad considering the previous promise regarding bringing the BMD family to the actual tech tree.

Yes we talk years lol not month or week obsviously. Thank you

You know you can make a life on the side. You don’t spend your life waiting for years but yes it will take several years.
I’m just saying it’s possible. I know people who bought IS-7s or AMX-50s without putting down real money once.

Again, not anymore… if u want to get these days 1000gjn or more for an is-7 its more then 10 years…
So please, dont claim that u know people… cause thats is not doable anymore any u know it.
And if u just “sidequest” it you will likely end with around 100gjn a year, ofc only if you do at least your daily logins and every “star” event and selling everthink, which is 40gjn for year prem (on discount ofc) and then you have 60 left for prems, 80 do prems cost nowadays, so bought on discount u get 1 and a half.

ps: i highly doubt that anyone not insane would buy a is-7 or amx for 1,5-2k even if they have the gjn. So i call that a bluff.

But whatever, you i agree you can get some stuff like the prem acc and over the years a few premiums if you play enough. I especially tell anyone to buy prem acc and talis to grind though the game… and prems only for farming SL.
Still… we talk years… most of the player dont play this game for years to “just” get a free prem tank… they just buy it… which is excakly why we have such a stupid P2W in this game…and with that back to the RDF… which is a better version of the HSTV simply by having not stupid little amount of ammo, even though its a bit slower its still at the speed of an Leo2a5 with a it lower top speed.

If you’re so sure of yourself, great.

Welp they did exactly the same thing. Knew it was coming.

Yep. They don’t trust the very words of either AAI or the Army when it comes to the RDF/LT and the HSTV-L.


Yeah it’s funny they hinted at a specific person in the dev stream thinking he would like it’s addition and he has came out saying he hates it.

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