Pre-order: Leopard 2A4M CAN

That’s the justification for going to britian. The justification for going to ussr is that it’s a t-90. Same with the Canadian leopard. It’s justified to go to britian because it’s Canadian. It’s justified to go to Germany because it’s a leopard. They don’t pick one way to add a vehicle. In this case it went to Germany because they don’t have a 11.0+ premium. and they want that money. In the t-90s case Russia already had a squad researchable for that br. Britain did not.

My condolences to the Brit mains.

You guys got Gaijin’d.


You wanted a justification, I gave you one. Its one of the most unique versions of the 2A4 so it fits quite well. Sure they could have added other 2A4s like the one from Singapore but those might serve better as a gap filler for japan or other Asian nations and are not as unique.

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Yippieeee! More premium spam.

So, circling back around to the original point earlier being made. There’s no consistency.


Woah woah woah woah. Why in the hell would Japan or anyone get one? It’s a German leopard, made in Germany by Germans? The exact logic being used in this thread to support this decision. Why all the sudden is it okay for Asian countries?


Oh so its fine for singapore based leopards to go to japan or asian nations but not to germany… do you not see the double standards here when you say that but claim the 2A4M is the best one they could have added…

Here is an idea add 2 (one for each nation) I couldnt care less about the challys, they will never be good until gaijin actually own up to handling the information incorrectly (which they wont do) they refuse to give them a better shell (god forbid UK get a decent shell that negates russian ERA)


I’m honestly mad that this is a German premium, it makes WAY more sense to put this in the British tree for from balance to just plain and simple Britain and Canada work very closely with each other.

In the German tech tree it’s basically just a fancy copy paste of the leo 2 PL

Other nations get other tanks all the time, especially tanks from nations without TTs which are used as filler vehicles just like the 2A4M. If a filler is needed and a 2A4 would sufficiently fill the gap, there is no reason not to use it.

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Not in a easy way. They complicate it by using them as gap fillers. So you have to predict what it will go to. When I saw the leak for a 2a4m premium I new it would be a gap filler for a German premium at 11.0 + because that’s how they do things so its half an half. You can make pretty good predictions but every once in a while they throw a curve ball.

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Never seen the C2A1 MEXAS in-game have you?


What double standards, im saying that tanks from nations that dont have a sub tree or tech tree go to places they are needed. In the 2A4Ms case that’s a prem for germany and not UK as they already have one.

I have it and still dont agree with that move…

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Germany flat out has so many variants that are German made (not export models or foreign intended use) that could have been used in this premium position… therefor having this 2A4M CAN go to the UK would not have been an issue.

Why are we still not seeing this problem


The one they have sucks though, like the worst version of one of the worst tanks

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Never met a german main that thought the swiss hunter belonged in the german tree either. Theres been discussions about maybe gaijin playing with the idea of a swiss sub tree in the german TT, but if thats their goal, they really havent made an effort, and its overal a bad decision.


That’s outside of what I was talking about. If a tank sucks so be it, not every perm has to be amazing (Type 16 FPS with M735) and is a separate discussion.

Back when the Devblog of the Hunter came out there was a thread like this one where exactly the same thing played out with enough germans defending the hunter in their tree because switzerland is “like” germany and all that. Fugin hell if switzerland is anything then it could be split up between france, germany and italy but not just germany.

I can already see a swiss F-18 in the german tree as an event vehicle because well… its swiss bruh even tho nothing in or of it is german.


I really hope that the camouflage net does what it does IRL and if it does, PLEASE give it to all the other vehicles that have it IIRL otherwise its a feature locked behind paywall…

The turret looks weirdly designed? did you just take the same armor package the 122B+ has and copy it over? because that is not how the Leopard 2A4M CAN turret sides look.

The video above

Screenshot 2024-05-28 160814
Screenshot 2024-05-28 160758

IRL images


Notice the “indent” in the sides at the front of the turret where the Metal bar sits. the model in game does not have that and instead looks like the 122B+ protection where its a “smooth” line.


I’m honestly pretty upset this didn’t go to Britain, they really need the tank and Germany REALLY doesn’t, it would be a really cool and fun tank for Britain but in the German tree it’s basically a fancy leopard 2 PL