Pre-order: Leopard 2A4M CAN

Minor correction the CL-13 is Canadian built Sabers.

It’s the “Canadair Saber” for a reason.

yes i am aware the CL-13 is a Canadian built aircraft, i was going to change it, but i forgot too as its a long list. my apologies

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To restate the rules, it must follow at least ONE of the following;
-Built by Said Nation
-Upgraded by Said Nation using Nations Manufacturers
-Bought for use in service by explicitly said nation (not some mother country or anything)

Correct. I do not like the copy paste. For the ones actually used by Germany in high numbers (not captured vehicles), Germany should get them. You will note I said that GB never used the 2A4M in service, and being in service was one of the qualifiers. Therefore they do ultimately go to Germany.

No Czech tree and adopted by the German military. If the British Military adopted the 2A4M then yes it should have gone to GB.

Yeah I agree with these, these captured vehicles should be gone. The None captured ones in German Service that were used however can stay. The Swiss Hunter would have gone to GB.

Germany actually bought and used the aircraft. If the British actually used the 2A4M it would be entirely different.

Yeah sure. Save for ones not bought to use in service, or with major upgrades done by Germany, all of these should stay to the US unless genuinely used in German Service.

All of my rules apply to these too. Therefore, my rules apply.

the Canadians bought the Leo though. and the majority of canadian vehicles in warthunder are in GB

Tell me where exactly Gaijin explicitly states that Canada in game is a sub tree of GB

(Also this doesn’t violate Community Guidelines, as this was flagged for some reason even though this was the message)

not to mention, bought vehicles are still foreign.
The 3 vehicles labeled as Czech are Czech designs. they are “german” because they were invaded and the designs were used. therfore they are still not german.

where is it a sub-tree of germany? where is poland a subtree of germany? where is lithuania a sub tree of germany? where is argentia a sub tree of germany?.. this point is irrelevant.

Notice how they were adopted into mass service by the nation that is dominant in the tech tree, one of the qualifiers. Therefore it fully fits the bill and absolutely can go to Germany. Plus, it isn’t exactly like Czech has its own nation or tech tree to go to

by your logic Germany would not have anything higher than 8.7 in air. as everything above this is foreign? is that good for the game? do you think thats the way it should be?

it absolutely CAN go to Germany. but that doesn’t mean it should. everything NATO COULD go to america. should they?? no.

It is not. Argentina has been a confirmed Sub Tree. However the TAMs were built buy a German Subtractor in their entirety.
Lithuania is still up in the air, however the producer of the Vilkas is a joint German Dutch company. Therefore fits the National manufacture bill.
Poland uses the 2 PL, a German base vehicle. Therefore fits the bill.

Even if they are not sub trees, they fit the bill.

The 2A4M does not fit the bill at all for GB. Just for Germany. Therefore, it should go to Germany.

Sorry, Should* go to Germany. Why should GB get it over Germany? Just because of some affiliation through invasion? German literally built, and upgraded, the machine. Therefore it makes sense that it is entirely theirs.

where has this been confirmed? i cant find it anywhere.

But not all canadiam vehicles are ,thats the thing.
Canada isnt exclusive to uk

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I can give you 5 statements as recent as a month old from smin saying argentinia is placed and at home exclusively in german

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Couldn’t have said it better.

its not, which is why i said it CAN go to both nations, but it would be much better fitted as a vehicle for GB as they need vehicles for their lineups far more than Germany does

thats on me then, i havent seen them.


But UK has a full 11.3 line up, so that doesnt make sense

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