I can read italian
That article say clearly say that the warkit is for protection against APFSDS
Okay, where are the numbers to support it?
Support what? We know what is the purpose of that armor package and is clearly not made out of aerogel like is in the game. Specific information are most likely classified documents
Well you need supporting information to add to said claim no?
Can’t just be wind. Or it must’ve been the wind
Nah they just added 5 tons of paper to the tank.
Gaijin have already all the information that can be given and is sitting on an “accepted” bug report for more than one year without doing anything.
What I would love to see is a buff to the Aubl-74 HVG
Is italian magic. We made an MBT out of a very special material called Gaijinium that is heavy as lead but dense as aerogel.
Kind of disappointed there is no pre order special camouflage. The preorder camo for the 18 is bla, which is why i didnt bother getting it.
Gaijin be like: 50 ton mbt? Sherman level armor, take it or leave it. Source? eyeballing some blurry pictures and trust me bro
I mean,5 tons of an armor designed specifically against CE shells is way too much overkill. It is so heavy that either it stops even any overpressure, or it also protects from KE shells
Io and behold,the latter is true since there’s already an accepted bug report
Lets be honest, you’re paying for that title. Tank is a bonus.
How about you throw in an exclusive camo and you got yourself a deal gaijin, aight?
Armor fix first, then we’re talking.
The community has been trying for years to get you to fix the various armor mistakes of this tank and has given you every bit of publicaly available information out there.
And year after year you refused to address anything and now plan to release this botched rendition of the Ariete as a 70$ product. And as the cherry on top you put out this statement as a devblog highlight
where you literally make up a fantasy description that goes against all the available sources just to explain your wrong modelling of the armor that you refuse to fix.
Just shameful! Like not only have you never fixed anything, you have even ignored giving a reasoning or explaining what the current modelling is even based on, but I guess any sound minded individual would have trouble explaining how an armor kit which would be almost as dense as steel given its weight and size is modelled as equivalent to rubber. But hey you can ask for 70$ for it right?
And everyone here knows that if this was a Russian tank there wouldn’t be a need to even have this discussion because the patriotic spirit goes hard.
Premium haters right now
I have grinded each and every single nation all the way to Top Tier… except for Italy, because of the state of the Arietes.
If they were fixed and placed at the BR they belong, I would purchase this Premium and grind Italy. But, until (if) then, I’ll continue to disregard this tree’s existence.
I am not expecting Ariete to suddenly become super strong- the hull would remain glass and the cheeks would be around 440mm KE without WAR and around 590mm KE with WAR- but that would still be significantly better than its current miserable 390 and 400mm respective KE, and most importantly- more realistic.
And when are we adding back the VRCC on Italy?