Pre-order: Ariete Certezza

Pre-order - Ariete Certezza Pack

The Kit Includes:


Let’s take a look at the premium version of the C1 Ariete tank with additional armor and a unique look!

Ariete Certezza: A Premium MBT for Italy at Rank VII

At a glance:

  • Good mobility!
  • DM53 APFSDS shell.
  • Additional WAR armor.

Vehicle History

In 1984, requirements were formed to create a new tank for the Italian Army. Multiple Italian defense companies became involved in creating this new tank, including FIAT, OTO Melara and IVECO. Developments in tank design during the OF-40 tank program and participation in the development of the Leopard 1 were used in the creation of the C1 Ariete prototype. The first batch of tanks were completed in 1988, and after a long series of tests and financial difficulties, the C1 began production in 1995. The initial plan was for 700 tanks, however only 200 were produced in total. In parallel with the base models, the PSO and WAR armor add-on kits were developed, improving the tank’s armor protection at the front and side.

To this day, the Italian Army is the only operator of the C1 Ariete tank.

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Introducing the Ariete Certezza!

The Ariete Certezza is essentially a premium version of the C1 Ariete with the WAR armor add-on kit and a unique look. Coming to the game in the Hornet’s Sting major update, the pre-order pack will provide you with special pre-order bonuses, premium account days and Golden Eagles. Diving into the details!

Let’s take a closer look at the WAR armor add-on kit mentioned above. This kit provides additional protection on the turret’s cheeks, helping to resist hits from guided missiles and HEAT based shells. In terms of firepower, the Ariete Certezza features the 120 mm OTO Breda 120/44 cannon with an effective fire control system that includes a laser rangefinder and a high-res thermal imager. As for ammunition, this tank’s main round of choice is the DM53 APFSDS shell, providing excellent penetration values of just over 600 mm at 100 m.

As for the unique appearance of the Ariete Certezza, we’ve aimed to combine some of the characteristic features of tanks in this series that participated in various exercises and demonstrations. In addition to the markings on the hull and turret, this premium tank is distinguished by unique exhaust pipes that in a way are somewhat reminiscent of the ones from the Tiger tank and concertina razor wire on the lower front plate. To top it off, the Ariete Certezza has a Camouflage net modification that you can turn on or off to your liking. You’ll also be able to remove the WAR add-on armor kit, however the camouflage net will become unavailable when doing this.

That’s it for this dev blog! The Ariete Certezza can be pre-ordered starting from today and will be available with the release of the Hornet’s Sting major update. Keep an eye out for more dev blogs coming your way!

Please note that this vehicle’s characteristics may be changed before it is added to the game.




The War kit was explicitly for additional protection from KE weapons but sure.

Asking $70 for an Ariete in its current state is bold.


all nice but in the meantime I’m waiting for an armor buff that makes those 6 tons of air count


70$ for a more up armored M60 and better round and faster at 11.7 is crazy
Armor fix when


Its been bug reported, its been passed to devs, and yet gaijin is just gonna pretend the war kit is 5.5 tons of nothing and try to sell the Ariete for $70 and to add insult to injury you can’t even equip the camo net if you remove the useless war kit?

The War kit includes the installation of additional plates to protect the turret and hull from direct hits with armor-piercing
APFSDS (Armor-Piercing Fin-Stabilized Discarding Sabot) projectiles and brings the weight
of the tank to 60 tons


And, unless the bug reports have finally been acted in, this will provide a whopping 400mm KE at 11.7… :/


5.5 tons of spaghetti armor
so when hit the crew can eat them and heal back 100% health


60 tons
weight almost as much as an M1A1 yet has basically no armor


please buff italy


Well that’s just a plain lie, the Ariete with WAR kit (that doesn’t seem removable) weights 59 tons with 1250 horsepower, it’s quite literally one of the slowest high tier MBTs in the game 👍


-59 ton tank
-still incapable of withstanding 9.7 shells on the cheeks


ChatGPT has a hard time differentiating between HEAT and KE


reserve tank shell🗿

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For the small price of $70


at least you have 30 days prem to grind other tech tree instead



good one gaijin


If you want 70 euro for this, at least fix the armor.
Do It or It at least tell us that you are planning to do It and i Will buy this MBT today


Fix the armor and people will buy it


Like others have said, fix the protection values and people will buy this.

It would lift everyones spirits, if minor nations could get buffs.