Possible visual changes

I open this thread to make a place for flinging ideas around about visual changes, by visual changes I mean like how afterburner effects were updated some time ago.
I have some ideas myself including making some spitfire models make puffs of black smoke when hitting negative Gs due to surplus fuel entering the engine.
My second idea is making bullet holes on plane be more visible, I believe that this should be achieved by making the impact decals have a little bits of silver (or wood or just nothing if the plane is made of fabric) showing that some of the paint flaking off like the image I put below.
this would make them more visible, on light/silver camos you would probably see the little red dot, on darker camos you would see the silver ring around the hole making it easier to spot.

feel free to agree or not but most importantly…
Put your own ideas for changes!

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Oil on the windscreens to return. That’s something a few have mentioned.

It used to even get you if you were behind someone you were hammering which was also cool.


We used to have more detailed damage decals. They took them out some time ago.

Some planes do still look good with holes in their right wing - pictured - spitfire Mk Vc:


You can see through the wingtip and see the ground and it’s great!

But actual windscreen/canopy damage like this is gone and I wish it came back:


I want these back. I’ve had a bomber-intercept that turned my pilot dark red from a bullet that went right thru my bulletproofed windscreen and I’ve had no idea about it until I landed. It’d have made landing waaaay harder with the spiderwebbing, but also fun.

Nose/Tail wheel steering on the ground and TGP camera movement are two that I’d really like to see, alongside more realistic aircraft damage. One of the three F-16Cs lost to enemy fire, that of Scott O’Grady, was quite literally ripped in two by the Kub, something sadly not possible to do ingame currently as jets can’t have any major part of the fuselage in front of the engines break off. It would also be nice to see more detailed interiors, as for many aircraft (ex, Shenyang F-5) missiles can break off pieces of fuselage revealing the interior, and said interior is very lackluster. I’d also love to see more detailed tank interiors, and possible even said interiors for sim. Many times when you poo the turret of a tank there’s not really much in there and it’s just a bit of an empty hull, save for a few items