Popular Consultation: Knowing the opinion of the community

I’ll be honest here, the latest update tastes like meeeehh…

Of the following options, which would you like to see in the next update? Choose up to three options that interest you most. The goal is to understand community demand in order to try to improve Gaijin’s offering. Lately, I’ve seen too many people disappointed with the content added with each update.

  • Modern tank
  • WWII tank
  • Modern aircraft
  • WWII aircraft
  • Modern SPAA
  • Modern Light tank
  • Helicopter
  • New nation
  • New subnation
  • WWII Ship
  • Modern Ship
  • Quality of life improvements (interface, customization, mechanics)
0 voters

Can you add options for cold war aircraft/ships/tanks?


Honestly I’m pretty happy with this update, my only slight issue is that there were a lot of pack premiums

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Would game mode changes fall under quality of life? SB EC needs serious bugfixes and objective improvements.

Can you also make another option for game play/mission play changes.

I voted for 2, and will hold my third that people can think I want missions to be worked on.

To add to your list, some decent new maps? Especially for ASB

In my opinion this update was made to fix and add some new technical aspects, little that the player has access to (or not, like the Advance to the Rhine, Jungle and Sands of Sinai revamp), which is reflected mainly on the lack of researchable vehicles.

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New game modes? Better maps? Every update adds tools worth of millions of RP, but the gameplay is stale.


It’s kinda pretty obvious that the plan is just to introduce new modern vehicles ( tt and premiums). Everything else is a lazy addition (m44 to all, osa, more strela, etc)

PS : voted for QoL

Rank 1-3 for Israel. Light Tank/IFV line for Israel. SPAA gaps filled for Israel.

Those are what should have been done years ago.

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It won’t let me edit the survey, 5 minutes after it was posted. Leave your comments. I’ll be conducting a new survey tonight, taking into account all the comments collected today.

None of them. I’d prefer new and better quality maps for ground battles.

Honesty I can’t decide. The new vehicles cost too much RP for me to catch up anyway.

50s to 60s, Bombers, Interceptors, Choppers, APCs, SAMs

Bruh no one remembers the ones between modern and old

And as always, where is WW1 Air

I’ll keep that in mind for the next survey. Thanks for your comment.

This game has been impossible lately, the maps are too small for any game, both for WW2/Modern, the Russian teams always win with their superman armor, the sky gets full of planes very quickly, you need to increase points to be able to use aircraft, infinite research irritates everyone, difficulty seeing aircraft in the sky is a pain, every game ends with one team with all the tickets and another with nothing, There is no longer any immersion, it seems like a crazy race, they need to focus more on historical contexts, allies vs axis etc.

I personally think Gaijin could go a whole two updates not adding a new vehicle, but instead prioritize QoL improvments and progressing through the massive bug report queue and I think most players would be content. Maybe revisit some eariler devblogs where they said they would monitor somwthing going forward and give updates on them.

Other: Jeeps for everyone!

Coherent maps ?

It won’t let me select the QOL option 3 times so go ahead and add 2 more for that category thanks. Because if I’m being honest I don’t want any new maps or new vehicles. I simply want the game working properly and less bugs.