[POLL] Visibility mechanic for RB must be completly removed, if in line of sight it must render

This system should only apply to markers. Such a change is nothing more than milking players. Crew level very slowly and maxed out is probably something like 6000GE (per slot).

This is WT not WoT!

The next thing that should be clearly shown to us are the changes that were made. Has anyone written about changing these mechanics, because I don’t recall anything?


especially when you consider how small GRB maps are comparde to ARB maps

So i wasnt tripping when i couldnt hear shots coming from behind buildings. I thought it was the sound mod but no it was gaijub. Rendering can be easily done with the super low quality LODS we have currently unused in ground RB.
I started to dying to light tanks not rendering in infront of me and getting the first shot in.


I voted no, simpily because the mechanic needs to be fixed not removed


Kind of a rant but I feel that crew skill and qualifications are one of the most blatantly unbalanced/unrefined/pay to win features in war thunder.

I Understand that it’s meant to be a form of progression, yet I can’t wrap my head around the implementation.

When I breach someone, I expect them to be out of service longer than it takes me to repair a track or when I’m dogfighting someone and I get g-locked and end up dying because I didn’t spend 1000+ge on an ace crew.

A side effect of this ‘Feature’ is that grinding new nations is painful, apart from the stock grind, not being able to compete with others due to a lack of a modifier is annoying. Which causes a lot of people to stick to one nation, which usually leads to a lack of knowledge of other vehicles that culminates in buff my nation, nerf the opposing country mentality.

Having played for more than 5 years and not having more than 3 ace crews is ridiculous. (mostly due to not being able to train crews on a top tier vehicle without the crew being level 60ish)


Why should the ability to see something in a game mode where player skill to spot things is being tested be gated behind a non-player skill related factor?

Tying render distance to crew skill is like tying gun dispersion to a crew skill to simulate the “gunner’s aim” or even more fittingly egregious - smoothness of aircraft control input to crew skill (especially in Full-real control mode).


That is one of the issues with the mechanic it should always render enemy tanks (including sound), but it should be a skill that limits the distance it can be called out (by crew ie: Tiger 200m) and scouted that’s the kind of fix I was referring to.


Yeah before that change you could spot planes taking off from Airfield in air battles. It was kind of silly tbh as people knew straight away where entire enemy team is (including bombers) so there was no hidding at all.

It has nothing to do with settings and has been documented by YouTubers on what is happening

See from 5 minutes onwards in particular…


It’s even worst


Its funny when you play air sim, and by using targeting pod you are able to see engines smokes, but not planes…


This is another mechanic that will force f2p players to abandon the game or pay. Many of my friends without a premium account can barely earn enough for new machines, and can only dream of having an expert crew.

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People need to realize that this an issue of the anti-cheat being overly aggressive
If they render every tank then wallhacks will work even better
Just bring back CN servers so you can safely loosen up the anti cheat and everything will be fine again
Or find a way to play engine and gun sounds correctly without telling the client where the vehicle is


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[quote=“Ganymedes73, post:38, topic:202366, full:true”]
Add to this that: Sound is only audible when enemy is detected. explained here: https://youtu.be/bE2Dg3F9SwU?si=oEhWCDhVOHoW7fHD

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Yeah, because 50 ton tank will stop immediately after having engine blown up. You know there is also transmission that’s allowing tank to roll? Or you haven’t thought about that?

Rest of the mechanics you are talking about are things community asked for and don’t impact realism othat much. Hell, more modules even improves realism. On the other hand you have stupid mechanic that makes tank silent and invisible. And it’s not rare since a lot of people noticed it.

Finally, I’ll tell you that you can stop being crybaby and delete your comment, since you bring nothing of value.


Really? i just got premium for the first time but even before then never had problem with silver lions. And I even always forget to use boosters and they expire… But I also never rushed to next BR bracket, reaserched full line up first so im not the one ***** that single spawns. which meant i got enough crew xp and SL for crew training and then some.

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The Spotting bug after the patch was the best thing to happen to this game for some days lol

What patch

Hit top tier and we will talk.

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