[POLL] Making the Spike-LR2 of the Namer-30 actually NLOS

Yup, you 100% don’t understand how these missiles work

Less sophisticated = in first person, thru a similar sight to hellfires.


Same guidance method, thru a first person sight

Ok cool but what about the rocket motor that only burns for 2 seconds

Low burn time does not negate the fact that it is, for a competent player, 2+ free kills.

This is like talking to a brick wall

I wish there was a way to remove people from posts you create

God forbid someone disagrees with making the game objectively worse

its funny that he even compare it with the drone when it has thermals and auto trakers to help the guidance even that the manual mode and at the same time tells you that you dont know how the missile works

this would be the most game braking mechanic ever, you can literally spawn camp all spawns in the game without moving a single meter, not to mention that in battle game mode they would just spam missiles from the friendly flag.

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If Gaijin doesn’t want to integrate Spikes in the game, they can simply not add it. Like they could not add the Pantsir but added it anyway. Or the Kh-38, or the spall liners on T-90M, or the fake ERA on T-80BVM.

They could simply not do things. But they did anyway. So how players who consistently demanded realism and fairness since this game was in beta - are to blame for Gaijin digging their own metaphorical graves?


Fairness is necessary, and gaijin’s prior balance decisions have been awful, but this feature would be equally terrible for the game as the T-80BVM on release, and thus not good for the game

We experienced nlos missiles in the warfare 2077 event and they were disgusting. The only saving grace in that event was everything had extremely good hardkill aps and thick armor

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Great then delete the T-80BVM.

what fake era on t80bvm u mongoloid

The Relikt. It has properties in game that it does not have IRL.


In the current state of the game the BVM is fully balanced. The addition of NLOS missiles would be quite the opposite.

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No it is not. And you have not once explained why NLOS missiles are unbalanced, whereas I explained why they are uncompetitive.

An NLOS missile, if added to the game, would be at the worst annoying, and in the hands of a good player, downright overpowered.
The reason for this is the fact that an NLOS missile, with the range to hit any target on the map, could easily be 2 free kills, and god forbid the player gets to reload.

A missile like Spike certainly won’t have the range to hit anything. It would be severely limited in short range engagements - either unable to complete a climb or simply flying over and missing its target. Coincidentally, short range is where most engagements occur.

I could similarly say my BMP-2M’s 4 Kornets are 4 easy kills and I do have reloads (so make it 8), because I can hit targets from spawn to the edge of the map (longer range than Spike btw) and even hit helicopters.

I could also say my T-72AV Turmsty’s entire ammo rack is a couple dozen free kills.