[POLL] Making the Spike-LR2 of the Namer-30 actually NLOS


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Since it only carries 2 missiles and this specific model is NLOS capable IRL, would it be too OP if it got its NLOS capabilities modeled?

Copy paste from an older post:


A few years ago we first saw a form of NLOS capable missiles being introduced to the game (and accidentally making it into live game) where its performance varied greatly.

First of all, the missile was controlled in third person resulting in very enhanced situational awareness and targeting abilities which should not be present with a proper implementation of missiles like the Spike-NLOS, being a first person black and white view of the missile seeker.

Secondly, the missile had a lock on feature which while it is accurate, it made the missile fly in a very weird manner. Instead of having its regular maneuverability, once the missile locked onto a target it would turn much harder than being manually guided which should also not be the case.

And lastly, the missiles that made it into the regular games were at an obsurdly low battle rating where they could destroy almost everything they hit with one shot due to the absense of ERA, composite armor as well as active protection systems. If a missile like the Spike NLOS was introduced, it would most likely be at 12.0 where essentially every tank is covered with composite screens and ERA which could defeat the missile or significantly weaken its post penetration effect.

So to sum up, if a missile like the Spike-NLOS came into the game, it would have a first person black and white seeker (similar to the one on the AGM-65 Maverick) which if you have played with you will know how difficult it can be to spot targets, combined with a limited field of few and maneuvering characteristics with vehicles that have a very limited number of said missile which would make them free food once they run out of missiles.

Oh and another thing, the Spike-NLOS wasn’t designed for close range combat so it should be at least somewhat challenging to use under 500m-1km

Short demonstration of how NLOS should look (because the 2077 april fools nlos is completely unrealistic and makes no sense) which should be essentially the same view you get from the AGM-65D seeker


Please, say why you voted no. I am really curious

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They’ve already denied man in the loop systems for planes ( AGM-62 ERDL and Buc’s ASMs for example) so I guess you’re going to get the same ( no offense to the devs) “lazy” answer that they just won’t implement that stuff.
I’d be down for it but the dev team isn’t.


i mean they denied supersonic jets, air to air missiles and a lot more so “denying” something means nothing really


those claim where made well before supersonic planes were added, we already have several platforms that could get man in the loop and they didnt added, and had denied it constantly , there is no reason to believe that they will change its mind any time soon.

I chose to vote no as any system whch causes an increased number of uncounterable deaths is a negative system for the health of the game.


even with 2 NLOS capable missiles that would still be OP and wouldnt justify a 10.3 BR its currently at.

I said it in a prior thread but giving this potent features will just give gaijin an excuse to bump its BR up where it simply doesnt belong (even with no lineu backing it up) because you still have to remember if someone decides to go down this line first and grabs the Namer 30 as its “highest BR vehicle” in comparison to its prior ones then you just ultimately screwed over anyone grinding the TT.

So before any argues “but no lineup at 10.3” its not about lineups, its thinking about the fact that this “can” end up being someones highest BR vehicle so if its lets say 11.3 because NLOS or APS (like some have argued it should get) well gg goes lobbies with Israel if all they have is an 11.3 Namer and some 9.7 MBTs :D

Leave it as is and consider giving it more than 2 (maybe 4 or 6 total) beyond that its probs gunna down in BR because i expect it to be trash (when I had hopes for this being good)


Then ask Gaijin to fix the damn thing’s armor and battlerating please.

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i really think that you didnt even bother reading the post

or that you simply talk without thinking

dw it got negative armor

can you stop with this bs… your the same guy who argue it should get hull APS when I catagorically proved to you it couldnt fit on the hull with the prototype RCWS-30 turret… but if you think NLOS munitions isnt gunna be OP then tell me how you counter them?

Or has the Ukraine conflict not been a wake up call for ya? like you do realise what an NLOS munition is? its literally a video fed missile that can be controlled by a “man in the middle loop” to make adjustments or attack entrenched/concealed enemies.

Apply that with spotting and its normal drone, you are literally getting 2 free kills with no counter what so ever.

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Not with the current GRB layout as its essentially an effortless way to get 2 kills at the start of the match. Call me insane but I don’t think that would be fun to fight against.

Plus, what happens if you get on a cap point with this? Can you just spam missiles until the enemy rage quits?


Not only that, imagine multiple in a match… with spotting and drone with thermals :D yeah that sounds even more cancerous than CAS. oh and the only viable way that would work is if they put like a 3+ minute timer lockout on the ammo which then renders the thing useless for 3+ minutes.

I’de rather it didnt get it at all, its a balancing nightmare end of


In the loop weapons have no place in the game unfortunately, I can’t see how they’d balance them without nerfing them considerably.


no lol you just posted pics from some random chinese website that have 0 credibility

I would like to see this (obviously at a much higher BR than 10.3)

Realistically, the seeker is gonna be kinda crap, it’s going to travel too fast for it to be especially useful on your average WT map, and it is hard countered by APS.

With that being said, I think vehicles should have their real life capabilities and something like NLOS is inevitably going to come to the game eventually. We already have “uncounterable” stuff at top-tier (See Kh-38 vs ADATS and similar), this would just be another neat gimmick, and probably only good against helos anyway.

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Stuff like the LAVAD’s hydras already take a bajillion years to reload on a cap, just give this thing a 2+ minute reload per missile.

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Thats fixed now from what I have seen.

LAV-AD’s Hydras are not equivalent to a Spike-NLOS missile why would you use this as an example?

I disagree, not only does this ignore the main problem I see with the NLOS (being the ability to get 2 cross map kills as soon as the round starts) this also makes the player playing the vehicle worse off. I don’t think a net negative solution is a good solution.

Instead, I would be fine if the missile would be introduced with limitations, such as ±1 or 2 G limit. Making it require skill to position and hit targets properly. In addition, the missile should be unavailable for the first 5 minutes of the match to ensure no spawn to spawn killing exists.

ADATS is the top SPAA for UK and US so it is still what it will face since they have nothing better

It shouldn’t be true NLOS in game, but I voted yes because Gaijin said they won’t implement it in any way similar to my other propositions.