[POLL] Making the Spike-LR2 of the Namer-30 actually NLOS

I doubt that is what he is referring to. Instead I believe that its this: Community Bug Reporting System. Kh-38s coming towards you can now be intercepted quite trivially by the ADATS which provides at least a little counterplay to them.

I’m pretty sure they loft over your radar’s search arc regardless

that would have to be a really high launch (from somewhere like 8-9km alt I think). Regular launches (which none of the SM3 players I have encountered do) are really easy to detect. From there, intercepting the missiles aimed at you is a piece of cake (except for the chaparral, type81 and TOR from what I have heard).

Biggest problem is intercepting missiles aimed at friendly ground targets as I haven’t been able to intercept those reliably yet. This is getting off topic though.

Yes, but a little bit of a no…
(I’m putting my vote as yes because I want to test them out to see how it will work out ingame)

1: with the way spikes are damaging vehicles right now, I think this wouldn’t be broken in the slightest.
2: it doesn’t have many missiles, so limited capability with this feature making it not toooo overpowered.
3: if the way it’s implemented is that the view isn’t third person, but rather the view of the seeker in the head of the missile, it would be a lot more balanced and fair.

1: if spikes are buffed it could be quite overpowered, especially given the fact there’s no way to counter this at all…
2: as mentioned above, there’s practically no way to counter this missile, unless you just pray it will go goofy and “hit” you.
3: Spawn-camping, SPAA killing, and being virtually unkillable while sitting at a spawn point and reloading for the game. I know a lot of people would love to do this on the big maps especially…
4: if this thing (Namer RCWS-30) or any other tanks to feature this weapon and its capabilities gets a micro recon, not sure if it does atm, then it could be quite potent in the hands of a skilled player.

My brain saw “negative armor” and idk why but suddenly I imagined shooting a tank and you recover that damage. Gaijin write this down as an April fools event please lmfao

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If it made soviet main suffer then YES

lmao and also the Israel pictures that show the turret position from all angles and the APS positioning on the hull. if you cannot use basic points to determine location/size of something then dont bother trying to argue because the pics dont lie when you piece them together even exlcuding the chinese APS pictures (not like there isnt Israel APS pictures showing the same thing but whatever) oh an videos

Either way NLOS addition is a not balanced, even if 2 were added (still have to account for multiple Namer 30s in a match) but yh whatever

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Personally, considering how quickly CAS spawns and how fast games end, I don’t think the vehicle would be able to just spam spikes if this was allowed. Even if the spike was good, which they are clearly not intending to make it good based on the developer’s comments, it wouldn’t pose that big of a threat due to the limited count of the missile.

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Russia has a similar missile fired from helicopters called LMUR so…

Don’t be lazy. This topic has been chewed a thousand times over. Just look up any of the suggestions on the topic. A fully MITL Spike is not only viable, but probably not even competitive in War Thunder.

Few suggestions I remember:

  1. Selectable hit point, no MITL. Front, rear, center.
  2. MITL. Narrow FoV, long rise time, stiff controls. Long reload time.
  3. F&F for most flight, MITL in last couple seconds to guide to point.

#2 is what makes a MITL ground launched ATGM uncompetitive. They’re meant for engagement of several kilometers, where they can rise, get a good view of the area, pick and lock a target, and then hit. Such distances are practically unheard of in War Thunder, especially when most maps feature opposing spawns right in each other’s face. They’re not AAMs.


Regular MITL will be fine, I don’t think that there’s a need for artificial nerfs to it. Just having to look through a black and white seeker with only two zoom levels for such short distances will already make it difficult to use

If that is what you belive, do you also think that the KH-38MT should be guided the same way? How about all other spikes?

If this feature is added, it will singlehandedly ruin top tier ground. Players would just flat out, uncounterably, die. That is not a good thing.

ah yes let me compare a 40km, supersonic, high payload HE air launched missile to a ground launched 130mm HEAT missile because that makes sense right?

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Same guidance system is available.
My point is that a “man in the middle” non line of sight system would be overpowered regardless of how poor the sight quality.

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Yeah because obviously the AIM-260 and AIM-54A are the same because they use the same guidance system

Please acknowledge my stated point instead of dancing around it. True NLOS will NEVER be a positive in the current top tier climate.


Spike would be severely limited and situational with MITL specifically because of low engagement ranges in ground.

The Kh-38 is launched from great distances so it would not have the same limitations. You’re comparing apples to elephants.

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Both would be, at the very least, unbelievably frustrating to play against, and very negative for war thunder’s balancing overall.

I don’t think you even understand how these missiles work…

I very much do, they are a less sophisticated version of the NLOS missiles from the 2077 event (which only were bearable due to every tank having some counter to them.)

They would, without a counter (for most nations) be a death/heavy damage from nowhere, with no counterplay except for waiting for the damn thing to run out of missiles