[Poll][Discussion for suggestions]In ground-battles, a white circle should be displayed at the spawn point, and vehicles inside the circle should be able to disable damage judgment and refill ammunition and other supplies at the spawn point

I understand what you are trying to tell us, but the first step is to suggest that that spawn circle area be implemented.
We need to get a lot of positive and supportive feedback to do that.

This suggestion is not intended to discourage CAS from destroying solid tanks that cannot be defeated head-on.
It is a suggestion to curb the game disruption of re-selecting the wrong vehicle, refilling ammunition, and being killed immediately after respawning, once you go out.
It is a suggestion to reduce unreasonable deaths, especially CAS to respawn areas, being killed immediately after respawn, or being monitored by helicopters from a distance in the spawn area, and being killed immediately after spawn & respawn.

Unfortunately, you cannot truly stop spawn camping in any shooter type video game. The best you can manage to do is bring it down to a reasonable level.

Usually when spawn pushing ensues en masse, it means your team has completely collapsed and the match is in the process of folding.

Early game spawn camping by any unit type is a different beast. Ultimately it’s either map design, the spawn system, or objective design at fault.

For CAS specifically, I lay the blame on the entire Spawn Point system - specifically the very ability or even notion that “you must earn the right to use an airplane.” No matter how SP costs get changed, one side will always get air up before the other side, often before the other side thinks to use counters, and then the other side proceeds to scream and cry about it. Common calls to “raise CAS SP costs” only slightly delay the problem and not fix it seriously.

I think Simulator’s idea of SP is a major step in the right direction. How it works:

  • All players start with 1000SP

  • No more earning SP from any actions whatsoever

  • No more point doubling upon death

  • Aircraft are forced to spawn on the runway and actually take off

CAS can be first-spawns, but outside specific machines with blatantly-overperforming weapons like the Ka-50/52 Vkhir missile, it allows both sides to fight fire with fire right from the moment the round begins. Early game CAS can now be swatted by fighters without either side needing to do gamey cap-rushing BS. A bad pilot will die early on, waste most of his/her SP, and maybe get one half-decent tank to use afterwards. CAS will then turn on and clean itself up as the community quickly learns.

I do like the idea of adding non-player ground units around caps and spawns, but making them immortal will only create more of a mess than you can possibly imagine. Calm yourself down, leave your anger and rage and hate behind, and seriously think about the consequences, not just what you personally want.

Tanks and planes need more objectives to kill than just exclusively each other, with enough ticket and grind value to actually be worthwhile to kill. The mode feels like a pressure cooker right now for everyone - tanks feel like fish in a barrel and planes honestly get bored with the lack of variety in what they’re asked to go do.

If I had some other targets to kill on maps which actually mattered to map victory, at least some of my gunfire/ordinance on my CAS would go to those instead of just player tanks.

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I think that suggestion is lovely.
For now, I believe that visualizing the spawn area and making it an invincible area that eliminates the judgment of attacks from enemies will balance the game and reduce the mental burden on the player.

However, I think it is not suitable for land RB.
Land RB has the concept of top tier and bottom tier.
As long as the matching is limited by the BR difference in matching, it will be difficult to distribute spawn points fairly.
But that system would be able to adjust the number of sorties by spawn point by matching boats, small ships, destroyers, cruisers, battleships, at the same time within 1000 spawn points in Naval Battles RB.
I think this would solve the matching problem, especially in naval RB.
So I will start a new topic and make a suggestion.

I feel the invulnerability would be exploited, and that the sheltering of the player from thier enemy isn’t a wise thing at all.

Whilst spawn protection is there and works, actually having a forced barrier, where they can rearm and recrew, would make it a simple drive out, shoot, take a bit of damage and back back in to get restocked.

We already have temporary spawn protection. A zone of total immunity is absurd.

Spawn zones being able to replenish ammo, speed up and allow repair of vehicles and crew replacement would be a very welcome addition.

Add just a system like Air has with airfield, an option to leave Your vechicle without ‘Death’ penalty.

With that, things like SPAA could get another chance of being used more widely. Don’t understand why one type of unit has such option while other don’t.

You are allowed to use the whole map excluding out of bounds but including where you spawn

Unfortunately, I do not agree with this feature. I can agree with FPE replenishment at capture points, etc., but ammo replenishment and constant invincibility at spawn points further degrades the quality of the player.

I can easily imagine a large number of players camping at spawn points with SAMs and SPAAs right at the start of a match.

I think creating a spawn circle would be very noticeable from the air.
Then, vehicles returning to the circle to refuel or do other repairs would be a conspicuous target.

So it may be good to be invincible and unattacked only during repair and ammunition replenishment.

I understand how you feel.
However, I think it is perfectly clear from the sky that you are unprotected while refilling and repairing.

Let’s hope the harm caused by that will be brushed off when it is implemented.

I support the idea that spawns should provide ammo, personnel and repair but nothing else.

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This is the main reason I object to this idea you have…

It’s abusable, and would end up being more problematic than a solution for your issue.

+1, just for the reloading ammo part. It’s really annoying to be using an SPAA or IFV and running out of missiles, only for there to be no captured point to replenish at. Being able to pick up more ammo in spawn would provide a much better alternative than suicide rushing a cap and hoping to replenish.

only for reload, imagine if you are in a TorM1 and you shot out all missile, how ever, you are in a one point battle with small map😣the respwan point reload can solve this problem

“Well, that was a fun time getting 5 kills! It’s a shame I had to use 18 rounds to get them… Welp, time to re- What do you mean I have 2 teammates left and 0 capture points??
Welp, guess It’s time to hide in a corner or J out!”


Now, I submit the following as a suggestion
Add an area near the spawn area for ammunition resupply and first aid for the crew."

Go make a suggestion. Suggesting things in a discussion thread isn’t suggesting anything.