Poll and the futur of War Thunder Airshow

Hi everyone,
If you didn’t saw, we did a second Airshow last day. Our pilots and spectators liked it so obviously we are going to expend it for the third edition in 2025 (already !)
So, I am doing this little poll to get your opinion and give you some screenshots of the event.

The futur of the event:

Option A

We continue like this: one french cast and one english cast and one streamer to get a replay. You can register on discord or on the forum as you want, announcement 3 weeks before the show.
The show it self lasts for 3h mostly on CEST timezone, mostly everything is on discord.
=> as usual, we aim for 40 pilots and a mix of team and random players. for a 3h show

Option B

We prepare a strong commentary and streamers on twitch in different language. Pilots have a way to earn GE or a camo after flying in a selection show (in January) then they have a priority on the public schedule of june 2025. Team who can’t come due to wrong timezone can send us the replay of their display. The show lasts a full 4 hours or more distributed on different time zone. (and break time)
=> more “professionnal”, we aim for a lot of pilots and a priority to prepared team.

Why does the "Option B" exist

We know that public likes outstanding team performances or simple solo clean display. But we also know a barrier in aerobatics team preparation is the time investment for a simple show. With the option B we will try to have a form of reward for thoses pilots who work with us to create a nice show.

The poll

Are you interested in a Warthunder Airshow?

  • Yes, as a pilot
  • Yes, as a spectator
  • No, I dislike airshow
  • No, I need to grind
0 voters

Do you prefer:

  • Option A
  • Option B
  • Both
  • None
0 voters

Do you have friends interested in aerobatics on Wt?

  • Yes
  • Y.es
  • No
  • Yes, but below the “No”
  • No, but I am gonna find new friends
0 voters

Resume of 2024 edition

We started the session at 18h15 UTC with rb parameters, installation and invitation have been finished at 18h25. The Spitfire commemorative flight took off as an hommage to Squadron Leader Mark Long who crashed on week ago.

The official schedule started around 18h30, with no major problems. Despite some few accidental (2) ground collision we finished 20 min late at 22h30 and took off for a massive ending formation.

Spitfire missing man formation

HWF team formation and final break

JDSG team on the taxiway during HWF display

JDSG team formation and break

Jeronimo with his P-51D-5 in a side flight, flat spin and negative G looping

Jerry in Lidia Litviak’s Yak-1B

Thai_Fight intermission with a F3F in a flat spin (forgot to take more screen but you can see him here at 1:38:00)

Vietnam war display: 3 short presentation of the story of their planes

Switz Aerobatic Team

KAT-PAF taking off in front off the public

KAT-PAF’s “roque” and barrel roll

KAT-PAF fake landing and negative G turn

For Thai_fighter solo display, check here at 2:50:00

FALCON 4 team display

Bicyclette solo display with Mirage 4000

UA/RU display and fake dogfight

KAT-PAF heart and end of the show:

If you want more screen or video replays, check our discord and thai_fighter


Hmmm, I guess the idea is if you can’t touch grass and drive to an air show you can bring it to the game?

the idea is, if you don’t want to pay your PPL then your aerobatic licence you can do it into the game x)
And all country doesn’t always have an airshow.
An exemple in Germany:
Or Poland:

Mmm, ok, mb I’m in the states, and live on base so I’m kinda lucky

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Even in the state, you can’t be the show. But yes your are lucky. (btw, you don’t have the PAF, the couteaux Delta, the Slovenian solo display, the Greek F-16, the Switz and more in the US) and in Europe it is rare to see the black eagle.

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Man, I get to see the blue angels and the thunderbirds perform, ik one of the blue angel pilots who retired ( Russ Bartley) he was the co lol, and rn I’m on Langley afb which I have f22s flying over all day, if you think you heard a loud aircraft wait until you hear the f22

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