Agm 65D are not cool
Well, I prefer the “broke boy” thermals they offer, the locking range is superb too.
If anything, the 65Bs should be an option but even then I wouldn’t carry them.
Flag me all you want tho, I don’t mind and I’m also sorry that I upset you.
yea thats what am saying, give it as a option also the gunpods. su25t and su39 have the same exact loadout why cant both a10 do too?
İ think the real issue is why early A10 model can carry Gbu’s but late model cant?
İnstead of adding AGM65B’s adding GBU’s are much better choice i think.
Exactly my point bro😭a model.more advanced cant carry stuff the old model does
IIRC The GBU-8 were retired shortly after the A-10 entered service. That said the A-10 Early / Late split in game is essentially meaningful as the A-10 did not get AIM-9s until quite late in it’s service life, so both the A-10A Early and A-10A Late are from essentially the same point in time, it’s literally just an excuse for Gaijin to sell a premium version.
Why am i not surprised…
Imo people should buy premiums cause they give good rp and sl rewards…not cause they have better/more weaponry than their IDENTICAL counterpart. Theres no such thing as a10 “late” or “early” its so dumb😭
You do realize they’re just a straight upgrade right? Like, there are no downsides at all. Not even a little. I’m not sure where you get this “not cool” from. I’m very confused.
well u see the agm65B have a much better zoom which id rather have than a 1st gen thermal seeker with next to 0 zoom
That’s dependent on the plane, not the missile. Just a problem with the A-10. I get the issue though.
Any plane without a TGP (such as A-10) has to use the missile’s seeker to lock targets. The 65D has like 4x max zoom, while the 65B is closer to 25x zoom. You can imagine how that makes locking and even spotting enemy vehicles a little tricky.
Hilarious magnification. No 65B is a joke