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We need new maps.
But with proper testing, feedback and improvement cycles.
We need better bug report and suggestion systems. We need better developer-player interaction. Maps without player feedback will fail.
I donno. The sniping spot that can see the whole mid field, right BEHIND the SW spawn is nice and convenient. /s
I just wish they stopped adding GRB maps and added ASB and NRB maps instead
Or made maps that could be used by all modes and (gasp) combines arms where all modes could be used together.
I flew around the new map today and noticed that they fully modelled the “Acropolis” even though its not within the boundaries and there is no way for a vehicle to get up there. It’s like… this cost hundreds of modeler hours to do/pay for and its useless…
Or that yeah. Would be stupidly easy to make a good Air EC Map that had 1-2 GRB and NRB maps baked into it
I’d rather they add new maps I can ignore than have them ruin the existing maps but I can’t think of one that hasn’t been ruined by now.
Turning Abandoned Factory 90 degrees…just…wow…
I like the way Enlisted does (or at least did, back when they had the campaign system) it, where all of the maps of a specific campaign are built into each other. IE you could see all the other maps used in the campaign from a Birds Eye view, they were just obviously off limits.
This is mostly unrelated but one of my favorite ever video game features was Operations in BF1. The idea of playing a single “match” for 30-120min where the setting and context is in the player’s hands was really cool. Attacking (or defending) the Fao Fortress during the British landing in Mespotamia, pushing back the enemy into a strategic retreat, then attacking and forcing into a retreat again in the Sinai desert 100km inland, culminating in a final attack (or defense) another 100km away at the defensive line on the Suez Canal.
Tying a single PvP FPS match into a directional, progressive narrative with totally unique characteristics on each team and in each map was awesome. But what was incredible to me was being able to balance that immersion and map-to-map, even zone-to-zone, differences with critically making it accessible and allowing for the ability to jump in and out - not forcing a full commitment to a series of matches that could take almost 2 hours at longest.
It wasn’t neutered/white-washed in the name of perfect symmetry and balance either (not everything has to be an e-sport). In some zones the defenders had to defend flat, unfavorable terrain without air support, and in other zones (even on the same map) attackers were faced with multiple strongpoints, bunkers, and armor. Best of all despite this the game was pretty balanced, using non-intrusive/non-symmetrical tools to create a fair environment (respawn times from 6-14s, armor/airship support after failed attacks, ticket amounts, times etc).
I’ve always felt like WT has an incredibly unique opportunity to create some incredible settings and game modes (I’m dying to see a breakthrough-style Iwo Jima from beach to airfield to mountain) but it feels like this is the area where the least progress is made.
AirRB is the best (worst) example of this. SO much potential in that mode, accessible yet realistic-ish feeling controls, huge player base etc. but instead we’re stuck playing the exact same, perfectly-symmetrical, glorified team deathmatch. The objectives feel irrelevant and frankly forced, and there’s pretty much zero difference between each game - climb and kill until one team is out of players. Never played world war so I don’t know if it was even any good but it’s a shame the little bit of game mode innovation they’ve made (World War & RB enduring confrontation) was either killed off entirely or partially.
war thunder players try not to complain = impossible
This would be a good canditate for a down-vote
The Snail provides so much material to work with.