Please rework the ammunition for the 90mm M3 cannon

Even 50 gramm of tnt is enought to kill crew of gigants like M6A1.

It is for the majority of vehicles, but it’s not the case with the 90mm APCR.

in most cases APCR deals very little damage and doesn’t offer enough penetration to use it over AP for most vehicles.

The 90mm APCR is different in that it not only offers vastly more penetration but also deals a lot of damage since the Gaijin buffed APCR shells of calibers equal and above 90mm.

So Panther and Tiger APCR is complete garbage while 90mm APCR actually rules.

The only vehicles that profit from APCR are basically the German 20mm auto-cannnons, the M4A2 and Jumbo Sherman with 75mm APCR, as well as all vehicles using US 90mm APCR.

M304 is perhaps the only truly “decent” APCR round in the game.

I’ve shown this clip to friends, people I’ve met on discord, etc, multiple times, it’s about 9 months old now and I still find reason to post it.

Try to do it with angle

It’s enough when you shoot a vehicle in the perfect spot. However in the that isn’t always the case.
A lot of times you just “take a shot” at a vehicle. The more damage the more likely that the round takes out the vehicle, regardless where it hits, since you don’t need to hit a specific area to deal maximum damage.

The M6A1 isn’t even that big. All the crew are squished together in the middle of the tank.

A lethal gun that still struggles against tanks in a downtier? Last i checked tbe Panther doesnt need to deal with Ferdinands, Tiger IIHs and other German vertically well protected machines. All the other tanks it fights have easily exploited weakspots for the 75 to slip through, like the ARL-44s turret and the LFP weakspots of the pershings.

Everything else is poorly armored enough for the panther to shoot center of mass and be done with it.


So a Panther is the only tank a M26 can see in a downtier. Are you joking?

Maybe you haven’t heard about the French and Russian Panther tanks.

its premium

Please list me all the vehicles that the Panther 75mm can pen center of mass but the 90mm APHE can’t.
And when you’re going to use the argument that the 90mm will see more heavily armored tanks, just think about why a more lethal gun is going to see more opponents that can resist it in some way.

A center of mass shot to deal damage is completely irrelevant when you deal more damage against turret and sides. Battles are not 1 vs. 1 tanks facing each other.
It’s like planes flying around, searching for the opportunity to engage another.

Wow, great argument. So?

It’s not frequently appearing enemy and panther have better ballistic to shoot weakspots.

And that’s exactly the issue. The M26 will be obsolete due to the T26E5, combined with M26E1, in the same way that the T25 is currently obsolete due to the M26. Or like how the Chi-To is obsolete due to the Chi-To Late (this last case in particular, the Chi-To Late is just objectively superior and sits at the exact same BR. There is actually not a single reason to use the Chi-To over the Chi-To Late).

Sure, all the “obsolete” vehicles are still or will still be usable. The question is just why would you use them?

Which weakspots? He was talking about Tiger II (H) and Ferdinands.

So a tank not frequently appearing means we can’t judge it’s performance or what?

Panther can pen every american tank except T26E5 T26E1-1 with 75mm but 90mm cant pen germans.

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Obsolete is a strong word. They might be not as effective but hey, maybe they get better modifier.

So what is the argument? This tank is 5-10% less effective that’s why it should be at a BR where it’s 10-20% more effective than others?

It’s just the nature of the BR system that some vehicles will be slightly better, but not enough to change anything about their BR.

Panther wont fight with another german heavies except only soviet and french panther.

The T26E5 has significantly superior armor with basically no meaningful disadvantages when compared to the M26, in the same way that the M26 currently has significantly superior armor to the T25 with no meaningful disadvantages.

So I disagree with the idea that “obsolete” is a strong word here. Because the vehicles in question are or will be obsolete, simply because there’s no reason to take one over the other.

Again, obsolete doesn’t mean the vehicles will be unplayable garbage. Just that they won’t have a reason to be played in the first place.

T25 is 5.7 tank. Compared to tiger 1 porche it has only better traverse

It doesn’t really matter what BR it could or should be. What matters right now is that it is 6.3, which is currently the same BR as the M26, and that means that there is basically no reason to even touch the T25 if you have the M26.

Unless you specifically want an ultra fast reverse speed when the M26 already has a pretty good reverse speed (will likely get slightly better as well since I’ve made a bug report on it), while having significantly better armor and even slightly better forwards mobility.

Either that or you just specifically want to play the T25 for the hell of it.

There’s just no actually good reasons to do so. So it is obsolete for the time being.

Which Germans? Why does penetration matter? You don’t need to 30mm cannon to shoot down fighter plane. The Panthers gun is the equavilant of US planes being equipped with 12.7cals to kill German fighters while German planes need bigger guns to deal with bombers.

Just because the Panther is able to penetrate a vehicle, doesn’t mean it will get into that position to do so. You understand?

If you’re not faster, have better acceleration, reverse speed, gun traverse and depression your vehicle will never be able to get into the same situations to shoot at targets.

If a bomber flies at 10km, it doesn’t matter that you have three 30mm cannons, when you can’t reach him. It’s the same with Panthers. The ability to penetrate a few vehicles more while some vehicles can’t penetrate the front plate while dealing significant more damage with each shot, doesn’t make the Panther a better vehicle.

IF you can fight another vehicle at range where the Panther is better, than it’s the better vehicle for the situation. That doesn’t make it the better vehicle in any other situation.