Please rework the ammunition for the 90mm M3 cannon

Maybe because ssnail closed all sideways on maps so tanks must go to frontal attack where germas have huge advantage?

I think you people are either trolling or completely stupid.

How about I stop correcting you and you do it for once.

Come on. List every aspect that the vehicles are equal, since you said that only the reverse speed is better.

None of tnt in american APHE will do damage if it wont pen armor

Tbf I would not be surprised if the Porsche Tiger has better acceleration than the T25 given how god awful that transmission is right now.

I mean not reverse speed, turret traverse. Tiger 1 Porche have same electric transmission with reverse and better armor

None of the penetration of the Panther matters, if it can’t shoot at the same targets than a vehicle with better stats.

In test drive they have same speed on mud and sand. T25 have better speed on asphalt but reaches it very slow

What targets can shoot M82 that panther cant?

Gun, speed, both have electric reverse

Panthers don’t fight German heavies and German TDs. That alone is a major difference. Panthers get to fight tanks that they are superior to. The M26 gets to fight tanks it’s inferior to.


Thats because Gaijin keeps having this idiotic idea that an enclosed M3 90mm gun is such a massive threat that requies the tank to share BRs with King Tigers. Its a fact that the 90 is gimped to hell and back,. A result of poorly researched data and lazyness.

The Panther doesnt need to worry about APCR because it will always fight along side the heavily armored bricks in the same tree. Lets not forget the Jagdpanther that the M26 can do nothing except pray that someone else with a better gun to end its eight kill streak.


You know, tanks have stats that aren’t just gun penetration or armor.

If a plane has better climb or speed, it will be in a different position than others.
Therefore different planes will have different opportunities to engage others.

Suprise, Suprise. It’s the same with tanks. If you’re in a fast vehicle, you will be in a position that allows you to shoot other vehicles before slower vehicles can.
Thus, the fast vehicle doesn’t need the best gun. Even when it can’t penetrate every target, it will get more opportunties to be in a position to do so than the vehicle with a better gun that is slower.

The same also works with gun traverse, RoF and reverse speed.

You can’t shoot a target, when you can’t put your gun on them fast enough.
You can’t shoot a target when you’re still reloading.
You can’t shoot a target when you need to move you’re vehicle (reverse) to get into a firing position.

If you need to move back 5m to have a line of fire it will take a Panther a life-time.

Thus the Panther will miss the chance to knock out vehicles much more, than other vehicles that don’t have the highest penetration or frontal armor.

It’s not a 1 vs. 1 game. You succeed by destroying other vehicles, therefore giving your team the advantage. More vehicles is a way bigger advantage than having slightly better vehicles on paper.

If you’re plane needs to sideclimb, hhances are you’re team is dead by the time you have the advantage over them, which nullifies your advantage.
The same with tanks. If you can’t make an impact, it doesn’t matter that you have better stats in some ways.

only d variant have problem, another fast enought.

If armor is protecting you time isnt that matter(is-2 experience)
90mm and 75mm kwk have same reload speed

Comets, shermans, early t-34, and much more tanks somehow live with bad reverse and bad armor.

Of course because enemy panther isnt one in team you cant just flank it you must flank them all/


You don’t understand. When a vehicle has 20-25% faster traverse it means it will be able to put it’s gun faster on target, in any case.
Faster on target means you can hit a vehicle that would otherwise get away and it means that you can shoot faster, which means you’re reloaded faster than the vehicle that takes 1-2 seconds more to fire and potentially not get shot yourself.

Which means the difference is damage output and penetration. Damage always matters while penetration only matters in specific cases and isn’t large enough make a difference in a lot of cases.
Why would it matter that the Panther can penetrate 10% more targets while the 90mm deals is more lethal in 90% of the time they both penetrate?

Wow. Almost like other factors also matter. But apperently they only matter when they suit your opinion.

You don’t need to flank a Panther to take it out. You just need to use your brain and realize: “Oh there might be Panthers in the enemy team, so I better not stick to paths where I have to fight one head-on at range”.
Doesn’t matter, whether Shermans, T-34-85, Comets or Challangers. They all have the ability to shoot a Panther first. If you engage a Panther at close range, you will be able to destroy it.
A freaking 75mm Jumbo is going to take out a Panther. At range the Panther doesn’t have the penetration. At close range the Jumbo will be able to shoot it first.
A T-34-85 is probably a bigger threat to the Jumbo than the Panther.

And guess, what? You also have tanks on your team. You think that the Panther is able to resist getting penetrated from the front by all of them?

Unless the Panther is fighting at long range, it will expose it’s weak side armor to other tanks while the turret is always a weakspot for anyone taking a shot.

The M26 has a 21º/s turret traverse. Panther A and G have 20º/s. So it’s a 5% increase in that case.

ironically enough the T26E4 and T26E5 with heavier turrets have 24º/s turret traverse rates… It’s only the M26s that have 21º/s.

The only thing I’m not sure about is that they should not raise the Br of the T26E5 and super preshing, since both are better than the M26.

where in game you can find big open places where you must rotate the turret very fast? most of the maps have sniping spots with not so big fire sectors(non turret TD must be useful).

one big specific case when you re is soviet/usa team and you cant pen enemy while enemy can pen you/

if i choose side path to not headon panthers will have enough time to reach points and take it and because points have a lot of covers panthers can just control all entrances to points

But t-34 and sherman must spend time to aim with worse ballistic and optics while panther can just point and click.

Well, since this become a Panther topic apparently, I wasn’t talking specifically about the M26 in that case. Shermans have stabilizers, T-34-85 have 25% faster traverse, Challangers even 65%.

Tanks are either more mobile than the Panther, have traverse speed, better traverse, RoF or simply more damage. If you lower side-plate a Jumbo, the 85mm of a T-34-85 is not only better at penetrating it, it also deals significantly more damage.

Like I said, the only thing that a Panther is better than other mediums, is the penetration and the frontal armor. Everything else is worse. The penetration is an insignificant advantage and the armor situational. The two advantages combined mean that the Panther is the best for fighting at range but it’s not as competetive in every other scenario.

With peashooter gun and 792 m/s muzzle velocity that means you must take good aim if distance 400m+

It doesnt work aganist volumetric hell