Please rework the ammunition for the 90mm M3 cannon

M26 cant be 6.7 on that br we have premium with gun from super pershing and same mobility

And on 6.7 M26 will almost always meet IS-3

Obvously it can… :P

Interestingly my beloved T26E5 stats are much worse.
I used in 3 battles, died 3 times and got 3 kills. Seems like superior armor isn’t everything :'(

When I abused it at 6.3, to quickly spade it, I manged to get a 3.0 K/D.

Here’s the deal. Both tanks have the same gun but the M26 is slightly more mobile.
So they can shoot more or less at the same targets with the same chance to knock them out.
If you play it safe, like I did with the M26, you won’t get more kills. Only when you try to use your armor in some aggressive way you might be able to kill vehicles that bounce.
But you also putting yourself at risk of getting shot from the side or running into something that can pen you with HEAT.

The M26E1 has more penetration but lower RoF. It’s probably worth the trade but in a lot of cases you don’t need to the extra penetration.
If you’re up against a Tiger II (H) the APHE might pen the turret but, if you miss you have to wait longer.
It won’t pen a Ferdi while the 90mm with M304 will.

Sure it might be nice to pen a Panther or Jagdpanther throught the front but with RNG bounces you’re probably going to bounce 50% of the time.
I kid you not. One time 90mm APCBC from the AMX-4 bounced 5 times in a row against the Panthers front armor at maybe 58° impact angle in the test-drive.

What about the IS-3? The M26E1 doesn’t provide much benefit here. Sure you are more likely to take it out with a shot from the side but frontally the faster RoF makes it more likely to disable it.

The IS-3 is just as slow as the Tiger II (H) but with much worse traverse and bigger muzzle break. A M26 will easily be able to hit the muzzle break or shoot the breach when the turret is angled.
M304 has the muzzle velocity to do that even at a few hundred meters.

A T26E1-1 is an easy kill for a IS-3 because the armor doesn’t mean much. It’s slow so it’s unlikely to get a chance to hit the IS-3 in the side.

Again, if you play it safe and don’t rely on your armor, tanks that are slower and have worse RoF are not going to be much better than the M26.

The IS-3 is a tough cookie to crack for every WW2 vehicle but it’s very easy to disable.

So by your own words, when the T26E5 was at 6.3, the same BR as the M26, you had substantially better statistics with the T26E5 than with the M26.

That kind of defeats the whole argument you’re trying to make, don’t it.

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Actually no :)

I also had pretty much the same stats with the M26 ^_^

I just knew that using a more armored M26 at 6.3 would be a walk in the park.

You know, sometimes people just play vehicles because they think are are good or better than what they already have.
It’s like the story of the crew of Ferdinands that felt very comfy about their vehicles, because they knew they had a ton of armor to protect them.

So when the T26E5 was released at 6.3, a huge number of players started to play it, thinking it would be super effective. And of course it was: In a downtier you just get killed even less than in a M26, obviously.

Almost like that’s because the T26E5 really is just better than the M26 because it also has higher gear ratios so it doesn’t even have that much worse mobility.

In fact the T26E5 has better acceleration on 6th gear than the M26 does on its 6th gear because of the increased gear ratios. And the same applies to all the other gears when compared in this way.

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And what does that mean in practice?

Will a T26E5 climb a hill faster than a M26? I don’t think so.

I don’t know, would depend a lot on the hill.

It does, however, mean that the T26E5 doesn’t actually sacrifice much mobility at all for all the additional armor. So it kind of is just better.

Panther can pen 80-90% of m26 front. Balanced

Only really if it’s closer than 200 or so meters and the M26 isn’t angled. Otherwise, not really. There’s still a decent number of weakspots but the main part of the UFP will stop the Panther’s gun.

Hangar analysis shovs pen of UFP on 500m. Also mantlet can be penned destroying breech. if you angle turret you show waek turret side

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Either way, the american 6.7 line-up just doesnt need another tank when the other options for it are just straight up better.

Lets not forget that if the M26 moves up the T25 stays at 6.3. A tank that offers no advantage over the Panther besides a reverse speed and trollish turret armor. It should share 6.0 br with the Panther.

Tbh the M26s weakspots are way less prone to volumetric shenanigans compared to other tanks in its BR. There also seems to be a bug with the obnoxious crew hatches where if penned, the game ignores the turret armor entirely and kills thr whole crew.


If it shows from 500 meters then you are either shooting a weakspot or you are shooting from above.

Also you don’t angle the turret in the M26. You just angle the hull.

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Panther is higher

Done a quick test and it seems they are in fact equal in that regard.

So it’s kinda true that the T26E5 is better. You can do almost the same but not get taken out as easily.

The M26 does have however a faster top and reverse speed. Which could mean you get more opportunities to hit the same vehicles.

If we put both vehicles in the same situations, the M26 will be able to shoot at more targets while the T26E5 is able to survive getting shot.

Of course when you don’t put yourself into a situation where the T26E5 armor might safe you, then the armor won’t matter that much.

It’s kinda the same story with the Tiger II and Panther II.
Considering the BR difference, the Panther II is pretty much just a more mobile Tiger II (P).
However the Panther II also has worse turret traverse speed so it might not be able to take a shot and/or get shot because of that.

Forgot the more lethal gun, better gun traverse, depression, APCR that can pen targets the Panther can’t. So it’s kinda better in every way except for the front armor.

Its just clone of Tiger 1 porche with worse armour from 5.7 it must be on 5.7 too

APCR is totally useless

Irrelevant. The difference in height means nothing when you shoot at several hundred meters.

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Which is something that simply does not matter past 50 meters of distance.

Let’s do a quick, mathematical example: Say your cannon is roughly 100 meters away from a target that is 1 meter below it. To calculate the actual “dip” in the angle is extremely simple: you just do tan-1(1/100), which gives an angle of 0.572º.

Double the distance, and you get half the angle, so at 200 meters it’s already less than 0.3º. You can see how little it actually matters once you’re not point blank.

I’d like to point out that bullet drop also barely matters. Even stuff like the Sturmpanzer, there isn’t a noticeable bullet drop even at 1 km of distance.