Please rework the ammunition for the 90mm M3 cannon

Point is that it’s not just exclusively the German rounds that gained more pen.

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What formula is calculating pen for angled armor?

But it’s at 0°, right? The question is if Gaijin implemented the breaking of the tips of the bullets, which is what makes them pierce more at 60°.

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I seem to remember that the treatment of American bullets was not very good, so they lost penetration at 0° but gained at 60°, that’s why, for example, the T33 did not have a very high penetration at 0° but it could pierce the hull front of the Panther. at around 900m, when due to penetration at 0° it should not be able to.

Its from the book “WWII Ballistics: Armor and Gunnery” Overmach Press, Lorrin Rexford Bird and Robert D. Livingston, Second Edition, 2001.

I’m sure you can find a copy online.

I mean, Russian APHE exists with absurd sloped performance.


Tweaking every single gun/shell is a dead end road, that will leave nobody satisfied. (except soviets)



Heh, yeah it does show that Gaijin can be willing on having specific shells have their own modifiers.

But only the Soviets get them.


Giving it the historical ammunition it used is not a buff.

The T-44 has WWII era BR-365K, BR-365A, BR-365P and post war BR-367 and BR-367P. The M26 should get the same treatment.

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All APCBC-HE rounds are over performing.

The changes required to make T33 penetrate the Panther’s glacis as it historically would are not unreasonable. I would say the buffed AP performance is more reasonable than what we have now.


T-44 needs those shells because of its combination of too good armour and mobility to move it down BR and too weak gun to perform well at BR where it is. While M26 is a well rounded 6.3 tank as it is.

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The T-44 has had those rounds since it was introduced. They weren’t added to balance it. And it’s not just the T-44. Every Russian tank gets all available AP rounds it could have used at the time of its introduction. The 90mm is the only tank gun that does not get this treatment. Some individual tanks don’t get all possible rounds so they can be at certain BRs but even later era 90mm tanks don’t get early M82 as a stock round.


Lets not forget that the only reason the T-44s armor is good as it is is purely Gaijins fault.

The long 90, german 128, american 105 and other AP calibers should have no problems dealing with the T-44s front plate. But since Gaijin determines that only Russians can have sloped effective armor piercing rounds the T-44 became a balancing nightmare.


T-44 is 6.3 tank. Pershing 6.0

I will choose M26 over Panther G any day of the week.

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APHE is useless if you cant pen armor so i choose M41. Also Is-3 must be 7.3 and with 6.0 panthers and m26 wont see it

Naturally I would as well, but we were talking about M26 so I didn’t mention the M41.

I will make it competetive. I bet I can get like 2 kills a game. I actually used the M26 in my 6.7 line-up.
In fact my last thunderskill stats say I haven’t played the M26 in some times and I had 88 deaths and 192 kills in 122 battles.

2023-10-13 18_03_57-Window

Now I have 129 battles, 98 deaths and 217 kills. So my KD in the last 7 battles was 3.125, exclusively using it at 6.7.

Actually there was one game where my crew was locked and it put me in a 6.3 downtier where I got 8 kills.

not all players are skilled as you(3.2 kd on german churchill, how?)

German Churchill is extremely powerfull. Especially when it was 4.0, since it didn’t see any high penning German 75mm guns. The armor is good enough to bounce US 75mm and RU 76mm when angled.
Just angle the turret slightly and T-34 and KV-1s can’t pen it.

It also has good penetration and RoF. Always very dubious why they increased the BR of both the German Premium Churchill Mk III and the British version, while they kept the German M48 at a lower BR over the worse US version. With the M48 it made sense at the time but the same should have been true with the Churchill. Maybe German and Premium Bias combined.