Please rework the ammunition for the 90mm M3 cannon

Does anyone have documents for the M46, M47 and M48 authorized ammunition?

Since this has become the general thread for US WW2 ammunition in general, Imma post these here:



79-82 Rockwell A in equivalent to 56 - 61.5 Rockwell C

All this information, data and proof to show the 90mm needs to be adjusted yet we can’t get even some improvements through. I made multiple bug reports for the 90mm and they have been sitting for a month without even being acknowledged. There is something seriously wrong with how Gaijin handles these guns and I don’t understand why they single out the 90mm for this treatment.


Since now the penetration of all guns in the game is calculated using the formula, I fail to see how they could single out this gun? This problem is only a symptom of much larger issues plaguing this game.

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Well for one, the M82 is still laughably inaccurate combining the low penetration of the early variant and the low filler amount of the late model shell. Of course the late model shell ready exists in the M36B2 and M46 patton, but Gaijin still never bothered to give the early variant the historical 199g of filler. The Tiger has two different Pzgr types, why cant the americans have something similar.

Also keep in mind that the incompetence in regards to the 90mm stretched way before the calculators. Countless of bug reports that turned the forums into a bible of the 90mm gun were always left ignored.


I don’t mean the penetration generated by the formula, I mean the arbitrary limitation on the rounds in game and given to each vehicle.

The T25 gets M304 but has M77 instead of T33.

The M4/T26 gets T33 but not M304.

M304 and T33 were developed around the same time. This decision makes no sense.

The M36 has M304 and M77, but should have access to T33 and the supercharged M82, like it would have used in late WWII and Korea.

M26 gets early M82, T33 and M304 but not supercharged M82, like it should have. Zebra Mission brought supercharged M82 to Europe and it would have been available post WWII.

M46, M47 and M48 don’t get access to early M82, despite that being common in other trees. Most tanks get access to earlier variants, yet no 90mm US tank does.

If Gaijin was consistent with its decisions, the loadouts could look like this:

T25, M4/T26, M18 Super Hellcat
M82 large filler

M26, M36, T26E5
M82 large filler
M82 super charged

M46, M36B1, M56
M82 large filler
M82 super charged

M47, M48
M82 large filler
M82 super charged


With the M26s going up in the next BR update, this is no longer a suggestion. This is a necessity.

The T54s got reload buffs and ammunition buffs. The M26 needs the same treatment. @Smin1080p @Stona_WT


This is what causes the power creep in this game. People see tanks of other nations being buffed and ask Gaijin to buff their nation’s counterpart and so on and so forth…

Moving M26 to 6.7 was a mistake. No reasonable buff will make it a competitive vehicle at that BR. We should not ask for a buff but to put it back in BR where it belongs.

Did snail ever buffed US tanks?

Yes, they have.

I also found proof that not postwar only tanks can use M82 SC.

It would be interesting if, since they upgraded the Br to the M26, they gave it its historic ability to pierce the hull front of the Panther with its 90mm cannon, especially with the T33.

Ammo for 90mm Gun (1.7 MB)
1945 year issued. MV marked as 2.800 fps

M304 can go through the UFP of the Panther, although it has to be at pretty close range, roughly less than 300 meters, and with no angling. Real life figures go from 450 to 600 yards if I’m not mistaken.

T33 could, in real life, go through up to about 1 km if I’m not mistaken. Making that the case in WarThunder though would require changing the calculator.

M82 simply cannot go through the UFP in real life.

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In this document we have proof for T33 pen panther on 1000 yards

Not calculator, just decrease angled armor penetration loss coefficient for this ammo.

You must be new here. You have no idea what you’re asking for. You dont remember the shitstorms that happened on forums before the formula was introduced. Tweaking every single gun/shell is a dead end road, that will leave nobody satisfied. At least with this formula if it fucks up penetration, it fucks it up equally for everyone.

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So how M26 must fight on 6.7 unable to even pen medium tank from 0.7 br lower? And KwK 43 didn’t loss historical pen. KwK 42 even get more pen. Is this fair?

All american APCBC-HE rounds are overperforming in penetration, including M82, both late and early variants.

M82 won’t became worse with real pen if it will be historical. 171 will be enough to pen weakspots. M62 will be good even with 127mm pen if it won’t loss so much pen on angled armour. Also m79 rised pen in this case partically compensate this.