Please rework the ammunition for the 90mm M3 cannon

This is main advantages for most medium level players.

It still seems necessary to me that the M82, M77 and T33 bullet can pierce the front of the Panther, each bullet at the distance at which it really could.


Aim at what? The ballistics only make a difference when they fight at range.
The 100m/s faster round of the Panther will make little difference in most cases.

Very funny. Calling the 85mm a peashooter. It blows tanks up and has the same or better slope penetration performance as a Panther, meaning you are going to penetrate more tanks through the side armor and are much more likely to destroy them.

At what target? You do realize that 50% of the time you are shooting at targets which have exposed side armor? You can hit any tank below 800m with almost 100% accuracy with that kind of muzzle velocity.
If there is a Panther at 600m, angled 30°, boom it’s dead. No skill required.

Until last patches when maps killed flanking, also try to take a good position with -5 gun angle

One has literally nothing to do with the other.

No it’s the main advantage of people who don’t know how to play different vehicles.

Most players suck at planes because they don’t know what they do.
But lo and behold the plane is good at turning and suddendly every player is able to get kills, since it follows a very easy to follow usecase. Turn your guns on the enemy and shoot them.

It’s the same with players playing tanks, getting killed by other vehicles and complaining it’s unfair because the other vehicles outclasses them in one aspect.

Or how players complain that they can be killed in heavy tanks. “Oh no, the purpose of my vehicle is to only fight guns that can not penetrate it. How am I suppose to win when they can kill me?” /s

You know, you can’t just pick out a random downside of a vehicle and make an argument that this makes it bad.

A vehicle is not defined by single advantages or disadvantages. If they are, usually they suck.

Just because a T-34-85 can’t take every position, it still can get to locations others can’t in the same time. It can also reverse and put it’s gun on targets very quickly.

Of course you can’t put a it in the same long range or poke over hills positions as other vehicles but that doesn’t mean that it’s not better in other aspects.

Panther have not bad speed, perfect front armor, side armour as another medium tanks, very good lolpen gun, good suspension, not bad tuurret traverse, its just perfect tank for everyone, newbie can easily made 1-2 frags, pro will made 15 for nuke with ease. but another nation requies skill even for mediocre results

Any panther player will angle its side special for me, of course

Have you played it?

Have you played any of the other medium tanks? Or are you just talking about something where you don’t know anything about?

I play all nations. I’ve played all the other medium tanks and most vehicles in that BR range.
I know there strenghts and weaknesses. And I know that the Panther is not that god-tier tank that people like to make it out to be while the other mediumt tanks are less effective in the game.

I guess then you have never shot a tank in the side before. You must be doing something wrong.
The game you are talking about and the reality of it are completely different.

If I’m in Challanger, I might be able to shoot a light tank that just rushed the cap.
A Panther will not have done that because it doesn’t have the mobiltiy to reach the cap in time.
If I’m in a T-34-85 I might shoot one tank and reverse into cover.
A Panther gets killed by the other tank because it couldn’t get into cover.

For everytime a Panther doesn’t get penetrated, another medium tank will have killed other vehicles, that didn’t require a high penetrating gun simply because they had the speed, the reverse, the turret traverse or the damage to do so.

This game where a medium with good frontal armor is better than all the other medium which have other distinguished advantages, just doesn’t exist.

I main us on my current steam-linked account and mained germany on my old acc.

Show me enemy that requires more damage than kwk 42 produce

I am doing most of my frags on M41 and M18. I know what i am saying

No, this is a 90mm thread about how Gaijin arbitrarily nerfs these guns in a way they don’t nerf any other gun and how the tanks armed with the 90mm are under performing. The fact you can work around these nerfs doesn’t mean we should accept them.


At least M26 must get better optics too.

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Yep, the M26, M4 and M36 all got upgraded optics but gaijin says nope. We only get the base model.


T26E5 has 8x optics ingame.

Same with M26E1, because both of those vehicles specifically were built with those sights. There were none built with the 5× optics.

Since there were M26s built with both 5× and the 4-8× variable sight… we get the 5× sight. Even the Italians which only had their M26s in the 1950’s, specifically with the variable sight, end up having the 5× sight.

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The T26E5 was built with the variable optic.

Despite the M26, M4A3 76W and M36 serving in Korea, Gaijin represents them as their earliest WWII configuration.


M36B2 uses post war ammo but early war scope

Well, I’m all for implementing historical accurate performances of vehicles and weapons to the degree that is possible in an Arcade-Sim like WT.

If it was for me, it wouldn’t make a difference, whether you got hit by 75mm APHE or 90mm APHE.
Most of the time a penetration would result in a kill from the vehicle behing inoperable and the crew bailing.
But in that world I would still slap Tigers and Panthers from 2km with 90mm M304 while they wouldn’t stand a chance to take out my M26.

The M26 simply has the better cannon, better armor and other factors that make it greatly superior over the German cats. With 90mm APCR a Tiger II (H) armor doesn’t even mean anything from a historical point of view. The turret always becomes a very easy to penetrate target.

Of course the Tiger II (H) is a massive beast compared to Shermans and T-34s but for a 70t vehicles it’s just complete junk, historically speaking.