Please rework the ammunition for the 90mm M3 cannon

M304 can’t pen panther ufp on 600m with same height and 10-15 degree angle. Don’t lie about 2km.

Against soviets its same as 76mm because both can pen t-34 hull and is-2 into weakspots, aganist Germans it’s same because they both can’t pen germans and must use weakspots. But 76 has better reload.

It can pen the turret at any range. And the crew would bail once the commander gets turned into mush.

I was refering to the RL scenario, where tanks aren’t repaired in 40s by the two surviving tank crews.

Meanwhile, Russian MBT’s that mounted thermals in the prototype stage but never or rarely in production get them in the game. Its all so tiresome.

And don’t get me started on the mess that is the M103’s optics. The Commander only sees out of the right optic for some reason despite his sights being integrated with the rangefinder as a whole, same as the gunner’s are.


Anyone remember the World at War event? Remember the utter disaster the Ardennes event was if you wanted to play american?

The moment the German team started spawning in Jagdpanthers and Panthers there was literally nothing the US could do. The ‘counterpart’ of the big cats were the M36, which was no better engaging either tank frontally than a 76 armed sherman. Meanwhile you can get to watch Jagdpanther players scramble over themselves to sniping positions that leaves them immune to frontal fire like a T95 and exit the battle with 8 kills each.

Until the 90 gets fixed histroical events like that will contiue to be a disaster as the US keeps getting denied a gun that can counter the German cats from locking down the whole map.


American teams in historical events must get unlimited cas with cooldown without abadoning vehicle(like in arcade). Every 3-5 minutes be able to switch to Thunderbolt with 3x1000lb. Or get historical T33 performance

Sure but the M26 is almost a full BR higher than those tanks. Instead, it’s going to be fighting Jagdtigers and Tiger IIs that are capable of easily defeating the M26, while the M26 is going to struggle to kill them in return.


If only.
Nations reliant on AP(HE)CBC are more fucked than those reliant on APHEBC. Nations reliant on AP, APC and APCBC are fucked beyond all measures.
Right now there is more wrong than there is correct. APDS is also fucked as is APCR.

In fact, probably the only nation not fucked is russia, and only on shells that use their bullshit angle pen formular.

Buffing solid AP across all nations by changing the formualr to better represent historical facts and actual physics would also not favour a single nation, but benefit one clearly more than others.

Still it should be done.
Right now APHEBC, AP(HE)CBC and so on overperform slightly while solid AP in all variations underperforms significantly.


Read this topic, OP is crying that is-2 and pershing can pen tiger 2 h mantlet and he somehow can’t kill pershing with KwK 43. This is why american vehicles always will be uptiered.

On the topic of the 90mm gun…

The 50mm APCR is just 90 grams lighter but barely does any damage compared to a regular 76mm shell

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The thing is, currently the penetration system in this game is quite primitive and tries to fit the incredibly complex real world interactions between armour and projectile into a simple 1:1 relationship between striking velocity and thickness.

Despite what those neat historical penetration curves show you, this is not always possible if shell shatter comes into play and creates “shatter gaps” where armour is penetrated at some distance, but not at some other closer distance.

Modelling shatter as a separate phenomenon is extramely important to accurately capture the behaiviour of uncapped AP shells. Without it, the plain AP shells will always be plain superior to APC/APCBC under every condition. (which will open another can of worms both with balancing as well as with realism).

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It’s the tungsten carbide core of the APCR round that does the penetration, not the actual projectile itself.

The core of M304 is roughly 3.6 kg in weight, and 47.6 mm in diameter.

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Wait it’s only 3.6kg? I thought the stat card showed the core weight

It does not, it shows projectile weight. In fact the description on the stat card specifically states “projectile mass”.

This is something that @MiseryIndex556 actually suggested in the old forums, to have the core weight and diameter of APCR and APDS rounds show in the stat card.

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Ohhhh my bad then

Just integrate SolidWorks or similar simulation software into game engine and no problem

I agree with you overall but Gaijin already accepted that simplification by using cap weight for APC penetration.

That suggestion was forwarded to the devs, so let’s see if they implement it.

Yeah so? How is the Jagdtiger different than a Jagdpanzer 38(t) or IV?
How is the Tiger II (H) an argument when the M26 has the option to destroy it?
Neither is the Tiger II (H) an unstoppable force for the M26 nor is a casemate TD with a gun that is basically overkill.
Players either complain how their heavy tank is so easy to destroy by mediums and on the other complain when their medium can’t deal with a heavy tank. Neither is the case here.

You think a Jagdtiger is going to have a great time driving into a cap area than having to turn it’s hull 50° in order to get his gun on someone who is 50m away from them?

Barely does any damage XD
“Kills three crew, almost 4”

Now try the same with the front of a Tiger II (H) :)