Please reduce the experience value of fighter jets for ground bombing

Please reduce the experience value of fighter jets for ground bombing

Too many fighters take away the mission of the attacking aircraft, making the game unfair, resulting in no air superiority, and losing the game

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I’ve seen the opposite - fighters being so good at defending, to the point that there’s no point to even bother with ground attacks in the first place.

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There are usually 3 missions, not just attacking player aircraft. Objectives are on the map screen if you miss them.

AI air can decide a match, for example.

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It is all of t he flying vehicles that are a problem. Heavy bombers as CAS? Ridiculous. I know WT started as an Aviation only game but really! Flyboys have all the advantages in any non aviation mode.

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ARB is not a non-aviation mode. Ground targets in GF produce different rewards to AI in AF.

Reading the opening comment it is about ARB, tags just need updating.

And please, as a pilot and tanker I find the slurr of “flyboy”, just because someone is willing to play the game as intended (I shoot down air with air as easier than with SPAA), sad to see as a divisive insult, if you can see what I mean.

He is talking of fighter jets with ordinance killing ground units the slower strike class could go for and so limiting their rewards and not having anyond engaging enemy fighters.

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