The problem is that War Thunder is just an idea of realism. We control military vehicles with controllers, mouse and keyboard. There have to be many compromises with realism to make it an acceptable experience, the Sturmtiger reloading in under a minute instead of 10-15, or Barrels and Tracks being fixed in half a minute without anyone leaving the vehicle for example.
Then we have the cosmetics, after I saw an MBT caked in little girl waifu faces on Reddit and complained, my Account got perma-banned. (I did kinda circumvent/evade an active Ban tho). Or those darn red Christmas gnomes!
Also, following this realism demand you suggest, the majority of the japanese aviation Tree would have to be removed, not just the three cool R2Y2 variants. There are so many fakes and controverse vehicles (Radkampfwagen, japanese event plane, Kronstadt, F-16J, Ostwind II etc.) that three more honestly do not make a negative impact.
Why should vehicles I see daily be unaviable except for a lucky minority, just because of some outdated principles?
None of those vehicles defy the laws of physics. The tiger 105 and panther 2 in game were physically impossible. The removal also doesn’t effect the Germany tree leaving massive gaps unlike the removal of the r2y2 of which they said they will remove if a substitute can be found to plug the gap they would leave.
The majority of the Japanese tree would not be removed. The r2y2 is one and the f16 is another.
I think it was confirmed that Japanese air tree will eventually get more Thai aircraft in future at some point.
Additions of Thai F-84G and even OV-10C Bronco could in theory replace the R2Y2.
The Japanese air tree is in need of a sub tree and Thai tree would add jets like F-5A, F-5E, F-16ADF, F-16MLU and even JAS-39C Gripen
I think it’s not question of if but rather when will R2Y2s get removed eventually
Idk, I know I am being dramatic, but this reminds me too much of the concept of Newspeak from the novel 1984, where as much grammar and vocabulary are purged in order to make diverse expression and expression of freedom impossible. Removing a vehicle on some fairly untenable principles of historical accuracy is not speaking for a very tolerant and inclusive game imo. I am not a lesser person because I want to enjoy vehicle X like someone else, just because I could not get it some ages ago.
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R2Y2s are even more extreme case than Tiger 105 and Coelian
AFAIK, only R2Y2 V1 has some basis, V2 and V3 are based from artists impressions from a book (Can’t recall).
War Thunder changed lot since the time of R2Y2s introduction. Addition of subtrees is one of those major changes which Gaijin seemingly embraced for tech trees which don’t have that much native designs (Most recent example)
Japanese air, while it has 5 lines, later tiers (Tier 5, 6, 7 and 8) are basically empty. Tier 6 has total of 3 aircraft.
True, but the problem I see here is the loss of character and uniqueness. Because subtrees have quite a lot of Copy Paste vehicles sometimes, it gets hard to really appreciate individual nations, because they all have the same stuff, just with different camoflage and Insignia. I would rather have unique Fake and disputed vehicles of a nation rather then Mig number 14 or F-16 number 80…
I mean, the Hungarian aviation subtree for example is mostly so forgettable. It is also why I hardly touch China because it is just the same stuff of other nations.
It’s already so far out the window that I’d rather have copy paste then fake vehicles for Japan. Plus for most of the tree it is vehicles they actually used, so it’s not like Gaijin is being lazy or just refusing to add things- it’s Gaijin being historically accurate.
Plus, again, Germany doesn’t need the Removed fake (now) event tanks. This game prides itself on a sense of realism, even if it isn’t perfect- and acknowledges that by removing fake stuff unless absolutely necessary. The R2Y2s are Japans only CAS jet till 9.7, for example.
And regardless of what one tree wants or has, Gaijin have given their answer as I posted earlier in the thread. These vehicles will NOT be welcomed back and are NOT going to be reimplemented in any form. Therefore, stop asking, because you have an answer.
Edit: back in the day, it made sense to have these removed vehicles. The Tiger 105 was much closer in capability to the IS-3 and T32, the giant heavies of the time. When Germany needed it, to keep up with late WW2 designs, Gaijin had it. But as we moved into more HEAT-FS meta and the Cold War tanks, and those heavies were no longer top tier, what was the point? There were many other cold war vehicles that could do the job that the Tiger 105 or Panther II or Koelian that the Gepard or M48 or Leo couldn’t do? So in all, it was a logical removal.
This is just the thing, they were Tech Tree vehicles intended for everyone to reach and obtain. No event privileges that could be hurt here.
I changed my wording so you would understand what I meant. I know they were tech tree. Now, they are like event vehicles in their placement and availability. Plus, you could call it a “reward” for playing back in the earlier days of war thunder if you do want.
Is it not fair that people can no longer receive the TB-3M? Is it not fair that people can no longer receive the German Italian vehicles? Is it no longer fair that people can’t get the Ki-10-IIC or the one Gladiator?
No, it’s perfectly fair. Gaijin removed them when they did for a variety of reasons, rightfully so. If you want to bring back the German vehicles (that are fake), then you must bring back the Real removed and event vehicles from the past as well. Since that’s fair for those who weren’t playing then, right?
Their removal is fair, and there is no point in fighting for them to be brought back. Gaijin has already said it will not happen. So why bother?
Because I am a collector, German and biased towards WW2 German Military vehicles. And because “[…]The easier access a larger percentage of the playerbase has to a wider range of the game’s content, the better.”
I see this as a game, and this whole topic feels like a Kindergarten tantrum to me. As many people as possible should be able to embrace their own way of play, and I do not accept being part of a minority group just because of some years old decisions and principles. Old people ruined life and they expect us young to just deal with it. No thanks. I am Here, right now, it is my time
It’s two. Gladiator IIF and Gladiator IIS.
At one point they were British reserves but were eventually replaced by Fury and Nimrods
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Panther II; modified to look proper to the actual schmallturm it should have
Flakpanzer V (314 coelian); was mocked up, and technically by Gaijins standard, partially built, the hull, being a major part, as well as the guns (37mm KwK)
Tiger 10.5; total paper, shouldn’t be re-added.
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I would be okay with the removed and the accurate variant if they both come together.
Time to repeat for the enth time that this mockup is different from what is presented in game
The hull on the removed one is correct, the turret just isn’t, it is a much needed tank at 6.7 BR.
As for the Tiger II, the Gun/Tracks and optics* are a major part, and are grounds enough for it it be added. Gaijin would have to call to Japans wish to have I-O though.
Then it, just as the Panther II’s turret, should be changed, from a quick glance and further look, the hull is accurate however.
How do we know when the original got lost? We know the gun could have fit if the breech was redesigned according to the existing Plans, and Panthers with the NVD Setup did exist and were used during the war.
I don’t disagree per say with the mockup (though it is undoubtedly unnecessary), but that isn’t what’s being asked here.
The request is to return a completely fictional vehicle by using another one as the base for an argument.
Also you need not correct my spelling, I know what I said
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It should have a bulge on the front plate just rearward of the mantlet, which should be more square, akin to the J-Tiger/J-Panther. It has to be there to have enough turret volume, not just to be able to recoil properly, but generally fit in the turret.
Here is a model, which has a modeled interior I believe, would also reprove the fact the turret mantlet is the only thing incorrect, and inhibiting the guns travel.
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That could be a foldered subvariant like the American T32 and T32E1 combo.