Please fix the F/A-18 and Su-30sm flight models

Hello people, there are some profound issues I’ve found with both of the new top tier aircraft introduced in the “Hornets Sting” update.

When I saw that the F/A-18 and Su-30sm were coming to War Thunder, l immediately knew that the F/A-18 would over preform, and the Su-30sm would under preform. But I am astounded at how far these artificial nerfs have gone. Let me preface this with the fact that I have both aircraft (the F/A-18c late, and Su-30sm), and just from the few days they ve been out, there are plenty of issues I’ve noticed.

I’ve played both of these aircraft extensively over the past few days in arcade and realistic, and already I can tell the F/A-18 is severely over preforming. It doesn’t out rate things like It’s known to do, but it purely out pulls everything. Everything from F-2000s, to Rafales, to even things like the F-16a and F-15a which are notoriously known for over preforming when it comes to flight performance in this game. In reality it should behave more like a mesh of the F-16c and F-15c, it feels like you guys just made the F/A-18 flight model exactly how the Su-30sm is supposed to feel, like it was just copied over from the Su-30sm and refined for a different airframe.

However, the Su-30sm feels completely lost, it is horribly under preforming. It just doesn’t know what it wants to be, almost to the point where every single thing about the flight model just feels wrong, it feels too heavy, it doesn’t have enough thrust, and It’s thrust vectoring is completely useless with and without the AOA button. And when you do use the AOA button, it goes in almost every direction except for where you want it to go, it just feels very unoptimized for the aircraft, the thrust vectoring doesn’t help the aircraft at all, it doesn’t even feel like 3D thrust vectoring because of how limited the nozzles movement is in mouse aim.

The Su-30sm in real life can compete with the F-22 in dogfights, and even beats things like the F-2000, Rafale, and especially other fighters like the F/A-18, F-16, and F15. Honestly, The Su-30sm should feel like a mix of the F-2000 and the current F/A-18 with it’s agility. If you gave the Su-30sm the current F/A-18’s performance and made the F/A-18 feel slightly more like an F-16c, these two would be absolutely perfect.

Please hear me out on this, the F/A-18 feels exactly like how the Su-30sm should be preforming!!! Try this in your test server, please.




So can the F/A-18, I’m just trying to hammer in my point that it feels like gaijin really turned the Su-30 into a horrible dogfighter, at the least, the Su-30 and F/A-18 should be equal in flight performance, with the Su-30 being better in 1 circle with its thrust vectoring, and the F/A-18 better in 2 circle with its sustained rate and energy retention.

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Hornef underperforms in STR…

Well, would recomend to watch debrief/speech from one of redflags

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The reason the F-18 feels better is because it is so much lighter than the SU-30SM.


I understand that the F/A-18 is lighter, but the Su-30 should not be as bad as it is in War Thunder, nowhere in my thread have I said that the F/A-18 is bad, I’m just saying the Su-30 should preform better than it is.

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Watch this video and we will see what you have to say after, it just isn’t as bad as it’s made to look in War Thunder🤷‍♂️




Well you are comparing it to other platforms to make your point and I was just stating why its the case. The SU-30SM can also perform some maneuvers easier than the F-18. I have flown both in test flight and I don’t feel like the SU-30SM is underperforming. It has very strong maneuverability.

Watch badly made mod? Cool

I mean okay, that’s your opinion then, but currently in War Thunder, the Su-30 is probably the worst jet to use in a dogfight, it can’t last one turn with anything, and I’ve extensively tested these claims.

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You can disagree with me all day, that’s what these threads are for, conversation, but I’m not gonna change my mind is all I’m saying.

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What are you expecting it to do? Is there a specific maneuver that you think it should be able to do better? It already does one turns better than everything if you turn on maneuverability mode, perhaps the one exception being the F-18 which has worse off-bore missiles so you shouldnt be losing that anyway.

Also have you flown the EF? I have tried the maneuverability mode on it and it sucks by comparison.

I’m comparing it to the current top tier meta because that’s what it’s going to face, IMO there’s a bunch of aircraft I think are underperforming, the f-14, the mig21/mig29 (not as much with the aoa toggle)and the flanker family including the su-30, and there are plenty of other aircraft that I think are over preforming, like the f16a, f15a, and f-18


Yeah, I have the Italian ef, and I agree lol it’s already super unstable, the aoa button doesn’t help it much

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Su-30 has TVC but it is also heavy and cannot regain its energy.

Missiles aside every Gen 4.5 has it on toast…IRL

To name a few

Thats because Gaijin shat all over the Typhoons fm


Also, it doesn’t out turn ANYTHING, all the maneuverability toggle is good for on the su30 is doing tricks and snapping the nose in, imo some more thrust would make it feel more accurate to irl because as of no, you turn once with the toggle and then the rest of the fight is just trying to point your nose on target


no its because of the delta wing and engine placement

The F-14 is next to him