Hello people, there are some profound issues I’ve found with both of the new top tier aircraft introduced in the “Hornets Sting” update.
When I saw that the F/A-18 and Su-30sm were coming to War Thunder, l immediately knew that the F/A-18 would over preform, and the Su-30sm would under preform. But I am astounded at how far these artificial nerfs have gone. Let me preface this with the fact that I have both aircraft (the F/A-18c late, and Su-30sm), and just from the few days they ve been out, there are plenty of issues I’ve noticed.
I’ve played both of these aircraft extensively over the past few days in arcade and realistic, and already I can tell the F/A-18 is severely over preforming. It doesn’t out rate things like It’s known to do, but it purely out pulls everything. Everything from F-2000s, to Rafales, to even things like the F-16a and F-15a which are notoriously known for over preforming when it comes to flight performance in this game. In reality it should behave more like a mesh of the F-16c and F-15c, it feels like you guys just made the F/A-18 flight model exactly how the Su-30sm is supposed to feel, like it was just copied over from the Su-30sm and refined for a different airframe.
However, the Su-30sm feels completely lost, it is horribly under preforming. It just doesn’t know what it wants to be, almost to the point where every single thing about the flight model just feels wrong, it feels too heavy, it doesn’t have enough thrust, and It’s thrust vectoring is completely useless with and without the AOA button. And when you do use the AOA button, it goes in almost every direction except for where you want it to go, it just feels very unoptimized for the aircraft, the thrust vectoring doesn’t help the aircraft at all, it doesn’t even feel like 3D thrust vectoring because of how limited the nozzles movement is in mouse aim.
The Su-30sm in real life can compete with the F-22 in dogfights, and even beats things like the F-2000, Rafale, and especially other fighters like the F/A-18, F-16, and F15. Honestly, The Su-30sm should feel like a mix of the F-2000 and the current F/A-18 with it’s agility. If you gave the Su-30sm the current F/A-18’s performance and made the F/A-18 feel slightly more like an F-16c, these two would be absolutely perfect.
Please hear me out on this, the F/A-18 feels exactly like how the Su-30sm should be preforming!!! Try this in your test server, please.