Please don't move the M26 to 6.7

Explains the terrible performance of French tanks…

Genuinely, the ideas of having lineups that you play differently depending on how you get tiered is new to you?

There is one Tiger at 6.0. There are also 3 Panthers, infinitely better suited to being uptiered. You also have two TDs with the long 88 at 5.7 and 5.3, that can easily survive the uptier and work even at 7.0 against everything short of a T95. There’s also the IV/70 for long range sniping, effectively being a better Panther in that regard, and thus can be uptiered too. That’s not even including the AA and any CAS you want to bring. You have a lot of options that aren’t the Tiger when you get uptiered.

How do you think the Churchill VII is still at 4.7? Hell, I have a 73% win rate in mine. The secret is that I build a wide loadout of tanks at 4.7, and so I only pull out the Churchill when I have a full or nearly full downtier. Much like how you don’t spawn the Nashorn on city maps until you have no other choice, you don’t spawn heavy tanks that rely on their armor into full or nearly full uptiers unless you have no choice.

Balancing heavy tanks as though they’ll only see full uptiers, when you don’t even have to play them in said uptiers, is just lunacy. The Churchill VII would be 3.7 with that logic.


And they don’t all need to be 4.7 vehicles since some lower still have more use in said uptiers.

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Yep. The Achilles and Concept 3 are both parts of that lineup, despite being lower BR, they perform just fine due to their strengths not being eroded nearly as effectively as armor. Had I more slots, I might even consider the Crusader Mk III as a more agile scout.


One of the tanks surprisingly viable even if you uptier it by 3br lol the FV4005 doesn’t give a shit of it’s a 8.7 and a well-placed shot is almost always guaranteed OHKO, I brought this barn to 8.0 and uptiered to 8.7 it still one-shot all the T-55s variants via turret dome, despite its a 6.3 and only using it on 8.0 I managed to maintain a somewhat healthy 1.8 KDR, which is better than the Vickers MK1 and Centurion MK10. How uptier proof mostly depends on the gun I guess, like the KV-122 doesn’t really care if it face T29.

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Everything you say is completely correct. I have nine crews and bring that number of ground vehicles in game at any BR (the tenth slot is being reserved for planes, when I learn to fly). The lineup system is one of the most appealing things about this game for me. It adds a lot of depth.

However, that doesn’t disprove the fact that heavy, slow vehicles are getting the short end of the stick. And please note that I’m not really talking about Tiger Is here, even at their previous BR they weren’t heavies, not in terms of protection vs what they encounter, and certainly not in terms of their mobility, which most heavies can only dream of. I’m talking about heavies in general, especially those on the slower side.

Think about it: we are all uptiered 75% of the time, by design. If heavies should not be spawned in an uptier, then you’re going to rarely use them.

Add to this the fact that mobility is always an advantage, whereas armour is a situational advantage; that this is a game built around mobility and capping points; and that light vehicles also get spotting and the airstrike discount; and the picture is complete.

If I was minmaxing, I’d almost always pick light vehicles and fast mediums over everything else. I don’t do that because I play this game the way any ADHDer approaches any obsessive interest 😁 but well, I do think there is a balance problem when it comes to armour in this game.

Yes. Some vehicles are basically BR-agnostic. A good example of that is the Sturmtiger obviously, but another that I usually bring up is the Dicker Max. I have it in most of my lineups and if the map is hilly, you can use it very effectively at almost every BR.

Does it rely on speed? No, it’s slow af, and that stays true at any BR.

Is it any less survivable when you bring it up, than it is at its own BR? No, it’s not survivable at all.

So long as the gun works, it plays more or less the same. You have great zoom, 10 second reload, Panther levels of flat pen with far more explosive filler. I’ve dropped a nuke with it once in a 6.7 game (I was playing 5.7) and got a god mode with it at top tier. If you can get side shots or even frontal shots that are well-aimed, it kills Conquerors, M103s, Strv 103s, T-10Ms…

I do completely agree with yall in this respect. Lineups are an underrated tool in this game.


The IS-3 got moved up anyways.

Meanwhile, the 75mm jumbo still has to fight Tiger IIs and Jagdtigers.


OMG, can you stop crying about germany ??? with the BR update 14 germany tanks was moved up against only 8 for USA.
Most of the germans tanks are moved up with his old nerf removed just look the poor Tiger 1H cant angled thanks to completely useless s-mines launchers with the double size collison model. Menwhile most of the USA tanks received 90mm ammo buff. Panther are now in 6.0 with movility nerf, Leo1 in 8.0 with his old bad inertia nerf, Tiger 2P and 105 with BR increase but inertar nerf plus fixed ammo rack in the turret, Panther 2 to 7.0 with his totally useless NV device can block the gun depression and so on.
Are you try play Germans tanks before come here to drop tears??? why not go and play Tiger 1 vs T-34 or M6A2 ??? or the Tiger P vs M103 and IS4 ???

Ostwind 2 get BR increase meanwhile the idotic OP USA CAS only obtain more and more low BRs, but Gaijijn hate USA …

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Panthers are still incredibly powerful mediums at 6.0.

Don’t see anything wrong with it sitting at 8.0, that’s perfectly fine.

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Thats no the point, his old nerfs should be removed with the BR increase.

To make it fight M26 using APFSDS ?

US tanks have been trending up in BR for a long time. It’s just Germany’s turn to get some adjustments.


All nations more or less get BR adjustments but according to this forum looks like only USA are suffering bad changes.

On russian forum IS-6 is main topic of discussion.

The S-Mine launchers suck but the Tiger-1H is still completely servicable when it can point and click most of the tanks in its BR range. You wanna what the extra 12mm of pen did for the 90? Absolutely nothing, it cant harm the Panther UFP or go through the Tiger IIHs turret armor. It is no exaggeration to say that the increased velocity did nothing at all.

Also, it sure is fair that Tiger Is 88 can have two different APHE rounds with the difference that one can overpressure. Do you know how powerful it is to have a 8 second reload with decent pen that can overpressure? Meanwhile, the US has the exact samething with the M82 variants but Gaijin determines it as ‘unnecessary’ while they contiue to add different APHE variants to the soviets.

Sure, the Tiger IIP probably doesnt deserve to move up but it still has the long 88 to remain competitive. Cant say the same for the M26 which brings nothing to the table.

As for the Tiger II 105 it is basically a T29 with a more reliable UFP. So any problems you can complain about it can be shared with its american premium counterpart.

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I dont know whay Gaijin moved up the IS-6. Maybe dont sell good anymore and them are thinking in replace with another premiun in 7.0/7.3.

Right now im tested IS-6 in 7.7 alongside with T-54 mod. 47/BMP-1 and ZSU-37/2.

At the least Gaijin give that shell buff but most of the germans tanks are moved up with nerfs.

Go and try it…

This buff changes nothing. Those who was pennable remains pennable, thone who not, remains not.

Don’t see anything wrong with it sitting at 8.0, that’s perfectly fine.

Says more about you than anything else.

Do you want MBT to fight WW2 tanks? You cannot live without lolpen?