No matter how I respond to that, it will sound weird.
we both know u want it
My lawyer advised me not to respond to that.
the newly ordered pantsirs would help a lot as well
just a question when russia can even produce and spare some for india
Well the promised heavy sams for wow now this year should fix that earlier propably
I dont think they will arrive any time soon, and after that it’s addition is even less probable.
Canadian Fa18 was ordered under british rule and was in full operation only 5 months after independence was granted, and the Australian reached full operation under britain too. Thats the major one that a lot of fighting has been over. nor would I really call a 40+ year old kite modern. We’d get the F35 from the RAF and RN anyway.
honestly couldnt care less about the hornets, but still would be very basic versions and not even have fox 3s. it would by far not be anything special and pure a2a since it lacks any and all a2g upgrades
the australian one would have access to ASRAAM once that’s a thing in game. for cas we have tornado and typhoon with the mighty brimstone so that’s not a big loss for us
would never get asraams, br wise wouldnt play out would be restricted to aim 9ms and sparrows so 12.7 propably
ASRAAM is the only step forward weapon wise for Britain now, just like sidewinder X. After last years quite rapid acceleration of modern kit (happy new year btw) that’s all that’s left before gaijin starts to be forced to focus on older kit again. ww2 and early cold war enjoyers will finally see some good stuff frequently again
it is, but it will be top tier br restricted. Wont be added to lower brs.
Its performance is to good. at the br it would go it would meet constantly fox 3 missles.
And the F/A 18 would be dead in the water there with only asraams and cannon fodder. Thats why it would never get them and rather just be lowered in br with aim 9m like they did with so many other aircraft
Im not against ASRAAM, 9X and other spicy things like Meteor and town decoys being top tier locked, that’s fair to game balance. This may sound stupid but id love a harrier GR9 with ASRAAM at top tier as it would be so unique in being a sub sonic at the knife edge of tech in WT
You can’t just base the uniqueness of a nation on one family of vehicles. Especially the leopard family, which is one of the most exported and modified modern MBT’s in the world.
The uniqueness comes from line-ups and the tech tree themselves. Ex.g: there are almost no nations that could have a Gepard, marder and a leopard in one line-up.
honestly bad example when so many nations have its gepard clon as well
and even then sweden is a bad offender , since sweden does in fact those steal germanys identity and pretty much is better in nearly every aspect ignoring a2a fighter now and heli
Gepard clone? The Gepard was only used by 3 nations originally, with the normal Gepard only being in service with Germany and Belgium. The Netherlands had a heavily modified one. Nowadays these are in service with Ukraine, Jordan and Romania.
And I heavily doubt Sweden is stealing anyone’s identity. They have a very distinctive play style for most of their vehicles. Only the MBT’s are just like any other NATO MBT.
we both know that the chieftain marksman, ZA-35, type 87, pgz09 and ItPsV Leopard are Gepard clones and nations attempt in copying it. Them fullfilling nearly the same role if not one to one the same
How so? The US and the USSR developed radar gun anti airs way before the Gepard program even started… It’s just a very good system/design that’s widely used.
and highly doubt there, the only difference between recently a sweden and german top tier line up is that sweden has a 11.3 light with a main cannons and german an unmanned ifv.
Tanks sweden has the better line up and the ito90m is just a straight upgrade over the flarakrad as well
The Ito90M does not get smokes, so you’re very much defense less against any FnF munitions, especially ones that go faster than Mach 1 (which won’t get destroyed by your proxy fuse at those speeds).
The German MAN bus, does however get smokes.
thats bullcrap and we both know that, the modern fnf missles come with IOG, so either you stay in the smoke and the IOG kills you or you drive out and it reaquires lock and kills you.
ITO 90M has the way bigger advantage trough the ready to fire missles and can just intercept it not to mention the gen 3 thermals