I recommend that more Canadian vehicles, particularly their Leopard tanks (such as the Canadian Leopard 1/C1/MEXAS, Leopard 2a4, Leopard 2a4M, Leopard 2a6M). There is already a precedent that Canadian vehicles exist in the British tech tree (such as the ADATS M113, Skink, and Ram II).
There is also no worry that too many Leopard tanks would be added. Both Italy and France, nations that do not operate the Leopard, have been given sub-trees with Leopards. It would be unfair to apply such a limitation rule only to Britain.
There is also a greater justification to add Canadian vehicles to Britain than there was fir Italy and France. Canada is a Commonwealth country and still maintain the British monarch as their head of state and chief of their armed forces. Italy and France only enjoy justification through proximity of the tree nations and the sub-tree nations.
There is also no worry of duplicating vehicles since it has already been proven to be a common practice for the game. Vehicles such as the Osa-Ak, M44, Leopards, Shermans, and other vehicles have been readily duplicated.
There should also be no issue of adding, technically, a third sub tree to the British tree. The French enjoy both Dutch and Belgian vehicles. The argument, again, would be proximity. A greater justification for the British would exist that both the Canadians and South Africans are Commonwealth countries.
Finally, these Canadian vehicles would fit well into the existing Vickers line in the British tech tree and offer more reason for people to go down and enjoy that line.
They don’t have too many. As I explained, they would have the Canadians and South Africans; not unlike how the French get the Belgians and Dutch. Also, there is likely not enough to fill a separate Canadian tree, and that would only be a fair alternative if the Hungarians anf BENELUX get their own trees. Otherwise you would simply be singling out Britain fot different treatment.
A premium, a removed vehicle, a duplicate SPAA, and a squadron vehicle must be the most enjoyable sub-tree I have experienced then. As I stated, for all of the following reasons, Britain is the most appropriate tree for Canada.
They’re not going to do that for the same reason they don’t give Germany every Axis vehicle or the USSR every Warsaw vehicle, it isn’t needed. Britain has more than enough vehicles to fill out five columns without the Commonwealth.
You are correct, I won’t accept that selective rule as a justification. By that standard the Norwegian Leopard 1 should be in the German tree. This is selective application, and is silly. I even doubt that most UK players even desired India as a “sub-tree.” Yet, by the applied standards France enjoys both Belgian and Dutch sub trees, and Sweden enjoys Finnish, Norwegian, and Danish sub-trees.
and sweden as a fact just has less developments overall comapred to UK, france and germany
Germany, france and UK overall have the same potential , the same kind of amount of developments and should be treated the same.
UK before anyone had SA and India as subtrees, which it never realy needed in the first place.
Now france got belgium and netherlands. India and SA are better subtrees then those 2, they give more diversity and arent copy paste vehicles. In the mean time germany would be treated the worst in that aspect.
You have given no reason at all why UK should get leopards besides me wanna. UK is not entitled to the whole world. They are already getting T series and challegners. Vehicles of 2 main developers of the world. Your constant begging for australia and canada and the demand for leopards and abrams is asking for the world which just shouldnt happen, thats to many vehicles from different nations.
Besides that your "precedent " is completly useless
ADATS is choosen because its the only viable Spaa, gajin was graceful in providing it for the UK, spaas as a general should foolow outside the rules. Skink and now ram 2 are both literaly part of the US tree as well. so who says that canada should be part of the UK??? why not add it to the US?
UK still can get more then enough divers stuff and isnt in need of further sub trees
My point was that if India, with its sprinkling of a few vehicles in the British tree, counts as a sub-tree then by the same logic Norway and Denmark are sub-trees. However, I understand certain rules are only applied to Britain at the benefit of all other trees.
Following, yes, a part of adding Canada is because British players want Leopards, and not T-series tanks. There was no necessary reason to give France Leopards, they have the Leclerc. There was no necessary reason to give Italy Leopards, they have the Ariete. Once again, selective application.
Finally, the precedent shows it is possible, the application of other nations with Leopard ending sub-trees shows it is appropriate along with the fact that there is greater justification to add Canada to Britain than there was for any other sub-tree.
Well gaijin already decided a subtree and You can’t change it unless gaijin pulls an argentina subtree moment, like You saw already Canada and also Australia are spread out