Playing 11.7 US is just a waste of time

Im not gonna bother grinding out the T-90M when the BVM is better it’d just be a waste of time

No shit thats how you play any western MBT


Then dont talk about T-90M next time.

Is that the reason why you cant get 2+K/D ratio in any high tier Nato Mbt you have?

Also how do you plan to win the game if you just sit back and let the enemy team capture all bases?


No, you just strawmanned him to argue against what he didn’t say. His words were almost literally “the spall liner is more critical because you have less crew.” Which is objectively true.


“Think about moving M1A1 HC or M1A2 to 11.7 then.”

M1a2 is 11.7.

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dude alone will bring down to 25% US WR to prove a point

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Pretty much.

Also watch how he’s gonna claim M1A2’s are really good with only 20 battles service record, probably gonna try to statpad just to prove his point.


look at their playercards

USA after 11.0 is complete trash regardless of premium or not. The IPM1 and M1 both are preforming well, not because the player that play them are better then top tier player, no the reason is that the armor is ok but the mobility is grate. But you go to the m1a1 or a2 or seps and you get heavier, slower and horse shiit for armor. All the benefits you had with the OG Abrams get thrown out and hence the horribly win rate. Point blank period. No argument is needed.

I’m sorry but thats a bold claim, even Nigeria canceled their orders for chinese mbts (VT-4’s I think I could be wrong) and decided to go with T-90s

A few weeks? What scared to grind the tank out in a few days like a true USA main. And its not hard to get a good K/D with any tank its your win rate plus your K/D that truly matter.
I could finish the italian tree by that time.

I win. | Minor Spelling Mistake | Know Your Meme


I dont spend 99% of my time playing warthunder ive got better games to play and better things to do like most normal people most peoole dont have the time to grind out a toptier in a few days


Oh boo fuckimg hoo. I guess I’ll go cry jn the corner now. Still doesn’t change the fact that you’re talking out of your ass.

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I accept your concession


My vt-1 will reach the ka-50 before his vikhrs reach me and i can just maneuvre the missile above the vikhrs so they won’t be detonated. ka-50 would be in my range unlike fighter jets. Also, don’t call me a fool as it’s against the forum tos and ill report you

You know, since everyone is claiming that “U.S does bad because of Click-Bait spam”, I decided to put a 13.0 plane on my lineup to avoid them entirely; it worked! And…

Oh, wait, my Abrams still gets one-hit killed by point-and-clicking on it from the front, even with the worst Top Tier shells.

Oh, wait, we still got steamrolled.

How strange, I thought it was all the Click-Bait players’ fault! :(


but… but… the other dude with 20 matches with M1A1 said abrams is OP :sob:


I dont do crazy bad or good with the abrams because i get overly aggressive and push into a spot with more people then i can deal with but when i play an aggressive flank on a few maps i do pretty good because of mobility and reload. M1A1 and ipm1 are my favs. Their survivability isnt crazy not by any standards but they fut my playstyle fairly well, im not rocking like a 3 kd but iirc its like a 2 or 2+ also for the love of god gaijin stop giving me Anal Sea i dont want to play it 10 more times in a row lol.

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A lot of people still bring Click-Bait and AIM with them to higher tiers, aka they’re former Click-Bait and AIM players who still suck, but just have the 11.7 M1A2s.

I run into a lot of M1A2 SEPs and the like who are just as bad as premium Abrams players, I have a clip in my Leclerc where I almost got a nuke (2400 SP) on Maginot Line because Abrams, including non premiums versions, would just drive past me and didn’t notice when I killed their buddy.

I actually quite like Aral Sea, you just have to figure out how to play it. The urban area is a nightmare of a stalemate, but I just play in the open area on the east side of the map and snipe until my team caps the other points and I know I can safely flank into the city.

The maps I straight up refuse to play are Kursk (which I have banned) and Vietnam. I’d rather just wait 9 minutes.

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Everyone is claiming that “US does bad because US players bad”. As proof the unofficial database from k2 kit was usually used, where US players had the lowest scores of any nation.


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