Planned Battle Rating changes for the month of October

Ok so…
MiG-21SPS-K that has R-60/R-13M1 will have same BR with MiG-21S and G.91YS?

Perhaps I am having nightmares due to the high fever brought on by the flu.


It’s the same speed as the Me 410 A-1. Besides that the He 219 is undeniably more sluggish, has worse acceleration, and is not as fast.

This is not true, it is faster and has more horsepower. It’s already good at 4.7, and among one of the best 109s for their BR.

Then it should be 7.0 to match the T29. Not to mention that the T29 has a faster reload because it actually has a turret that could load the 105 mm.


Thanks for creating a gap between World War II and the Cold War, it’s perhaps the smartest thing you could do

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I wonder if you will change the folders now that you changed the BRs lol

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Why are the T-55 AM1 and T-55AMD not being moved up to 9.0? They are pretty much on par with the Leopard 1 A1A1. Same with the OBJ 279, such a powerful tank at its BR. 7.7 stands no chance most of the time against them.

Type 87 RCV to 9.0 also makes no sense. It doesn’t have a stab, thermals or LRF.

Maybe move all top tier tanks up to the level of the aircraft to create even more space for balance.


I hope gaijin consider all-aspect guidance infrared Air-to-Air Missile with IRCCM on 6 aircraft rank 8 and add PL-8 on J-8B & PL-2 replace by PL-8 on J-7E in rank 7

Increase BR Air RB & Air SB for 6 aircraft rank 8 and 2 aircraft rank 7, AIM-9P instead AIM-9P-4 & AIM-9L replace with AIM-9M-9 for F-16A Block 20 MLU and omitted R-27ER/R-27ER1 from MiG-29 (9-13) (USSR) & MiG-29 (9-12A) (GDR)

Rank VII

  • J-8B 11.0 → 11.3

  • J-7E 11.0 → 11.3


  • F-14B 12.0 → 12.3

  • F-16A Block 20 MLU 12.0 → 12.3

  • F-16A Block 15 ADF (USAF & Aeronautica Militare) 12.0 → 12.3

  • Yak-141 12.0 → 12.3

  • MiG-29 (9-13) 12.0 → 12.3

  • MiG-29A (9-12A) 12.0 → 12.3

  • F-4EJ KAI 11.7 → 12.3


Sorry, what?

They literally decreased the gap. Barely any of the 7.0 to 8.0 cold war tanks have gone up in BR. Meanwhile a lot of the 6.0 to 7.0 WW2 tanks have gone up in BR.


Z-9WA with only 4km atgms now at 10.7?
Well let’s move up all Chinese Russian style tanks and nerf some of them, but keep the 279e and t55amd.
They really understand how to balance stuff lmao.


I feel like other Yer-2s that are very similar to Yer-2 (M-105) should go down. Yer-2 (M-105) TAT being identical plane and was removed from tech tree and Yer-2 (M-105) LU that also should go down and should be only 0.3 apart at most. I suggest moving other Yer-2s too

Some Pe-2s moving down but not Pe-2-359. Pe-2-205 is very similar to it but is going to be 0.7 br lower now for some reason.

Ki-49-IIa moving down but what about other Ki-49? they should get some lowering too since they are very similar planes. It will be same br as Ki-49-I now and Ki-49-IIBs will be 0.7 above. Also i suggest making Ki-49-IIB and Ki-49-IIB late same br in arcade since they are the same plane expect the camo.

also Me 410 B-2/U4 and Me 410 A-1/U4 should have same brs in arcade in sim since they are same plane in game even same camo.

No sim br changes again very sad for the mode and not enough fixing legacy brs for arcade too.

I agree with posts above with people explaining inconsistency with moving some Panthers, Pershings, Tigers 2s, but leaving some where they are at.

Also would love if we got answers on some feedback we leave since last time i left feed back on AMX-32-105 that got lot of likes and got ignored. Once again Im suggesting you either uptier AMX-32 or downtier AMX-32-105or lower its reload since these two tanks should not be same br based on their mobility weaponry and survivability differences.

From ground i also suggest AMD.35 (SA35) from 1.7 to 1.3 or 1.0 since it has same reload as 1.0 AMD but way worse penetration and muzzle velocity and is a bigger target. So its a worse vehicle 0.7 higher than a better version currently.
Also EBR 1951 could use some love its gun is extremely underpowered compared to other light tanks around the br its at.
And AMX-13-M24 could use some higher br given it got a stabilizer now.


Actually not a terrible change.
The IS-3, T34, T-44-100, and M46 ought to move up in BR by .3 to match the movement of all of the 6.3s and 6.7s that will encounter the more. The Jagdtiger, Jagdpanther, and Obj. 268 also should move up by .3 because of these changes.

Unrelated, the M36 family needs to be moved up by .3- they have amazing firepower without a significant loss in armour over the M4 (76s).

PLEASE move the T-72A/M1 up to 9.7. They are incredibly strong at the BR.

I am not the first to say this, but the Obj. 279 is insanely broken at its BR and needs moved up.

KV-1 ZiS should not move IMO, it hasn’t the firepower to compete at 4.7.

Fireflies ought to move up in BR- the 17 pounder is one of the best guns available even at 5.7.

Jagdpanzer IV urgently needs to be 4.7- it is practically impenetrable from the front even in a max uptier.

Panzer IV G-> 3.7 and Panzer IV H-> 4.3, the KwK 40 is an excellent gun nearly on-par with the 76mm M1, while survivability (of the H) and mobility are roughly on par with the M4A1, now at a full 1.3 above the IV H.

Edit: forgot the Tiger II H. Definitely should also move up by .3.


I say create the gap, not reduce it

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Vautour IIN (IAF) Addition of Shafrir-2 AAM
Being a 9.0 “Bomber” with no airspawn, it is basically useless in battle, you don’t have a noticeable speed advantage, the handling is horrible and the bomb payload is sub optimal (Can’t even destroy two bases). The addition of those missiles will help the aircraft become relevant again with the removal of the airspawn. (I lost the link to the report that was accepted regarding the lack of this missile on the Vautour)

Merkava 3 Bet Baz (Merkava 3C) and Merkava 3 Dor Dalet should get their proper thermal sight
Both of these variants of the Merkava 3 are missing the Baz fire control system which offers them gen 2/3 thermals (Same as Merkava 4). Being at 11.0 with Generation 1 thermals is really bad for vehicles with so little protection that rely on their firepower. (Report that has been passed to the developers: Community Bug Reporting System )

T-10A should recieve better ammunition
The T-10A is essentially an IS-3 with very minor upgrades and a single axis low speed stabilizer. It really struggles at 7.7, especially taking into account its armament (122mm D-25TS) gun with only BR/OF-471 rounds. These rounds, essentially from 7.7 onwards are really weak penetration wise, having only 205mm of flat penetration they struggle to penetrate many vehicles.
It could get the 3BM-7 APDS or 3BK-10 shells to compensate for the underpowered gun

F-100D (France) 9.3 → 9.0
One of the worst F-100 airframes that also only has AIM-9B. At 9.3 it is just food for other aircraft at the same battle rating and especially suffers in uptiers facing all aspect missiles and aircraft that can just run circles around it.

AUBL/74 HVG Addition of OTO HE-VT Shell
Since it is at such a high battle rating, I don’t see a reason why it shouldn’t have access to the HE-VT shell since it wouldn’t affect its performance much. The WZ305 also has proximity Fuze shells at the same battle rating.

VK 45.01 5.3 → 5.0
Despite it being a tiger with 100mm of armor, you are unable to angle it because of the hull cheeks. It also has worse mobility than the regular tigers and significantly worse turret traverse. At 5.0 there is the KV-1C that has more frontal armor and the ability to angle with a weaker gun. The VK 45.01 can be penetrated by any gun at its battle rating frontally without much difficulty (Even the american 75mm gun can penetrate it with APCR flat on and APHE if it is angled)


Don’t remove the HE round. Don’t treat players like idiots who don’t know when to use HE rounds >_>


the worst thing they did is bring AH64DJP to 11.0 with lack of self-defend system unlike other AH64


-Revert all the SPAA BR increases; Stop over-tiering every SPAA that’s marginally effective against planes. If they’re too good against tanks then nerf the AP belts.

-Revert the M26 increases, they’re simply not good enough to deserve them and the existing 6.7 Heavy Pershings make the M26 obsolete.

-With the Tiger 2 (P) getting a well deserved increase to 6.7, it’s time to finally move the Tiger 2 (H) up to 7.0. Almost the entirely of German 6.3 and 6.7 could realistically go up a BR.

-Tiger 1 and Panther increases are great but the Panther D and VK should also be moving up.

-Centauro/Type 16 (All variants you listed) 9.0/9.3 → 10.0/10.3. Increases are also great, but don’t go far enough; They’re still comically overpowered against the majority of the 8.X BR range. Put them at a BR where they don’t definitively outgun every MBT alongside outrunning them.

-Object 279 8.7 → 9.3; It is also comically overpowered against the majority of the 8.X BR range. It’d be weaker in uptiers but that’s better for the game’s health than it continuing to dominate at 8.7. Really decompression is needed.

-CV9030FIN 9.3 → 8.7. The gun is largely ineffective against anything actually paying attention due to the middling penetration, poor ROF and awful damage whilst it also has abysmal survivability owing to the large ammo belt. Mobility is fine but doesn’t mean anything when you can’t kill anything when you get into position. The 2nd Gen thermals for both CITV and Gunner are the only real advantage it has, making it effectively a fat Wiesel 1A4. A CV9035 would probably be more appropriate for 9.3.

-Strf9040C and Lvkv9040C 10.0 → 9.7. The new round on the Strf is good but doesn’t let the vehicle do much it can’t already do with the “weaker” round, the Lvkv also doesn’t get this new round. The additional armour on both offers protection against HMGs and maybe distant 20mm fire, but is functionally useless against all the larger guns and missiles the vehicles actually fight; Ultimately it’s all dead weight.

-Churchill NA75 4.3 → 3.7. It’s a Churchill III with the Sherman’s 75mm. However it lacks the Sherman’s mobility, so cannot flank or retreat from heavy opponents the gun can’t pen, lacks APCR to deal with said heavy opponents frontally, lacks a stabilizer, lacks the Sherman’s survivability and even the frontal armour of later variants and even lacks a .50cal. No compelling reason to use it over the Sherman II.


There was a gap before.

Literally all this has done is made that gap less meaningful.


ZTZ88B and ZTZ88A are going to 9.0, Why?

They are realistically a sidegrade to the T55AM-1 and T55AMD, and all putting them up does is make them go into the 10.0 black hole.


When are we getting 12.3 for Ground RB tho???


French F100D can carry zuni rocket that can works as flares so well so, should stay at 9.3BR.

Having same BR with F86K and Hunter F.1 is joke.


USSR Obj 279 suggest to BR 9.0. It is too much OP in 8.7 BR. Very hard to destroy and easy to kill enemy.
KV220 suggest go to 6.0, It is too much OP in 5.7.Very hard to destroy .
Tiger II (P) 6.3 to 6.7 , but why Tiger II (H) still in 6.7? Pls make a difference.